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Patch 14: Part 3 experimental patch increasing realism in ship behavior


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3 hours ago, jodgi said:

@Christendom and @Wraith. Isn't this expanding the tactical choices? BR, combined broadside weight, hull thickness and now wind, shore and leeway added to the considerations. I can't tell if it's all good, but it sure sounds fantastic.

Yes, but br is still the ultimate factor.

It certainly changes the discussion of what to bring, but it still boils down to "wasa is just better" in many many circumstances.

Edited by Teutonic
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13 hours ago, Powderhorn said:

I wonder... is it possible to capsize...?

I'm sure they would have notified us, so people don't throw a fit.


Have you noticed how the implementation of leeway (or even faster sternway) has caused certain community members to go off the deep end and launch salty forum attacks on the developers? Minor irritants that become a lightning rod for everything that disappoints them about the game. And they suddenly become tall ship experts at the same time.

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21 hours ago, jodgi said:

@Christendom and @Wraith. Isn't this expanding the tactical choices? BR, combined broadside weight, hull thickness and now wind, shore and leeway added to the considerations. I can't tell if it's all good, but it sure sounds fantastic.

I dont think so at least for PB because you can time the wind when you attack the wind changes always in the same timeframe. So you calculate where the wind will be when you shoot hostillity to get it (basicly tomorrow wind is at that time the best for us so get hostillity done at time x) and when you need to arrive. Meaning the defender side will have the wind blowing into the coast making it very hard for them to do anything when they have to choose between sailing against the wind or heeling (obviously some harbours make it harder then other).

For this feature it would be better to have randomized wind and then you get tactical.

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1 hour ago, Lonar said:

I dont think so at least for PB because you can time the wind when you attack the wind changes always in the same timeframe. So you calculate where the wind will be when you shoot hostillity to get it (basicly tomorrow wind is at that time the best for us so get hostillity done at time x) and when you need to arrive. Meaning the defender side will have the wind blowing into the coast making it very hard for them to do anything when they have to choose between sailing against the wind or heeling (obviously some harbours make it harder then other).

For this feature it would be better to have randomized wind and then you get tactical.

When did they change that? Since server merge i dont play not more, but if I remember correctly the wind always started at a random direction after maintenance, meant you only can calc the wind after maintenance and therefor you were not able to choose the wind for the PB when doing the hostility missions. 

With the leeway we have right now I wouldnt dare to attack any port with too much land around. Cartagena for example might be the worst port to take right now. The enormous BR forces you to take first rates only. Idependently how the wind is going, it will always face to some land. Have fun reaching all three circles.

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Not a sailing expert here - I play the game, I more or less understand the sailing mechanics but some of the changes made are an annoyance and add nothing to the game.

Wind shifting - too fast

Leeway - it's hard to say, visually, where the ship is getting pushed, the wake is not properly shown, while you can figure out the direction by looking at the wind or manipulating your camera angle, it just looks 'weird'. Another problem is getting 'beached' - there are port battles with not much water to maneuver in. This feature seems unfinished.

Looting - while it does make you a better ship driver after a while it's just an annoyance, why not have some sort of auto-loot feature (even if it's a damn perk, gah), or why not distribute the loot amongst the group like most games do it with some sort of a lotto feature.

Sticky vessels - if you get t-boned by another vessel it's ridiculously hard to get both parties free. It's as if 2 balls of play dough collided (not even talking about damage for ramming)

Rewards in PvP are based on hull damage (perhaps crew), it could use adjustments. Also rewards for the losing side, why not reward participation and encourage further attempts.

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I agree the wind rotates too fast. I wonder if it is at the same rate as the OW.

The wake astern shows the leeway quite nicely, try at 45º and 90º and then let her fly at 175º. Quite visible the deflection angle.

I agree on the crew damage albeit the rigging damage is well also accounted for, same as hull.

Regarding looting, i will agree the old system was more comfortable but came to love the new one somehow and given its specifics of having to interact with the ship, especially for transfering crew I wonder if it will be possible in the future to have it so a trader can surrender cargo to a raider without surrendering the ship :)

The T-bone i would imagine being a "limitation" of model collision ( happens in all games :D ) but can be easily interpreted as the rigging getting dramatically entangled as per so so many accounts of battle in the age of sail. On the other hand the lack of damage to the standing rigging when such a collision happens makes it feel odd :)


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I have suggestion for the wind in battle, first of all I'd like to see the speed it changes slowed down quite a bit, at the moment it's almost impossible to reach your ships maxiumum speed a lot of the time because just as you approach it the wind changes again and you then lose speed trying to maintain the best angle of sail. 

I'd also like to see the turn direction randomised somewhat during the battle, I'm sure clockwise or anti-clockwise is randomly chosen at the start but I'd like there to be a chance of it switching as the battle progresses.

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12 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

I agree the wind rotates too fast. I wonder if it is at the same rate as the OW.

The wake astern shows the leeway quite nicely, try at 45º and 90º and then let her fly at 175º. Quite visible the deflection angle.

I agree on the crew damage albeit the rigging damage is well also accounted for, same as hull.

