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Patch 24: Properly depowering your staysails


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On ‎4‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 12:36 PM, Karpfanger said:

but I'm disappointed about not roll back the mission cancelation issue ... I know sailers with only 1h time to sail at the evening  ... they come online ... try to find a mission in the safe zone only to do one or two missions ... they go offline after the 3. cancelaltion without shot one ball ... 

If people does want to cancel a mission without hitting the three cancellations, they just have to go in the mission in a Lynx, and leave the battle after 2 mins.

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5 hours ago, Jesper Dahl said:


So I can fully understand the issue, specially if you just wanted an hour of fun and not an hour of sailing some useless distance.

Admin has clearly stated, that the game is only for hardcore players, so those that are just seeking an hour of fun are out of luck.

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Hardcore doesn't necessarily mean time investment in a game. Can be related to game intended simulated experience.

- press SAIL

- find a target that is suitable for the challenge you look for ( AI or player )

- engage in naval combat

- return to port

- logoff

Can be done in under 60 minutes.


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5 hours ago, Jesper Dahl said:

If you get 3 missions on the other side of an island you can spend 20-45mins getting there. Think South side of Cuba for the Spanish, other side of the island for Brits, Danes, Swedes, French.

So I can fully understand the issue, specially if you just wanted an hour of fun and not an hour of sailing some useless distance.

For brits and spain and french there is Belize and Vera Cruze and New Orleans where missions only can spawn on one side of the ports. Only for danes sweden dutch and pirats there is no second capital port where u must sail around a island. But hey for the PvE server it shoud not be a problem to sail a few hours to get to this ports no risk for afk sailing. Set your sails sail in the direction you want and clean your room or house make some gardenwork or whatever.


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On ‎4‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 4:12 PM, Jim Broadreach said:

For brits and spain and french there is Belize and Vera Cruze and New Orleans where missions only can spawn on one side of the ports. Only for danes sweden dutch and pirats there is no second capital port where u must sail around a island. But hey for the PvE server it shoud not be a problem to sail a few hours to get to this ports no risk for afk sailing. Set your sails sail in the direction you want and clean your room or house make some gardenwork or whatever.


And the players have rewarded that kind of thinking with ever dropping player count.

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On 4/27/2018 at 4:07 PM, dagdriver said:

Admin has clearly stated, that the game is only for hardcore players, so those that are just seeking an hour of fun are out of luck.

And still the only „hardcore“ things I see are game mechanics that make life less comfortable in this game. 

Neither sailing or shooting is anywhere near hardcore. AND I don’t think an already small playerbase doesn’t need to get even more reasons to quit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎4‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 11:47 AM, admin said:

Update May 10th

  • Assist threshold for mark distribution has been lowered to provide all participants of combat a fair share of reward
  • Mast hits indication has been reverted to the old system, where you did not know if you penetrated the mast or not. 


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2 minutes ago, Ink said:
On 4/26/2018 at 10:47 AM, admin said:
  • Mast hits indication has been reverted to the old system, where you did not know if you penetrated the mast or not. 



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9 minutes ago, admin said:

previous system was way better. sometimes too much information is a bad thing.

Can you explain why it was better? Tell me please. Mast mods are so game breaking and battle deciding that it ruins alot of the game. The one tool we had to see if we were doing damage is gone now.... We have 0 visual proof if we pen masts or not. If there is a mod that makes battles one sided its a broken mod and anyone can tell you that. The simple fix would be to improve hp only with mast mods and not thickness but what do I know about dismasting right..... 

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So its good for me to know when I shoot the hull of a ship and do damage. But its bad for me to know when I shoot the mast and do damage? Imagine if you had no idea if your shot was actually doing damage to the enemy ship now that would be fun and engaging wouldn't it?

If demasting is the problem, why not fix the problem of not knowing your own mast hp. Or just a general buff to mast hp/thickness.

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8 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

Can you explain why it was better? Tell me please. Mast mods are so game breaking and battle deciding that it ruins alot of the game. The one tool we had to see if we were doing damage is gone now

Ill explain 

If you don't know if you penetrated the mast, it takes time to realize that target is fitted for masts which gives all sorts of options for the target to react
If you know if you penetrated the mast you demast in 30-60 seconds. 

This sort of thing is not good for variability of combat. Becomes too easy to make a decision to switch to hull. 

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6 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

Can you explain why it was better? Tell me please. Mast mods are so game breaking and battle deciding that it ruins alot of the game. The one tool we had to see if we were doing damage is gone now.... We have 0 visual proof if we pen masts or not. If there is a mod that makes battles one sided its a broken mod and anyone can tell you that. The simple fix would be to improve hp only with mast mods and not thickness but what do I know about dismasting right..... 

I also think increasing mast thickness again by a bit for every ship would help. Especially for smaller ships. Make mast mods just increase HP as Hachi suggested. Make demasting harder in general I would say and at the same time decrease chain  dmg. Less sails makes battles less fun for everyone involved.


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Just now, admin said:

Ill explain 

If you don't know if you penetrated the mast, it takes time to realize that target is fitted for masts which gives all sorts of options for the target to react
If you know if you penetrated the mast you demast in 30-60 seconds. 

This sort of thing is not good for variability of combat. 

but...  you could argue exactly the same with hull damage.

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5 minutes ago, Liang Dao Ming said:

Worst part is they probably too proud to admit this was a mistake and will be kept that way.

Why its the worst part? It's he best part. 
Showing mast penetration WAS A MISTAKE. we reverted it back when we realized it and thought it through.

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4 minutes ago, admin said:

If you don't know if you penetrated the mast, it takes time to realize that target is fitted for masts which gives all sorts of options for the target to react
If you know if you penetrated the mast you demast in 30-60 seconds. 

Incorrect. On 1st rates its like 3 min and on suprises its 5 secs max. Ever do a 1v1 with suprises, 32 carros and no mast mods? Heheh try it... By the time you know he has mast mods its gg on 4th rates and above because as I have said. Big ships masts are to strong and small ships masts are stupid.... 

The target does not need time to react because he knows he cannot be demasted. He is invincible at this point :) 

Edited by HachiRoku
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Just now, admin said:

Why its the worst part? Showing mast penetration WAS A MISTAKE. we reverted it back when we realized it and thought it through.

Maybe the better fix would be to show Mast HP to the receiving side and pen to the shooting side. Rather than reverting back to the old system.

Now less experienced players wont know about getting close to demast and using bigger calibres ;) 

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4 minutes ago, ElricTheTwo said:

but...  you could argue exactly the same with hull damage.

You could still tell by seeing they are loosing HP on the Map or side bars on the UI. I would very much like to at least know myself how much HP my masts have left


Edited by Mr Pellew
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