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Everything posted by Batman

  1. Still a better battle than Batman v Superman, even though @HachiRoku hello kittyed up badly by crashing into durin. edit: lol auto censoring the F-word, haha
  2. Someone in help chat asked if its possible to adjust mouse sensivity ingame, @admin. It's actually the first this gets my attention. Personally I never had issues with mouse sensivtiy, but I could imagine there are folks out there who would like to see this implemented - anything planned on this case?
  3. How will premium shipe be handled, I ask myself? What happens if you get boarded in your 20$ 1st rate by somebody who hasn't bought the ship? Will he be able to keep the ship while not having paid for it? Or will you simply be immune to boarding which will grant super OP advantage in battles??
  4. Sure, France failed yesterday against Brits (not showing up for Mosquito Cay and then losing on time against a last-minute-fleet at El Toco). So you may go and try better against Swedes
  5. First time I hear about this ins 2800 hrs, lol
  6. On numerous occasions I have noticed that spawning positions in battles seem somewhat random, even if you stay out from the small circle around the tagged ship. Happens to both PvE and PvP. @Havelock can confirm that I tagged him earlier today, was upwind on him alongside his port beam when timer ran out but when the battle started he suddenly appeared right on my bow, yet I was definitely outside the "small circle" surrounding his ship when the timer ran out. Maybe I've just missed something in Patch Notes about tagging, but its not cool to fight for a good starting position and then getting a rng starting position in battle?
  7. Your OP isn't even 24 hours old. You think they got nothing more important to do than replacing some ships?
  8. Sooo... if the timers would be changed to lets say 18-21 all the multiflipping nations would just bugger off and start fighting each other? Or would they simply keep multiflipping Brit ports, despite the timers being changed?
  9. There is a problem tho with ports like Mosquito Cay, Hitten Hatcha, San Marcos or Siguanea which hardly have any shallow around them.
  10. This was also a perfect example of how broken especially shallow hostility missions are, but for some reason nobody talks about it this time
  11. But Black River was an actual no-show from Spain (or whoever was the attacker there).
  12. I wonder what would happen if Brits would turn all their ports neutral. And start living out of KPR only (ofc, most Brits do this already anyway).
  13. That was with the alliance system in place, you know that.
  14. This is pure gold. Some people take this game way to seriously.
  15. Well, he CAN defend his ports between 11-14, while CBC probably can't between 03-06
  16. What is the excuse for EDR and CBC to set their times to 0300-0600? Just look over your shoulder and you can find many shallow ports elsewhere. Do you want shallow fights or do you want shallow fights against Brits?
  17. Spain & Russia have lots of shallow ports in the Gulf and Florida
  18. I hope I never have to see pink green checkered sails with a Unicorn emblem in this game.
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