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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. build a single renomee (1)for the whole clan
  2. Good post... i agree on everything you said, actually its pathetic don't you think.. but we must not upset the devs now otherwise the oak forest will shut down to............
  3. Perhaps a good idea to introduce a (2) buttons ?? "" Abandon ship"" [blow up button]- (with a timer of 4 minutes to start the irreversible process) >>to blow up your own ship, so a player does not have to make negative penalties, for a common behavior. (total process time 4 minutes )[a capturing vessel shuts down the process automaticly] >>> set fire to the gunpowder room (blow up button) [only set fire button] and/ or a normal fire for 6 minutes and then sink(burner ship) with no blow-up, but where other ships comes too close>> it will get only on fire to ..(with a blow up in the end for vessels put on fire by the burner)( set fire button) (putting down the fire by initiating surgeon/fire button manually
  4. always claim instead of cancel the fact the contract is fulfilled or not does not matter ...always claim otherwise you throw away your goods
  5. yep the "global server" history is repeating itself on the EU server we have seen it happen already on global (just a fact) on eu its just takes a little longer because of the bigger numbers the brits needs gold and the dutch need gold and silver at the end of days it all depends on Money (the old story) if you dont have it , you starve in the END an Exploit is then a life savior (but thats a action where the Devs will Hang you...." as a PIRATE"
  6. Do you know , what i call forced surppression ........ the total denial of gold and silver....thats what i call suppression...anything else is just gameplay
  7. We are not fighting ...how can we, ... we dont have the gold for it perhaps a take over is more a option, than a joint venture.
  8. yes the fansasy world is big as a ocean of thoughts
  9. to give a example :what happened when the dubbing expoits saw the light of day.... the whole population went in exile and waited for the wipe ....result from 600-1000 to 150 players on pvp1 the history repeats itself that will be the result.... that s not a great perspective....
  10. Well , it is not a success i can see that to... All i can say is that 40% of the members in my clan are complaining over the whole process of bugs and exploits , >> that they tell me : they have enough of it and say the game goodbye , not because they dont like the game, but the expoits and unbalanced trading and goods availability, it is unworkable and are deciding to quit so after 2 weeks they are done .... told them to post their concerns, their answer is "they ain't listening to us",{look at the dutch ships; they say } ) yeah, well what can i do , probably do the same......?
  11. exactly it denys farming... or we need a other system(simple)
  12. solution no pvp marks for traders, and you must be in a battle where you have sunk more than 3 ships...
  13. if there is a intention for farming the alt .... the solution could be : throw " random" 50-75% of the cargo overboard, done by the crew i bet no alt is going to "trade" anymore>> the profit is gone .... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In normal rvr you still have 25-50 % loot (what still is a lot for a not invested cargo.. :)
  14. yep this what you get, when the developers throw the gold and silver , iron and coal straight in the mouth of the Spanish player base we call it russian Bias......... its the dead of an unborn child allready
  15. when the status quo has entered the game at some point, All the new entering new players after that,will receive and have nothing till "the new "world order" takes over the world in europe..
  16. the logical thing for me is , you lose your ownership of the country, because it is a loyalty to the nation , where you are no part of it anymore (how can you defend an aria you are fighting against)
  17. did you synchronize the server before the wipe?
  18. well why not bill i will always ask if i can pay in equal terms for 100 years
  19. just a suggestion because( i do not know atm ) is it possible perhaps that the guys who make hostility(at some level) gets some kind of reward when the pb has won because in some cases those guys are not doing the port battle themselves (small screeners clans for example who don't do pb battles(not elite enough) but only screen)
  20. greetings , Its a quiestion to the @admin. What about the screeners of the PB (when not in our own hands yet ,(the screeners are here the attackers of the pb defenders,during 1 hour before,and during the pb battle ) they have the most casualty rate ,and are totally not rewarded for it for our clan ,Thats a bummer: class 1 (becouse we are not participating the pb, but dedicated screeners for the pb fleet) also the " screening scene" is gone when this is not rewarded.. me was told (in a earlier post ) that the screeners of the port battle would be rewarded as well because they were not treated the way they actually should, but it seems not to be true because i don't see it here.... is it true that screen fleets are not rewarded now?
  21. The same was heard on our hearing of the victum"Dutch destroyer" (quote)""as he told me not to attack the trader because we are allies with the Brits."" I believe this is not a stand-alone case but , a consequent harassment of players ,and therefore this case also must be attached as a witness for prosecution to the court of the Tribunal
  22. for what is seen here- (the evidence) and heard - (Admiralty counsel hearing) well player "Nijmegen" is shooting multiple times on "Dutch destroyer" (first and second pic )so it seems it is not an accident, but shooting on purpose..what is called: "green on green" you Dutch destroyer initiated the mission and "Nijmegen" jumped in..and, therefore, "Nijmegen" had an option to leaf it, as it is, or participates in the fight on your (dutch) side , and not against Dutch destroyer. calling a "Ai trader" an ally is very strange, because it is game provided, a and you can not attack nation ships and, it gives no pass to attack in this case a nation player. "Nijmegen" he is in a belle poule, and "Dutch destroyer" is in a basic cutter and therefore i call that harassment as well.. (because if Dutch Destroyer was in his "White ghost Victory" , player "Nijmegen would have fled from " the Caribbean to the Baltic sea". ) i believe the tribunal, needs a session in this matter to come to a verdict.
  23. well, in this example you can see that " ï don't care , it cost nothing " is a wrong concept developers needs to do something about that kind of game behavior. the solution can be to make it costly for the basic cutter aswell, or basic cutter only for doing missions. and only gaining xp for the slots after the basic cutter , starting with the cutter or the pickle
  24. Thonys

    Signatures ART

    how nice is yours :with country and clan
  25. Dutch EU server Clan [PPP] Pugno Pro Patria (we fight for our country) Pugno Pro Patria - ik strijd voor het vaderland - (ooit de embleemspreuk van de zeventiende-eeuwse Admiraliteiten en later van het Ministerie van Marine) Role :Screening / Hunters /and PVE as well players :classified
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