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Open world UI feedback (2018)

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1 hour ago, John Hood said:

One thing I miss especially on long Trips is the fact that you do not see the country you are in anymore? Is this coming back maybe as an optional overlay or something like that...

it will come back most likely.. we wanted to add it to a compass or watch but did not find the way to make it look good


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Suggestion:  Please consider presenting the hold contents with the newest additions at the top.  Like a FILO stack.  This would prevent unnecessary scrolling to see what new items, like fish, are in the hold.

Love the new artwork.  The UI may take some getting used too.  

Also, I don't mind having fewer location clues like what county I'm in.  In fact I like that better.

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its very stupid to put the upgrades after battle from hold to the chest


we need a right click "put to the chest"

the same is with trading in ow.

the trade isnt fast enough and we need a trade in battle with firendly ships

Edited by Christoph
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i don't like the 'enter port'-icons. Why does it need to be a picture?

Same with the ships you click in OW. What is the use of a picture with a ship in it?

Both look ugly, the don't fit with the gamestyle.

Many things to click on and hover over ... it has become less handy to use and see what you have or want.


Less is more.

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I don't know if this applies to all upgrades that have the word "per" as in, "per 100m", but on William Congreve's Sights there is no space between the word "per" and "100m" so that it reads, "per100m" instead of "per 100m". It took me a couple of readings to understand what was being displayed.

As to the compass, please don't keep it transparent. It is really difficult to read while in the open world as white water and sun reflection is constantly flowing across the compass face.

Edited by Captiva
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Just popped on to see it.  Some first impressions

- this compass has got to go.  Yikes
- Don't like the color for FFA ports (I'm also colorblind so take that with objectivity)
- Feel like capital port icons should be larger on the map as well as port icons respectively
- It's Caribbean, not Carribean
- Would prefer a method to turn off the hotkey buttons at the bottom

Overall pretty clean.  I really like the map.

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i would like to add this 2 suggestions, first i love the resizeable Hold menu, but i way to big, i play in 1920x1080 and with 2 menus my screen is filled... also is opaque so i cant see anything behind.
 i add a suggestion on compass design, transparency and scale of the Hold menu. i think it can be even smaller, the Icon for "RIG rep" would be a Sail cloth insted of saw and wood...

im alzo agree in have the freedom to move the Hot bar into any corner... right left top bottom... to fit our needs.... i wold love to have, for example mi Hot menu in the right side on top of the compass, left side with info of the ships, ports and perhap a quick info box with some info about Contracts fullfilled, track for some Items of goods... some info to avoid sail for hours to a place with no result at all... 
the hability to track point in the mini map... like Pins, for example with your compass and map (suggestions3.jpg) u can track up to 3 locations and correct your navigation... whitout anything else but the map... perhaps add some coordinates in translucency on top of the current map for better navigation and more "real life" experience





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you can´t click on ports in the open world anymore which was really handy when you wanted to join a pb. Maybe that can get in again?


edit: You can click once the pb started. so disregard my suggestion. Well done 🙂

Edited by Willem
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Looks great, especially the map, some issues:

- map view and the trader's tool etc, the menus obstruct the west side of the map

- too many mouseovers - join timers, attack timers, target fleet composition

- the icon bar at the bottom is hard to see

- the compass doesn't fit the rest of the art

- the chat boxes as above

- UI scaling needed for larger resolution monitors

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I just focus on the negatives here, but I like the update! A lot of pretty upgrades that improve the overall impression of the game. I especially like the new map, not that I get why there are sea monsters on it.. But I like it! :D  

I seriously dislike the new compass. It is way to simple and the distance between the letters and the circles are not aligned evenly.. :( 
I'm hoping it's just a placeholder for something that look more historically correct :) 


Also have some more trivial issues with the F or Fleet view:
"Perks" is grayed out and not functional. I assume it's a bug..
Why is a picture of an anchor representing info regarding my ship and fleet ships? Would it not be better represented by a picture of a ship? I will get used to it and it is not a problem, I just don't find it intuitive.
I don't like seeing two crew bars eiter, it looks like a repeat of the same. One show the max crew on your current ship and is adjustable. The other crew bar shows your ranks max crew, how much crew you have available and how much is in use(repeat). Do they both have to be represented by bars? It may make more sense if I have fleet ships, but I have not tested it yet.

I also dislike that the F11 bug reporter is on the same "Line" as all the other click buttons that makes up the HUD. It should be separated away from the stuff I normally use. Yes it makes it easier to report problems, but imo placing it there is a clear indication that you should expect to use it a lot. At the very least I will miss click it more often now because it's right next the the "H"/Hold view.   

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3 minutes ago, Tiedemann said:

I just focus on the negatives here, but I like the update! A lot of pretty upgrades that improve the overall impression of the game. I especially like the new map, not that I get why there are sea monsters on it.. But I like it! :D  

I seriously dislike the new compass. It is way to simple and the distance between the letters and the circles are not aligned evenly.. :( 
I'm hoping it's just a placeholder for something that look more historically correct :) 



Like this one for example?


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I kind of liked the possibility to stow repairs way down in the hold. that is gone now. All items in hold are automatically listed and i have to scroll down to the items I want to look at because repairs are first in the list. Always. No matter how deep they aburied in the bilge. Would like that feature back. :)


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Impressions on the UI

I like the OW UI, it's clean and definitely more fleshed out.

I dislike that some of the UI windows cannot be changed to be more Opaque. I wish we could so that we could still see the ocean "behind" the window. If there could be an option added in for that, it would be great.

I dislike the fact that we have to constantly click to get extra information that I would wish to have. For example:


I wish the 2nd image was the info we got instead of having to click the "i" every single time I click on a ship

Also for players:


Same thing, I wish we got the "I" information without having to click the "i" all the time and to have it stay there.

In fact, almost every "extra information" button I wish was just standard information we got for everything instead of constantly having to click and re-click because the info only is up for as long as you "mouse-over" it.



Edited by Teutonic
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At the risk of being off topic I would like to request some toggled features when the UI is off. (Ctrl h)

1) compass for taking bearings, would provide a direction other than the heading.

2) time piece or chronometer,

3)  chip-log (for ship's speed),

4) pendent or flag for wind direction

5) option to remove the text of port names , suspended in the sky above each port.

6) addition of markings, or static flag, to identify the nation of an OW ship.

Any, or all, of these additions would improve the enjoyment of sailing.  Players who are not interested would not have to use them. 

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44 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

First thing that bothers me is the FPS, Ping, Players is under the chat box, can we move it to the right between the tabs and the compass like it was before or put it on the top left of the screen where nothing is.  

I was kinda glad that was semi buried.  Not something I need to see all the time

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