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Grammar - advice needed

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Need little help in phrasing the message


Goal is to show the player how many enemies he has to sink or board while commanding a certain vessel (e.g. Lynx)

  • 0/5 enemies sank on Lynx
  • 0/5 kills in Lynx
  • Lynx: 0/5 enemies sank. 

The problem is that our QA says these phrases could make the player think he has to sink 5 lynxes (not 5 vessels while being in Lynx)


What would be the best short phrase to convey this meaning?

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Unless you have a limited space... I would suggest the 'Order' format Powderhorn forwarded.


[Player Rank + Name] - [Current Vessel] "You are hereby Ordered to take as your Prize or to Sink the following vessels - [Number/ Nation/ Type]


EG: Post Captain Charles Caldwell - Trincomalee ""You are hereby Ordered to take as your Prize or to Sink the following vessels 5 US Lynx


I think this helps with immersion and maintains the feel of the game.

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These are not for quests

It will look like this then



Kills required for promotion

0/5 in Constitution

5/5 in Frigate

Once again you have to reward players with gold bonus or unique items when they get new ranks! Right now ranking is boring. Also, I would use this simple form: 




Promotion Requirements


Sink 5 ships in 'Ship Type/Name' - 0/5

Sink 5 ships in 'Ship Type/Name5/5




Rank - (Name)

Gold - (0.000)

Title - (Name)


Mod - (Name)







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Need little help in phrasing the message


Goal is to show the player how many enemies he has to sink or board while commanding a certain vessel (e.g. Lynx)

  • 0/5 enemies sank on Lynx
  • 0/5 kills in Lynx
  • Lynx: 0/5 enemies sank. 

The problem is that our QA says these phrases could make the player think he has to sink 5 lynxes (not 5 vessels while being in Lynx)


What would be the best short phrase to convey this meaning?


  • 0/5 kills in Lynx

I think that's the clearest out of the three myself, unless you want to put:


0/5 kills while sailing Lynx (which is getting a little long, but would more clearly state the requirement)

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The middle is clearest.


Although, would switching "in" with "as" help any? 


"0/5 ships sunk [sailing] as Lynx"


Similarly, a "list" syetem


Ships sunk/to sink while commanding/sailing [ship name]

  • 0/5 Lynx
  • 2/5 Cutter
  • 1/2 Brig



Ships sunk/to sink while commanding/sailing [ship name]

  • 2/10 Ships
Edited by William the Drake
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These are not for quests

It will look like this then



Kills required for promotion

0/5 in Constitution

5/5 in Frigate


This would do with the addition of the 'a' : 0/5 in a Frigate. If you have the space I like Henry's suggestion:


0/5  while sailing Frigate


I would avoid the word sink b/c you'll get the question of whether a capture also counts towards the requirement. To be clear, with the space, the heading could be:


Sunk/captured ships Required for Promotion


0/5 while sailing Lynx

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it's a bit ouf of the subject but adding agin "kill" and no "xp is the same thing that introducing huge xp/ship sunk. It's make paying together bad.

Any times a teamates ask me if he can farm with me i say yes and regret it... atm all the system say: play in your corner, dont interact with teamates.

Officialising that with "kill counter" is as a bad idea as introduciing bonus for the sunking ship.

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i have to say i have a bad feeling if progresion is going to be bound to sailing/killing specific ships, that could prevent casual players from leveling up and promoted rigged battles.

It might be better to have condition based on the ship rates.


Sink ten 5th rated ships while commanding a 5 th rated ship (0/10).

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