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Everything posted by Batman

  1. No hard feelings involved here - I just don't understand; complaining about lack of content, but in the same sentence admitting you are to lazy to make your own content ...
  2. These people that are to lazy to create their own content, but rather want others to deliver them content served on a silver tray. Sorry, I don't find any words to describe my feelings ...
  3. And after losing a ship, you shall be hanged from the yardarm until you are dead. 😅
  4. As long as we have a mechanic that magically allows ships to push you into the wind by delibaretly ramming you, I will use Determined Defender to avoid this stupid mechanic. So Yes, I am using one broken mechanic to avoid another broken mechanic.
  5. Because I post a conversation that happenend on global chat, visible for everybody? gitgud lol
  6. "I could attack the Prussians, but they have actually some good players and I could to lose my ship against them"
  7. Start with the head. The victim gets all fuzzy.
  8. I work through pain. I selected all.
  9. Batman


    Because you are allied with 30 nations.
  10. Batman


    Lol more outpost as DLC, p2w inbound.
  11. I would recommend to pour a bottle of salt water over your head every thirty minutes while staring at the screen for hours for total immersion.
  12. Not this one. It's a good multiflip, but the only true multiflip was the one against Brits where six ports had been flipped at the same time.
  13. Why is this called a multiflip? Dutch attack a port, French attack a port. If all, it's a multflip for the Swedes. @Liq show @NameTBA that picture of you-know-which-day.
  14. People should stop posting suggestions that only aim to improve their personal gameplay experience.
  15. Funny how you mention port battles, because the last one I saw you in, you were running with your lover Teach whilst the rest of your mates was dying left and right. But I guess " that's the way you play". If you want your "past allies" and "now crybabies" to stop talking about the past, maybe you shouldn't bring up the past all the time. Ok, enough off topic
  16. The forum should not be a place to "discuss" a single players action (also because off-topic), but you can always contact me, @Banished Privateer or @Christendom ingame for some nice stories
  17. But he is pro pvp'er! Always asking in global chat for duels! He just suddenly needs three hours to prepare once somebody is available for a duel.
  18. I appreciate it very much when he is not playing, he should do so more often lol
  19. Wat Raxius is French now? hahahaha
  20. Still we don't know anything about the battle. How long was it open, spawn positions ect. As I said this screenshot leads to nowhere. It just shows that two ships escaped, but we don't know the circumstances.
  21. One can only I guess. My finger is on the frigates started to run and they didn't want to chase some crap teak/fir fir/fir frigates. Most people don't look for nice fight, but ez pvp marks. I had this with @Banished Privateer two or three days ago. He was tagged near Placentia by four CABAL ( 2 Bellona, 1x Endy, 1x Trinc) @traitorous mctraitoro and I came to help, the battle closed with CABAL having 4 ships ( 2x Bellona, 1x Endy, 1x Trinc) vs the three of us ( 2x Bellona, 1x L'Ocean). 1205 BR vs 1310BR. Would have been an interesting fight, but CABAL made a run for it.
  22. Without knowing what happened in this battle, I throw in here that it's funny how a L'Ocean and a Bellona managed to run away (by the looks of it) from five chasing frigates. Maybe the defender ran away and the SOLs didn't want to waste 90 minutes chasing? As soon as they left, defender turned around and went for the Wapen I would assume. This screen is pretty much useless and creates nothing but bad blood and probably false accusations.
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