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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. Aiy ay sir 1 bottle of rum for every crew member on board they all getting drunk this evening
  2. Today ,My compliments to the developer team patchnotes ontime and good balance effort ,well done..
  3. Aha.. a "stubborn voyage" hey~ Sail against the wind and "you"ll see Bermuda in 2 years"
  4. The denial of access to some items, combined with exploits gave the Spanish nation a head start. its just working as intended fighting on equal terms is not as intended here or there is a flaw in the system for al the people who complain, try to grow in Dutch waters, and you are doomed from the beginning (the time sink is so enormous it will take you down for months, no gold, no silver, no good woods) the only thing i see, is the fundamental mistake the Spanish can make.[something the Dutch were forced into and will be adapted to their benefit in the longrun](and i am not going to telll what it is) but human nature always will adapt to the situation... so, therefore, i can say to the Spanish your glorious victory can be your downfall as well. So i wish the Brits and the Spanish all the glory in their fights " A Good plank is made from FIR "
  5. well if they changed it, it is bugged over here... https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/861725762795208287/56B95998B35C2C42828136815CA03555E7579292/ when push craft it gives nothing
  6. the reaction to the rudder is 12% slower to complete a full, half turn on the ruther (penalty) the turning to the yard turn is faster by 10 % (the buff) this most handy for bigger ships with yards, because the turning of the yards is the slowest on those ships very handy when turning against the wind and hold your turning speed a bit (manual sailing) the rudder does not have that great impact than(you are allready slow on speed)
  7. @admin you said in a post somewhere you are going to change cm just for the time beeing perhaps, is it possible to make the conversion possible for the cm and pvp marks into pve vv ? so it will ease the pain a bit ,for the time being (like it was on testbed) until a new system comes to work...
  8. well i see some good colors..... and studding sails and a stange nation to.. at least they have done some homework and yes its a fantasy world everything can be in it... NA is just an other game by nature...
  9. here some more info http://tallshiplynx.com/lynxx/
  10. gold does not grow on trees at the cost of a harbor http://www.goldengoliath.com/san-timoteo/ there is the gold .......not at a fancy port in the Spanish aria(guess who owns that area now [San Timoteo]) here is the gold aria (goldmines) and not at a port......also they collect it by robbing the old natives people
  11. huh, which nation is ruined? ahh ,oke, the dutch right,,,, no gold/ no silver /no coal /no live oak/ no white oak /and other commodities no players left ,(50 % of the prewipe active player base left the server in just 2 weeks now..and that is not only because of the cm debacle (actually negotiable expoits,... there is more, like war supplies and the list can be longer if i knew them all, ) only wooden shoes....from fir... are available now, well i call it a good job actually...ruining your own game....for us .. i see the other wipe coming in X months, and that is not the final one also. i begin to wonder what some persons historical background is or to who you listen to ...game wise (if it is the russian nation, well than you are screwed big[a Marc is german coin a rubel is Rus and yes silver was the currency they paid for their drawings of ships also called now bleuprints ) we tell you stuff and mistakes for over months now... sometimes a player base does not like/.. what you code..becouse it misses logic, like having no dutch ships in the game ,but who cares ,the players leave, and the nation is ruined already. before it even starts....
  12. that can be a good decision especially for the young captains
  13. well not everybody gets a roll-royce when he becomes 16 and of course its your point of view ,i understand that ,its your opinion we live in the modern age now but in the age of sail ,a sailor was a bagger of the streets....
  14. i do not vote my option is not in it but i like it (the ship knowledge idea) but i believe that with the current captains sailing big ships i believe that you have to have at least 3 slots open to sail the next ship of the ladder for the 4 and 5 slot, you get the perks unleashed and useable (and can be seen as specialization on the particular ship>>4slots give 3 perks 5th slot give 5 perk) example basic cutter has standard 3 slots open when done the 4 slot open you can go to the lynx next ship the lynks begins at zero slots open ,when opened 3 slots you only than can go to the next ship the privateer (in this example i took the light tree) for the 4 and 5 slots you open and can use more perks(and so on with the next ship of the tree) in this example it prevents that young captain sail ships ,where in terms of career aspect cant sail ships which in normal career ladder could not get command of by admiralty in the current situation, a beginning sailor with 10 hours can sail an indefatigable, and that's not normal. ( its unwise also, and will get you in trouble financially and play wise as well, it gives rage quitting and the feeling of this is a stupid game, ofcourse they are the one that makes the mistake, but players not always see it this way.)
