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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. no..... we captured him "so he wont be lost in the wipe" i was our task to save jesus and treat him like an officer , the rest of the wannabees >sunk
  2. We kicked "bottums" How are you doing "frenchies" see you after the wipe french fleet overview: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/829071518638052970/DDCF435FF072B564B511BBC8497B4EF49AD0425B/
  3. How about a ping freeze of your screen for 20 sec (just kidding ) it takes me 30 seconds to fulfill this command i am not that fast...
  4. well done and congratulation so far i have heard good news about the testbed weldone
  5. don't worry if you have caught the " fever " you always be pulled back to the water
  6. good idea to a 2 day log for the ware house, reset (1day) after down time.
  7. hi all , subject :clan orientated: for providing stuff from the clan warehouse to the market perhaps it is a good idea to introduce a new officer rank (given to person(s) in the clan to provide goods for players,( outside your clan and for nation players), who can buy them in the admiralty shop probably we need a new officer rank., for the control of the assets to sell from the warehouse to the admiralty shop where the gold is collected (from selling) directly in the assets of the warehouse (the bank of the clan) also (for the buyers from the goods )the items can be bought by marks or gold (equivalent) therefore there is no unnecessary clicking the mouse needed when a person is appointed to work in the warehouse for selling obsolete stuff in the warehouse> to the market >> a clan overseer sells from the clan warehouse to the market (from the tab warehouse) your thoughts, please.
  8. good show Sabicu wood seems to be Caribbean Walnut used for Flooring, exterior furniture, interior trim, veneer, turned objects, and other small, specialty wood items. http://www.wood-database.com/tzalam/
  9. well i see a lot of disappointment, and some have to express themselfs in that , so that s just oke.. but, just for good order, what does slightly delayed means in this case? is it hours, days, or weeks.
  10. lol ah you know what it means : well , i rather keep my own girl.
  11. 1777 seems to be the earlyst date for the first union flag left upper corner is 1777 Scene depicting the action of 9 February 1799, when the USS Constellation (left), commanded by Captain Thomas Truxtun, captured the French frigate L'Insurgente (right). see also : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_United_States#First_flag for me as a European i would say the 1777 flag is the closest identity for the (real) Americans flag (but thats just my opinion)first official salut is from 1776 at sint Eustatius
  12. here you go , more problems on the road to perfection.
  13. dont know in what context you came up with that name grietje van dijk is just a name , can be a street name or a name for a square or a persons name or a Mizzen lower gallant staysail also called: vlieger or a Grietje the van dijk part is a mystery for me
  14. well siegfried, i can live with that , but the bleu now is cobalt bleu, its needs to be clear bleu (lighter than the bleu we have now) more like the the states flag , or perhaps the prince flag that will do to greetings
  15. well its just a suggestion it can be any date but i like the idea of more flags for the dutch the states flag and the prince flag
  16. there seems to be some issues with the flags on ships <<< (click) normaly speaking the age of sails is; The Age of Sail (usually dated as 1571–1862) according to wiki lets put the date for the flags right in the middle to get that problem sorted out. year 1717 , or a other datelike 1777
  17. but it is not going about the mercury or the hamburg........ its about flags (perhaps the dev s should make a proper decision for a date set in this matter ) i really dont care about any other ship whatever the age may be, they can put a modern cruiser from russia in it,..... i dont care....(let them have their ship ) by the way: i am only interested in dutch ships (they can put in every ship they like, its ^ nothing compared to the one and only dutch ships :)) )
  18. well it could do no harm i guess, to make the vlag put in his historical colors( its a obvious historical mistake) the flag difference\from the period the games is played 1588-1795 (age of SAILS) navy 1588-1795 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statenvlag the best option for the period is the statesflag or perhaps the prince flag The Statenvlag ("States Flag") is the name of the flag of the States-General of the Dutch Republic, the red-white-blue tricolour flag replacing the older orange-white-blue Prince's Flag in the mid 17th century. The modern national flag of the Netherlands, officially introduced in 1937, is based on this historical flag. The origin of the red-white-blue tricolour is not entirely clear; some sources suggest that it developed merely as a variant of red-white-orange because the orange dye would tend to fade to red over time. However, there have also been suggestions to the effect that the red-white-blue flag might predate the introduction of the Prince's Flag in the 1570s. Thus, Muller (1862) suggested that the colours were taken from the coat of arms of the Bavarian house, the rulers of the county of Holland during 1354–1433, who used the Bavarian coat of arms quartered with the arms of the counts of Holland.[1] During the early part of the First Stadtholderless Period (1650–1672), the government of the Dutch Republic wanted to appease the republican government of the Commonwealth of England, and because the colour orange was associated with the House of Stuart, the orange-white-blue Prince's Flag was banned in 1652, replaced by the red-white-blue "States Flag". [2] According to de Waard (1900), the Dutch navy between 1588 and 1630 always displayed the Prince's Flag, Navy 1588-1662 (a option for the duch flag?) and after 1663 always the States Flag, but both flag variants were in use during the period of 1630–1662.[3] It appears that prior to 1664, the red-white-blue tricolor was commonly known as the "Flag of Holland" (Hollandsche Vlag). In 1664, the States of Zeeland complained about this, and a resolution of the States-General introduced the name "States Flag" (Statenvlag).[4] 1795-1806 French Republic. The Batavian Republic became a client state, the first of the "sister-republics" 1806-1810 The Kingdom of Holland (Dutch: Koninkrijk Holland, French: Royaume de Hollande) was set up by Napoleon Bonaparte as a puppet kingdom for his third brother, Louis Bonaparte, [what means the flag in this game is from 1815 and not in the age of sails 1810-1815 french (! haha dont thinks so..) Navy 1815- till now United Kingdom of the Netherlands (1815–1839) (Dutch: Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, French: Royaume uni des Pays-Bas) was the unofficial name for the Kingdom of the Netherlands the Flag is from the>>>>>>> kingdom..(what we have atm)....(not the republic) suggestion :statesflag or the prince flag EDIT : i still play a SALT water game to give you an example: or or:the one and only.. perhaps now you understand what we mean Reinier Nooms (1623-1664), Voor de Slag bij Duins, 21 October 1639. | (french)kingdom flag (what we have now) | states flag(United provinces 1588-1795) look at the colors ,the states flag is painted here not the flag of the kingdom (french)),kingdom after 1806) OT the question remains , does it matter ? well actualy... it does matter ..it does not feel right -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for the americans isseu here is the flag from 1777 united states https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_United_States just to give you some history First official salute to the American flag on board an American warship in a foreign port, at St. Eustatius in the West Indies, on November 16, 1776 https://be.wikipedia.org/wiki/Файл:Andrew_Doria_NH_85510-KN.jpghttps://be.wikipedia.org/wiki/Файл:Andrew_Doria_NH_85510-KN.jpg
  19. i will be interested in global news so this is nothing for me ,wrong newspaper, i quess (here we go...... split servers) your doing devs.... not ours
  20. you said it right, those little ones, are gone grow up fast going to sell lifejackets...
  21. well it exsisted in those days but was only used on ice ,and therefore in the wintertime only for food and mail ot; why would you bring a ship on land if you attack it with a sloop, it make no sense its a graphical bug just report it
  22. GOOD GOOD ,just keep sailing ,and you will enjoy living on the water
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