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Patch 30: General feedback

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22 hours ago, LeBoiteux said:

The big difference with the game : LRQ never carried carro IRL.


This seems to be a recurring theme with respect to ship balancing and rating in game. 🤔

On the LRQ you are absolutely right - 6th rate, even 3 decks has it in French no less! 

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I am in agreement with Sir Texas Sir. If we are going to test these changes. The map needs to be wiped. Stop trying to do a partial wipe. Stop trying to force PVP. Players want to PVP when they feel they stand a chance. The crap your trying to force into the game is just going to have a negative impact. You need to find that balance. Players want to grow into the game. They want to play it their way. I have friends that would play the game. But consider it to be to difficult to learn and wasting their time, when they would wather be playing a game they enjoy.

Even my old clan, with hard core PVP players from POTBS have given up on Naval Action. I myself like the difficult style of the game, but I also know it will not stand the test of time. We need the crafters, even if they never PVP. We need all age groups to want to play the game.

I think the Devs are still listing to just the few players, that only have their own interests at hart. But I’m glad the Devs are trying new things out. Just not sure about their vision of the game and how it should play like.

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6 hours ago, Archaos said:

It is if you cannot win battles to get the combat medals

Ah, but that was my point; In solo duel you can turn and fire, turn and fire until the better player sinks your little ship. You'll be sent to port with three medals.

Anyone playing this game can do damage and then die.

It's different in normal gank patrol. There you can both die and win without doing much damage depending on which side of the gank chance drops you on.

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I strongly suggest to let the player choose the rank of a kill mission when he takes it. It makes absolutetly no sense to have only 5th missions when sailing in a 6th rate or when wanting to level up a 6th rate.

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4 minutes ago, mikawa said:

I strongly suggest to let the player choose the rank of a kill mission when he takes it. It makes absolutetly no sense to have only 5th missions when sailing in a 6th rate or when wanting to level up a 6th rate.

Agree. That's the most annoying part about those mission changes. It goes along with the general mentality of forcing people into one difficulty mode rather than letting players choose a difficulty that suits them best. I've seen questions and complaints about this system on a daily basis over the past 3 days.

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10 hours ago, jodgi said:

Ah, but that was my point; In solo duel you can turn and fire, turn and fire until the better player sinks your little ship. You'll be sent to port with three medals.

Anyone playing this game can do damage and then die.

It's different in normal gank patrol. There you can both die and win without doing much damage depending on which side of the gank chance drops you on.

But in the solo zone, only wins get you the medals right?

The rewards are not damage milestones, but "scores"

A score being a kill? No? I could be wrong, it happened once.

Edited by Neads O'Tune
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4 minutes ago, Neads O'Tune said:

But in the solo zone, only wins get you the medals right?

No, solo zone pays normal PZ damage with kills as bonus. 

Tell your friends, I suspect people haven't caught on to the fact that solo zone could become the most time-effective medal grinder for any skill level.

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Maybe, to enhance OS PVP; the game could adopt a handicap system like it happens, in example, in golf. 

Track the win/loose ratio in OS PVP fights of each player, then use it to decrease of a certain % the stats of the best players when they meet "less winning" players. This way veterans (or in general very skilled players)  will have to actually use their skills/better ships to beat their weaker foes, and average joes have (at least the impression they) could have a chance even if they meet a pro-player.

The algorithm could also take in consideration the distance from its capital city of the weaker part of the fight: the more you are close to your capital, the more your stats are buffed. So PVP players can choose the level of difficulty in attacking players and the carebears can choose the level of risk they want to bear. This could replace the reinforcement system, that has been always quite controversial.


Edited by victor
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22 minutes ago, Felix Victor said:

Today's changes to cannons:


Thanks for the quasi patch-notes :D

Nice to see the Carronade problem is being worked on. Although I'd still suggest a lowering of damage for all guns by another 15-20%. (And maybe penetration by another 2-3% but that's where it get's very difficult to find the sweet spot...)
If a Herc could before take two full Broadsides from another Herc, theoretically it can now stomach three. Not sure that's enough.

Alas, we shall test and see...

Edited by Tom Farseer
grammar, spelling
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Affecting weekly line ships events mission 

for the Dutch region and the South American region

is seems there are no 4 /3/2/1/ rate in that eria (only frigates size)

what affects the weekly line ships mission (you will see no dutch captains visible  for many years to come )

they have no access to that mission in the vicinity of their own waters (except in hostile capital waters of other nations)

request is for some routes of 4/3/2/1 rates  in the south American Venezuela and gulf coast .

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2 minutes ago, Wraith said:

dispersion needs to be nerfed. 

And range.  The reason Carros were not used on all ships all the time is that their range was so low.  Lowering carro range in the game would put a stop to their heavy use.  They are great when alongside (smashers), but should be useless outside of 100m.

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7 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Carro damage doesn’t need to be nerfed, dispersion needs to be nerfed. 

well.. maybe both :D
As I stated above I'd really like to see a general damage reduction for all guns by another 10-20% just to see if we can find a sweet spot when it comes to big-guns-melt-small-ships versus battles-last-longer-than-three-minutes.

Edited by Tom Farseer
spelling.... again....sigh...
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5 minutes ago, Teutonic said:

Has it been patched in? Would love to see how it is in the game with the damage adjustments.

It is my understanding that everything in the API is active.

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On 3/7/2019 at 1:16 PM, admin said:

Rewards can be traded of course. You earn something in pvp and give it or sell it to crafters. Or capture yourself.

But no one will sell them because they are so hard earned. Player based currency exchange does not work. 


On 3/7/2019 at 2:26 PM, admin said:

you can get them from general pvp hunt missions - it does not matter where you sink the targets.

Yes, but the time required to accomplish one hunt mission is huge. It takes weeks of daily activity. 


The new combat medals are not working imho. The only purpose is to narrow down accessibility of certain things to certain playstyles. Players don't like it and this has a strong negative impact on player retention. It's a game killer.

The old PVP marks worked a lot better, as it did not matter which ship you killed, when and where. Plus you also received some marks for assists. I still think the number of currencies needs to be reduced to max. two, one monetary currency and one for achievements. Merge doubloons and reals. Re-implement PVP/PVE marks system. Merge PVP marks, PVE marks and victory marks with appropriate weighting. This is simple and straightforward. 

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1 minute ago, van Veen said:

The old PVP marks worked a lot better, as it did not matter which ship you killed, when and where. Plus you also received some marks for assists. I still think the number of currencies needs to be reduced to max. two, one monetary currency and one for achievements. Merge doubloons and reals. Re-implement PVP/PVE marks system. Merge PVP marks, PVE marks and victory marks with appropriate weighting. This is simple and straightforward. 

They tried to streamline the currencies but it did not work because they obviously listened too much to the hardcore PvP'ers who wanted special rewards for doing something that they enjoy.

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2 minutes ago, Archaos said:

They tried to streamline the currencies but it did not work because they obviously listened too much to the hardcore PvP'ers who wanted special rewards for doing something that they enjoy.

Show me one example of that.

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12 minutes ago, jodgi said:

Show me one example of that.

Well how come after all the talk about how they were streamlining currencies we have ended up back with the same number of currencies and when the question is raised to the Devs they respond that people who do PvP should have the best rewards?

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