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Everything posted by Batman

  1. Most Brits ingame are lazy af. I stopped counting how often I tried to convince more poeple to sail to ports like El Toco or Cano Araguao. "Why do we have ports in French waters?" "The port is so far away" "Why does nobody protect KPR?". Oh but now that GBs good players either left or stopped playing, GB "finally starts to work as a nation again" (council meetings incoming, yeah!) and they are very proud they manage to capture a neutral port like Manzanilla or gank @Otto Kohl 6v1
  2. Not for all money in the world I would join Spain.
  3. What do I gain from staying GB though? (hypothetical question)
  4. Give me 20€ and I will come to VP
  5. I don't know exactly what happened yesterday because I'm not playing the game atm due to health issues - spend a few days in hospital and therapy will take a few months, I have been told that, let's call them "people" moaned about GB rvr players (again), @Mr Pellew and @HachiRoku finally ran out of patience and said "hello kitty you, you ungrateful bastards" and left. @Gregory Rainsborough has hardly been playing for quite some time now due to real life. I like @rediii's idea of rebuilding the Dutch Nation and was actually thinking of switching before hospital got me, but I can't be asked to pay 20€ for forged papers.
  6. While according to the global guys it's the EU clans who lack organization and play elitest. A dozen people in GB kept the rvr running for months and we are burned out be lack of understanding we receive from people in GB. We repeatedly told that everybody is welcome to port battles and screening and if you would like to attack a port and need help all you have to do is ask. For certain people this is not enough to be a "nation effort" or "unite the nation" by the looks of it.
  7. We won, but didn't kill many ships due to US running from our heavy L`Oceans. @El Presidenté Amplify was streaming, maybe he saved the video. I know for sure @Gregory Rainsborough had a lot of fun in his snow.
  8. It's 2970 actually, I forgot to add L`Ocean before, thanks for pointing out. Maybe 2960, I don't know (or care) if 3rd Rate is 355 or 365 as Bellona.
  9. The problem is - we have way to many ports. Remove some of the useless ports that are very close together (just look at Tumbado/Mugeres/Conttoy for example). This will lead to more fights over the ports that are left on the map and thus create more hotspots.
  10. @rediiiWe told the guy for like 10 minutes what would happen. If a teammate does something stupid he will be told that he is doing something stupid. Now, you weren't in this battle so please don't try to judge here.
  11. Maybe next time don't sail your Santi into the enemy fleet and listen to orders instead.
  12. El Toco 23rd March. It happened that France and GB had the same ship setup. Brits went straight Balls deep to the French fleet, who spawned on the east side and sunk the French Mortar Brig. The maigh fight was then happening far away from the circles, the French 3rd rate was demasted several times, but well protected by the bigger ships and only killed by the British Mortar at the very end of the Port Battle.
  13. While I don't mind Victory Marks for Lord Protectors, I agree with the rest. I also think we have way to many ports across the map, and some are literally next to each other, like Saint Louis and Les Cayes, Port-de-Paix and La Tortue or Tumbado/Conttoy/Mugeres. Less ports would create more hotspots and actually more rvr targets, I think.
  14. PvE ist ja nicht zwangsläufig was schlechtes oder abwertendes. Manch einer bevorzugt halt PvE dem PvP und ich finde da ist auch nichts schlimmes dran. Leider ist/wird der PvE Content in Naval Action aber sehr stiefmütterlich behandelt, weswegen es halt leider kaum PvE Content gibt. Und den Content den wir haben, der ist nun wirklich nicht der Rede Wert da es ja doch seit fast zweinhalb Jahren der gleiche ist.
  15. Despite having called multiple times to help defend the port of Nippes, Brits only ended up with 6 people ready, so we decided to get at least some OW PvP
  16. Mit dem bisschen Content was wir im Spiel haben, werden sich Spieler auch nach Release nicht halten lassen. Die Fokussierung aufs PvP reicht nicht für neuen Content, denn die Masse an Spielern bevorzugen PvE, das ist nunmal in jedem MMO das die Casuals, PvEler und wie man sie nennen mag, das Spiel am Leben halten - vorrausgesetzt, es gibt genügend Interessanten Content.
  17. Who cares about screening battles, our second screening fleet got the PB fleet. Don't act like an idiot - a fleet of first rates will always tear through a mixed enemy fleet on even numbers. 10 1st rates vs 5 1st rates and you celebrate like you won the world cup, gitgud
  18. So the defending side is limited to 10 players, too? Didn't know that.
  19. Earlier Spain raised hostility at Congrios. A few of us tried to reinforce the defenders in a hostility mission, but @Mr Pellew and myself were unable to join a mission, because the join button didn't appear (We weren't in that battle before). I took a screenshot, but forgot to make an F11 because we were in a hurry to get to another hostility mission closeby, which we could join.
  20. Who is Spain actually fighting? I heard sinking AI pays you good money for all the useless ports.
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