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GB vs Spain War.


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Is there any RVR these days that doesn't involve one side or the other having already bent over to Russia? Russia holds nearly every port worth having on the map and the entire gulf.  Other nations are left to play fight over the worthless remains, but it always seems only at Russia's approval just to give them something to do.


Edited by Urchin
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5 minutes ago, mexicanbatman said:

Guys its just a game in the end stop trying to take everything so personaly just  fight for trux if you want it  GB has the players will be a good fight where you can have fun

Ppl not being personally invested in Naval Action. Are you new to the game? :D

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6 minutes ago, Fletch said:

Why on earth GB would offer anything after all the hard work and effort is beyond me. Its like lying on the ground for months being kicked by a dozen people and then somehow you manage get back on your feet and grab one of the attackers by the throat and instead of throttling them you allow them to weasel their way out.  What is the point in fighting a war and then accepting terms the moment it starts to become fun and your winning. The amount effort people put in to defending the nation and turning things around for what? Its shows nothing much has been learned from previous wars. Also not much incentive for anyone to fight another war if there is no reward at the end and the enemy gets off so lightly. If Spain had taken Belize do you think they would offered a deal for GB to get their shit out? No it would of been camped to shit.

not much we can do when they say they dont want to fight anymore, should we turn up to PB's and fight thin air? 😂 alot of GB was set to fight all the way back to KPR if we had too so an offer to get stuff out of belize wouldnt have mattered as we wouldnt have surrendered

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8 minutes ago, Urchin said:

Is there any RVR these days that doesn't involve one side or the other having already bent over to Russia? Russia holds nearly every port worth having on the map and the entire gulf.  Other nations are left to play fight over the worthless remains, but it always seems only at Russia's approval just to give them something to do.


Pretty much, gotta ask momma Russia first if you want to attack someone and they usually say no :(


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It seems like a constant issue of which will never be solved.

some Spanish ask GB for surrender, some "other" spanish stated they never surrendered, they just didn't plan on doing anything, and some still ask things from GB, and even some others asks things of Sweden.

it begs the question - Which Spaniard do you believe is the new "leader?" FNI may have negotiated just for themselves and no harm or foul to them - but other spanish clans wanted a few different outcomes.

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Just now, C Blood said:

not much we can do when they say they dont want to fight anymore, should we turn up to PB's and fight thin air? 😂 alot of GB was set to fight all the way back to KPR if we had too so an offer to get stuff out of belize wouldnt have mattered as we wouldnt have surrendered

The point is there was no need to agree to anything, I think the nation earned the right to do what it pleases regardless of what the Spanish wanted. If they dont want to fight anymore so what. To offer a deal when they were in no position to bargain leaves me scratching my head. I would of told them to eff off. There is no way they were going to show GB any mercy had the war gone their way.

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Seems that in all wars there are complicated politics behind the motivations and objectives for nations to fight each other.  The publicly stated reasons are often a smoke screen to mask the leader's intentions.  Add to that recipe, the encouragement of subversive dissent and the result is a complicated mess that is often hard to decipher.

NA has created an intricately complex and dynamic back story by allowing players freedom and choice.  

The game has a much more interesting story.  More so than anything the Devs could have artificially added.  A player driven saga is preferred to one that was designed to be competitively balanced.

So much passion and emotion.  This beats boredom, or "shits and giggles".

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4 hours ago, Moxhay said:

we took trux because it belongs to us we gave it to spain and now we want it back, and stop crying because 99% of the ships you used on that screen are NPC captured ships

Lol that Santi cost more than the whole capped GB Fleet lol.

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14 hours ago, ChineseBatman said:

This looks like Spain and Sweden attempt to break the agreement they had with Russia, without on the face of it looking as though they are breaking it, whilst giving them the excuse to both turn on GB who the Spainish considered weak yet have been losing to. Let’s see if the ruse fools the Russians.  

What are people’s thoughts on developments?


