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Everything posted by Batman

  1. This thread went down pretty quickly sadly, maybe it's better to keep port closed before more salt gets produced for no reason.
  2. Did I? That's so long ago, I hardly remember or care It's a game, some people really need to chill the hell out over certain things.
  3. You really think I would waste my time using google translator to read Spanish subforum with broken English, then write a post in perfect English and have it turned into broken Spanish so I could troll in Spanish subforum? Please, stop listening to Hachi
  4. To much qq about timers and other crap here. GB has ONE teak port. Yet I want to share it with other nations who don't have acess to teak. Take this opportunity or not. But keep the timer-discussion out of here please.
  5. As you lost your ship anyway, you could have just turned around and fought.
  6. I want to offer a fair solution for everybody to get teak and you guys turn this into a timer discussion. gg
  7. Make a Server for the Spanish only, problem solved.
  8. @Sento de Benimaclet what's your ingame name? Are you the Spanish @Admiral Horatio Hornblower?
  9. God save the KING The Harbourmaster - LITTLE CAYMAN It is hereby announced, that, once the port of LITTLE CAYMAN has been cleaned from the debris of the last naval fight (this means hostility cooldown), the port will make docks available for ships of foreign nations. Under the conditition that the port shall NOT be attacked, traders from all nations can here find a place to bid for the highly demanded teak on several auctions a day. The harbourmaster will also reduce the taxes for all trading goods to 7%, with a possible further decrease to 5% in the future. PLEASE NOTE, the harbourmaster will NOT provide escort services for heavily loaded trade ships arriving or leaving the port, captains have to sail to and from LITTLE CAYMAN on their own risk. Shall a nation decide to attack LITTLE CAYMAN, the port will be defended by the Royal Navy and closed down for future business and not reopen for the public again.
  10. i was amazed how many people showed up, considering the fact at friday we had only three or four people screening and thus we had to join from very far away. I hope everybody had good fun tonight, and @rediii stop leeching kills or I will never let you command a 25v25 screening battle.
  11. Little Cayman port battle: Please note, Lord Kasparov disconnected during the PB The port battle fleet was attacked after the port battle: Basically the last half hour I was doing nothing due to the wind pushing me into the beach The various screening battles:
  12. "Russia cancelling all treaties" - or not? Blocking defender slots in hostility missions, pretty low move from Spain.
  13. I'm pretty sure Swedes are not mad that they get attacked. They were getting fat anyway and probably need some exercise
  14. 15 minutes of what exactly? Hopes and prayers my enemy has less patience than I?
  15. I would rather have some sort of break AFTER a battle, especially when you just had a very long fight, screening battle, port battle ect. It can become very tedious to constantly being retagged battle after battle.
  16. More diversity isn't always good. New players also think Rookie Brig and Rookie Snow are easy to handle and learn ships because of their names. Of course they are completly trash ships and during a sale when loads of new players arrive in the game you see them complaining that they lose against Rookie ship.
  17. New players often ask "What is difference between 3rd rate and Bellona" for example. You then need to explain the minor differences between the two ships, same as for the other ships and their clone variants. Removing these ships (on release for example) won't lead to less diversity, only to less confusion amongst new players.
  18. Currently we have several ships ingame that don't really serve a purpose because they have a nearly identical clone with same or better battle performance stats. 3rd rate & Bellona For a long time 3rd rate could only carry 18pd & 24pd guns, while Bellona was able to carry 32pd & 18pd guns (was upgunned to 32 & 24). At some point, the 3rd rate was buffed to 32 & 18pd gun layout, but nobody would use it because everyone had grinded Bellona and thus nobody would do the same for 3rd rate, which is basically exact same ship as Bellona besides equipable guns. 3rd rate should be removed from game, because it is no longer a cheaper alternative to Bellona. Brig & NavyBrig Two identical ship models (visually). NavyBrig receives an extra gun slot over the Brig (9 vs 8). Overall, NavyBrig has also better stats than Brig, with only speed being inferior to the normal Brig. Thus, Brig has no real use while NavyBrig is around. Frigate & Pirate Frigate While the Pirate Frigate has slighty more crew (300 vs 280) and broadside weight (306pd vs 288pd), it is also slower and has slighty weaker base stats compared to normal Frigate. Overall, there are better alternatives to the Frigate/Pirate Frigate in the 5th rate class and the ship is hardly ever seen on the open world. Rattlesnake & Heavy Rattlesnake When released, the Rattlesnake soon became the favourite hunting ship of many Captains. For some reason the devs decided to introduce a fantasy version of the ship called "Heavy Rattlesnake" with more guns (24 vs 18) and better base stats, with only speed being inferior to the normal Rattlesnake (1 knot difference). The Rattlesnake always was a nice little ship that performed well in OW and Port Battles, until her heavier sister appeared in the game ... Ship data taken from https://na-map.netlify.com and a poll added - What's your opinion on having variants of the same ship ingame?
  19. @HachiRoku wanted me to take a picture of his failure
  20. No premium ships in Naval Action.
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