  15. like your idea about " Reputation " it gives a other load to the game perhaps it will give some reduction in your purchasing of stuff , or rewards for some feature but still i think ,perhaps a new kind of mechanism is needed to acquire the bp or permits perhaps a admiralty ladder to acquire those blueprints or sail the kind of schips remember a young captain did not get the command of a victory overnight... it took some time to get the command of a fleet ,in this game i see a young captains (with 10 hours of game time) sailing a heavy frigate already when he enters the game, and that's something strange to also the ladder of command is out of order as well ...(look at the casualty rate allready of young captains who already lost there redeemable ships to veterans) [Perhaps a other topic ,but i believe ,if not opened a number 3 knowledge slot of a ship you can not sail it] a lot of balance is needed ..to overcome the enormous unbalanced feeling of this game ... and yes pvp/pve/conquest marks, > all the marc names are .....silly names
  16. Marcs did not exist ( * Note)in the age of sail....(it says it all ) But, Silver, gold, jewels did. i can live with a marcs conversion, but not the way it is now. for the only trader captain, who's mostly also the builder, it is a just......a restricted game, what will end up in a quit, by the lack of growth. (the most trader captains poses the Silver in huge quantity....at least in history that was the case,.now devs revamp your thoughts) do some research to turn the bloody marcs into silver and gold to get to one currency as well...it will deal with a lot of issues Note:(* also Dutch ships did not exist...they were a fantasy amongst sailers, like the" flying Dutchman " movie, its all just a fantasy, all the stories are true the Englisch and French fought ghost and told lies in your history books)
  17. well perhaps all the marks should be........... silver. in the age of sail they never heard of pve marks or conquest marks or pvp marks silver was the money ,not marks (and dont forget the "jewels "they also paid with pearls at the pirate pub ...not marks ... [and a other suggestion here "pirate treasures" on hidden places ....for the romance of the game ....] gold silver and jewels... girly pirate captains and woman i miss here to...ohw well it s a men world i think "The depth in this game, is only at the bottom of the ocean? "
  18. "" All the goodies for the pirates"" it seems exploits are everywhere, make a f11 and let them notice your thoughts if it is intentional ,then i must say, there is something what will bleed.....again.... do you have a screenshot?
  19. Also some more information about the various prince flags of the Dutch you can find over here http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/nl_prvlg.html#11 in particular, the triple flag (the 9 stripe variant) is very interesting no matter how you hang it, it always reads the same color always (red/white/blue/white/red/white/blue/white/red) (one of the view existing old flags) (perhaps to prevent to have to walk the plank for hanging it upside down (smart sailors) another triple flag below (new ) https://pixabay.com/en/the-batavia-waving-flag-voc-lantern-655248/ (red//white/bleu-white-red/white/bleu-white-red/white/bleu) normal price flag (look at the colors ) they are different from the nowadays normal dutch ( French period ) flag
  20. yes come and make a new pb in our region we have.... Fir forest (very rare) and hemp (extremely rare) oak forest (best quality in the Carribean ) stone blocks (the best cut stones you can get) and not to forget a lot of fish... see you all.......(dont forget to bring your picle we have to fight on equal terms)
  21. Well i dont know .. but monkeys always turns their back on you , when they are looked straight in the eyes by a Alpha
  22. bribing a city employee to get a hold on some land in the city perimeter.......... is also not a cheat (bribe)? it works very strange in the former soviet union if you ask me
  23. no we tried that> only cerberus can enter pb 1 rate you miss the situation whats going on... for shallow sure a mercury can enter ,but that are not the ports we want , do we...
  24. 1: conquest with what.....mercurys are not allowed in pb 2:take a smugler brig and get jumped by 10 aga 3: talks for cheats ???? the nations best option is to quit ....>> unplayable players already are on rage quiting mode by lack of money an bager standards (the question is how long can they cope with this situation
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