In short, "Keep doing that sht against us and we'll summon mommy Russia in here"

Edited by Edward Teach (Blackbeard)
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12 hours ago, Despe said:

you dont took the port, you were spanish VOX player playing in spain in that time, and you are now VOX player playing is sweede. Not much diference in the kind of game that you have practiced for a long time as spanish player. The only thing you show with this, is that is imposible trust on your word. I know that long time ago, now brits can see that now.

It is true that I as a player did not take the port, but the Swedish nation did which is what I meant, you say that my word cannot be trusted which is false, my main account is in havoc and where I play is there, and I played 3 PB using a friend's account, and I played on his name, to say that I am untrustworthy and a liar please try a little harder, because with that you cannot say i am untrustworthy or a liar

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10 minutes ago, Moxhay said:

It is true that I as a player did not take the port, but the Swedish nation did which is what I meant, you say that my word cannot be trusted which is false, my main account is in havoc and where I play is there, and I played 3 PB using a friend's account, and I played on his name, to say that I am untrustworthy and a liar please try a little harder, because with that you cannot say i am untrustworthy or a liar

Then why dont you grow a pair and attack using your main account instead of fighting some proxy war

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5 minutes ago, Fletch said:

Then why dont you grow a pair and attack using your main account instead of fighting some proxy war

I have been in all the screens that have been made to the GB nation in this war with my main account, I have only used the account of a friend when they asked me the favor to do it which is not bad at all, because 1 player does not change the outcome of the war


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Sweden took the GB Ports after GB attacked us, after the Spanish got attacked from Russia we gave them few ports to craft there! If they don't want them anymore that's they're thing but it's no Violation of any agreement if we take our Ports back that we conquered in a war that got Started by the Brits multiflipping us!! 

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3 minutes ago, Swedish Berserker said:

¡Suecia tomó los puertos de GB después de que GB nos atacó, después de que los españoles fueron atacados desde Rusia, les dimos pocos puertos para que construyeran allí! ¡Si ya no los quieren, son cosa del mundo, pero no es una violación de ningún acuerdo si recuperamos nuestros puertos que conquistamos en una guerra que comenzó con los británicos multiplipping! 

50 points to Griffindor. 

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21 minutes ago, Swedish Berserker said:

after the Spanish got attacked from Russia

spanish start the war vs us, dude. And in any case any surpise in behaviour like this, you make this since the release, first with danes, and is for what all your allies broke with you. You have no word in this game

Edited by Despe
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34 minutes ago, Swedish Berserker said:

Sweden took the GB Ports after GB attacked us, after the Spanish got attacked from Russia we gave them few ports to craft there! If they don't want them anymore that's they're thing but it's no Violation of any agreement if we take our Ports back that we conquered in a war that got Started by the Brits multiflipping us!! 

And other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself

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12 minutes ago, Swedish Berserker said:

OK my dude then inlight me on the real story or situation how u see it 😂😂🙄

It's easy. You're not supposed to ask for two days to evacuate a port and in the meanwhile ask your overlords to take the port, by breaking both the recently accepted peace deal with Brits and the agreement with Russia. How you obtained Truxillo has zero relevancy on the dick move that has been committed. Kinda fun how you support this, I don't know why but I'm not surprised...

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24 minutes ago, Comrade FrosT said:

It's easy. You're not supposed to ask for two days to evacuate a port and in the meanwhile ask your overlords to take the port, by breaking both the recently accepted peace deal with Brits and the agreement with Russia. How you obtained Truxillo has zero relevancy on the dick move that has been committed. Kinda fun how you support this, I don't know why but I'm not surprised...

At the time we didn't know anything about any agreement from Spain to GB or Russia we silmpy took our port back don't know what Spain agreed to with GB! 

But to be fair the way it looks now that the agreement "came out" it looks like a dick move.... 

I was there wen we made the hosti and our info was only that we take Trux back Cuse Spain is loosing against GB and we wanna protect our Ports that we gave the Spanish before the war against GB 

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