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Everything posted by Batman

  1. @Gregory Rainsborough
  2. @admin @Ink I can confirm that I didn't receive Victory Marks, too.
  3. Tough little fight outside LT against a Herc. He was Teak White Very Sturdy, full carros. I was Teak Teak 3/5 with mediums & carros. Multiple repairs used on both sides, I took of his bowsprit two times, we were both down to 1/3 of structure, with my second boarding attempt I finally got him. Think the battle lasted about 45 - 50 minutes
  4. lol when did Spain help France last time? Did they help you against Sweden or Russia? I wonder why you guys still think France and Spain should be allies.
  5. Just imagine they are be Swedish. Both start with S.
  6. Will you actually be playing the game in your new nation?
  7. Spain fighting night crew on forum. At night. While complaining about night flips. #NavalActionLogic
  8. 1. If it's legit, how can it be abusive? 2. So you do not attack at night because you don't want empty PBs actually and not because of lack of players during night time? @Christendom 3. How is this breaking the server?
  9. He is probably referring to Spanish as in Spanish people
  10. Just because it's night for you, doesn't mean it is for somebody else. It's a totally legit mechanic to attack a port at any given time when there is no timer applied.
  11. My god, Spain. Someone is attacking you, get over it. You basically controlled over 50 ports for months, you'll end up with a number you can defend. This happened to every nation by now.
  12. This thread: First rates are to common and ruin OW PvP That thread: Herc & Requin are to common and ruin OW PvP 🤔
  13. How many more ports is Spain willing to lose before they start threatening devs they will quit the game? @Ove Gjedde you taking bets on this?
  14. Limiting access to ships in a game about ships won't make people happy. We had that try already in the past, certain ships like the Bellona were locked behind Conquest Marks. Didn't turn out well, people want to sail their favourite ship and restricting access to their favourite ship will eventually lead to people leaving the game because they are not allowed to sail their favourite ship.
  15. Turneffe end result - British Victory I don't really know how to describe this battle, maybe @Jorge or @Graf Bernadotte want to give a PoV from the Spanish side. Britain joined SW with good wind. By that time Spain only had half the BR filled, but after a few minutes in battle five more Spanish first rates joined. Yet, the Spanish Lineships moved back to the port, probably to regroup. One of the British Mortars sailed around the Island along the east coast to join the battle in a northern position, escorted by a Herc and a Requin. The main fight was happening around the central A circle, where Britain was able to keep the Spanish fleet in the leeward position the whole time. For some reason neither side was able to get a killing strike on heavily damaged ships and Spain only started moving back into the circle when the Brits already had 800+ points collected. I moved away from the main line, to destroy the last tower. By then Spain had also sent their two Bellonas away to sink @Spitfire83, who joined the battle with the main fleet, but was successfully protected by @Aquillas. The small ships in the northern circle probably had the most fun in this port battle.
  16. Fake guns to avoid demoting after fake Port Battles. Sounds good.
  17. Had this issue with pirates multiple times. It would only let me join pirate side.
  18. What happen if I hit my spacebar really really often in a very short time?
  19. Pirate Republic of Nassau DLC sounds good to me.
  20. Hopefully only DLC ships allowed there so the cancer disappears from open world.
  21. No need for this. GA will visit French ports soon.
  22. Da ist ein stinkreicher Händler, der sich aufregt das zum Release gewiped wird und er sein ganzes Gold verliert. Deswegen hört er jetzt auf zu spielen, weil er ja eh alles Gold verliert. Also ist das ganze Gold praktisch jetzt schon verloren.
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