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Everything posted by Batman

  1. Are you surprised? They did the same thing when we were down there ;) @Jags @DesMoines Why did Spain not help it's "ally" down in that area? Oh wait, Spain is also allied to the enemies of France ...
  2. Back to battle results, yes? Little Cayman ended with British Victory. Spanish joined west of LC, with two mortars having an advantage and being able to kill one tower and the fort quickly, also Arcadian couldn't stand a chance against two Mortar Brigs. After this the Spanish became very protective about their Mortars with the British 1st rates not being able to get close to the Spanish fleet. 3rdguards had to run away from the two Spanish Le Rekt's, but having one of them on each of his sides, it was only a matter of time before they got him. Meanwhile the Spanish 1st rates started chasing Henry Turner into the Bay at the ruins of the fort, which turned out to be a mistake, because I could start chasing the Mortar Brigs and demast them. Graf Bernadotte fell victim to me and Bill Brents was sunk by the British 1st rates. The following Beach Party had a better turnout for the Spanish, who could sink Tom and Nethros, who was sunk when the Brits had 996 points. But with the Brits having control over two circles, it only took a few more minutes to accumulate 1000 points, because the wind would not let the 1st rates leave the bay.
  3. Surely this game has no other problems than lack of dlcs.
  4. What's good about hoarding 100 million gold and 50.000 teak, 50.000 white oak ect?
  5. That's why @Lucky L regularly wins boardings with a ping of 300+ and 20% package loss.😏
  6. Ya‘ll so amazingly big carebaears you know that? „What have we done?“ „Why do you attack us?“ A perfect example of how alts ruin the game. Just.fight.each.other. you wanted to know why nobody came to US teamspeak to figure out why you attacked us? Because nobody gives two shits about ports here. But we’re all carebears jajaja.
  7. Yeah, holy war, total war ... but please make sure not to sink certain specimens cuz I'm friends with them. Guess this kind of crap happens if you spread your ties across three nations.
  8. Joining battle in baisc cutter just for the loot? Nobody likes thieves.
  9. Or ... go to PvP Server to capture ports
  10. I’m merely trying to figure out what the point of all those empty port battles was, once @King of Crowns or @Raxius show up to take a look at your new home.
  11. Moon doesn't have a day-night-cycle, as it's tidally locked.
  12. Not constantly, just when they start accusing us of being elitest again. Same group that flipped Misti also had to flip Cayman Brac because we wouldn’t get any response to our plans from certain clans. We wanted a double flip, yes - to avoid hordes of screeners. Wonder how many Nations will wait for Brits tonight at Cayman Brac. We’ve been accused yesterday by Spain that we would only attack weaker enemies. Just like Spain does around Belize and the US when they take Brit ports without opposition because we don’t have enough people online in the US timezone.
  13. (courtesy of Captain Woodpecker)
  14. Two cannons connected with a chain should definetly do some damage to sails, yes.
  15. Seems the server just a big crash and hiccup afterwards. Some people say they have all ports neutral on map or are stuck on start screen, @Liq says he has a ship in redeemable he doesn't know. @admin @Ink
  16. Dann müsst ihr aber auch König Horst und Prinz Markus nehmen. Wenn schon, denn schon.
  17. I assume you are one of the crowd who would DDoS enemy TS Server to win PB.
  18. If you can only win by investing additional money, you're a pretty bad hardcore player.
  19. I wouldn't count a 10v1 gank a successful battle. Unless you somehow manage to sink the 10 aggressors.
  20. @admin was (or is) suspected by some people to be prussian (ex) moderator "Hende Hoh" @Ink "plays" as "Ink" in "TEST" clan in Spain. But I'm pretty sure both are more busy "playing" the internal developer builds than the normal live version. After spending eight hours a day looking into the code of my game, testing and tewaking I probably wouldn't want to play the live version after the end of my working day :D
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