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Everything posted by Batman

  1. A contract system that not just allows crafters to sell ships, but also allows players to put up a "Request-ship-contract".
  2. Too complicated, people can't even manual TARN.
  3. Trash will always stay trash. That's why I didn't mention him, @Otto Kohl or you, noob. Not worth it.
  4. @rediii @Graf Bernadotte @Admiral Horatio Hornblower @Lord Vicious @troody @Christendom @King of Crowns @Banished Privateer @Cornelius Tromp @monk33y GO GO GO!
  5. If Spain considers itself neutral to all Clans from Nation X, but Nation X says "no, señor" this issue should be discussed BEFORE declaring yourself neutral in public.
  6. It's probably the same sort of truce we had with the poles, you remember? Where they were allowed to attack us, but we were not allowed to attack them.
  7. Funny, I didn't even mention the word gank.
  8. Spain and PvP? When did this happen? @Liam790 maybe you shouldn't sail 60+ minutes to Belize every day when complaining about long sails🤦‍♂️
  9. George Town PB, winner was Great Britain. Battle started near the western fort, which was destroyed by @FrostZone, who also managed to destroy all other fortifactions. @BABAY was the first ship to sink in the initial engagement due to being isolated. What followed was a period of Russian fleet kiting and regrouping with their late joiners. In the following brawl @Gregory Rainsborough pulled an unfortunate boarding, which he won, but he lost all of his starboard armor and structure to a Russian L'Ocean sitting next to him (@HachiRoku he did it again :D) Atfer this boarding, the battle was spread out a bit and @Roadkill lost his ship when he got cut off. @Felix Victor could finish the crippled victim of Gregory later in another boarding when the battle was pushed close to the shore at the C circle (full res picture: https://imgur.com/a/0mUACJz) A part of the British screening fleet also managed to get into the Little Cayman PB, but I don't know if any screenshots were taken.
  10. We just want some White Oak, too. Leave us alone.
  11. Another declaration of Total War incoming?
  12. Finally we have some proper drama again😍
  13. 13 first rates ES vs 7 first rates GB, gg
  14. You have to be careful here. According to Spain every port is a historical Spanish port and therefor only Spain can decide who is allowed to own a port.
  15. So much drama ... Guess this just happens with alts spread across three nations lol
  16. Srsly, just start fighting each other already.
  17. It's the pushing around or even ramming head on with full speed to achieve a full stop that annoys me. I have seen veteran players with LGV refits heading straight into 2nd LT's on snows, ramming them bow on bow, board, sink, leave battle. Completly stupid mechanic. Ramming another ship should cause heavy damage to both ships (maybe crew shock due to sudden impact, too), no matter if a 5th rams a 1st or the other way around. We are talking about ships with a weight of several hundreds or even thousand tons without any breaks.
  18. DD might be stupid, but intentionally ramming ships and pushing them into the wind is even more stupid and unrealistic, so I rather have DD than 5 ships ramming me.
  19. But why sail a 1st rate when 3rd rates get equal HP and thickness? In reality a 3rd rate had no problem brawling a 1st rate, true. Even little Agamemnon engaged Santissima at Trafalgar. Ingame, we have 42pd cannons for 2nd and 1st rates, which gives them a massive advantge in broadside weight compared to 3rd rates. While Victory was equipped with 42pd cannons when commissioned, the RN (and all other Navies, too) got rid of them. To heavy in terms of weight, crew and gunpowder usage. 32 pounders achieved similar results with less weight, gunnery crew and gunpowder usage. Removing the 42 pounders from the game would probably be a start towards balancing 1st and 3rd rates.
  20. Restricting access to ships in a game thats about ships is not the best idea. People want to sail HMS Victory or Santisima simply because they want to (history and so on) and if they can't sail their favorite ship they'll just leave.
  21. Neither @Gregory Rainsborough or myself will take charge again of this shithole you call an empire after the carebears chased away our EU-timezone rvr fleet. Those who destroyed your beloved empire should rebuild it - but oh, nobody wants to be in charge.😬
  22. Passive Brits play passive and are happy when they get two pvp marks after 90 minutes.🙄
  23. And meanwhile alts in your nation can freely control port battle access which is not considered griefing, yeah.
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