Regarding looting, i will agree the old system was more comfortable but came to love the new one somehow and given its specifics of having to interact with the ship, especially for transfering crew I wonder if it will be possible in the future to have it so a trader can surrender cargo to a raider without surrendering the ship :)

The T-bone i would imagine being a "limitation" of model collision ( happens in all games :D ) but can be easily interpreted as the rigging getting dramatically entangled as per so so many accounts of battle in the age of sail. On the other hand the lack of damage to the standing rigging when such a collision happens makes it feel odd :)


It seems to be faster than the open world

Edited by NethrosDefectus
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I'm wondering if wind change in battle instances can be made more gradual (and more realistic) in battle instances. Also more random but still within realistic sort of parameters.

Obviously these numbers are just examples. Something like every 3 minutes there is a 50% chance of change in wind direction. If yes, then 50% chance clockwise, 50% counterclockwise. If yes, there is a 85% chance the change will be 3 degrees, 10% chance it will be 5 degrees, and 5% chance it will be 10 degree change.

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On ‎31‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 12:21 AM, blademage said:

Thanks for finishing the new model and bringing virtual realism to the point :)

Thank you for balancing your priorities between PvP-balancing, overall gameplay and realism.

Also of course, thank you for the nice gifts! I'll give the "unicorns" a try :D

Please keep up your great work!


Do you provide personal services?

Buster (fed up with polishing)



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40 minutes ago, rediii said:

You can calculate the wind on the same day but not 1 day prior the PB as far as I know

For the current patch you can calculate where the wind will be for the first 5 mins of the PB. At the last PB I attended the wind turned 275 degrees after the first 5 mins. After a further 5 mins or so it moved position again. Will have to check the video to see all of the movements of wind and bowels.


Buster (pissing over the wrong gunwhale mid-stream, again).

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5 hours ago, Hethwill said:

Regarding looting, i will agree the old system was more comfortable but came to love the new one somehow and given its specifics of having to interact with the ship, especially for transfering crew I wonder if it will be possible in the future to have it so a trader can surrender cargo to a raider without surrendering the ship :)

Great idea, would suggest a variation though, considering that the attackers usually don't care about cargo, they want XP for knowledge slots, PVP marks and upgrades; and for large heavy cargo, they would need the trader to carry it away.

Perhaps the trader can surrender the ship, providing XP and PVP marks as if killed, and then the game would automatically ransom the ship and cargo back, using some scale of value based on ship size, e.g. Brig 50k, LGV 100k, Indiaman 500k.  Attacker (tagger) would have to agree to accept the surrender.



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4 minutes ago, rediii said:

45° windchange every 5 minutes?

This is insane.

The wind changing in a battle changes too quickly. Joined a battle and when I finally got up to the enemy the wind was going against me I had to turn completely around and try to get back into the fight again. I do not mind the wind changing in battles but not at the rate it does currently.

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14 hours ago, rediii said:

You can calculate the wind on the same day but not 1 day prior the PB as far as I know

Also if nothing has changed pb is created 2h before you finish hostility or something like that so when you shoot it you can definitely calculate it or not? since you know where the wind will be in 22h.

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20 hours ago, Lonar said:

Also if nothing has changed pb is created 2h before you finish hostility or something like that so when you shoot it you can definitely calculate it or not? since you know where the wind will be in 22h.

and even still, that only tells you the wind at start. 20 min in it could literally anywhere.

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7 minutes ago, Wraith said:

@admin I agree with @Davos Seasworth, wind in battles changing as frequently and by such large amounts makes any wind control you thought you had via the tag or by sailing and strategy in battle completely unfun since it will be erased in 20 minutes. 

Combine this with leeway and it can be incredibly frustrating. Please reduce the wind variability in battle and port battle instances to a degree.

It is kinda funny though. People think they are running away and get nowhere :D

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16 hours ago, rediii said:

from what I know it moves 45° so it cant be everywhere there are only 2 directions it can move to ^^

at this point I think you are just trying to troll me wherever you see me post, but I'll bite. First, I timed it after the patch, within 25 min it had gone 180 degrees from the starting spot, another 20, it was 10 degrees from there. Also, it can go either direction when it starts moving (again, tested and verified after patch), so random direction of change + swings through 0-90 degrees per change = wind can literally be anywhere 30 minutes after a battle starts. This may not be the intended behavior, but it is the resultant one nevertheless.

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On 1/1/2018 at 12:02 PM, Busterbloodvessel said:

Do you provide personal services?

Buster (fed up with polishing)



Same here where's the new content very badly needed and lacks. Sorry your 

A temp on realistic ness is ridiculous NPC STOPING ON A DIME and reversing up to speed .this stuff is usless and not realistic .at this point your losing more pepole then the game is gaining .I have gone through the game twice now its boring as hell .


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49 minutes ago, Captain corn blower said:

Same here where's the new content very badly needed and lacks. Sorry your 

A temp on realistic ness is ridiculous NPC STOPING ON A DIME and reversing up to speed .this stuff is usless and not realistic .at this point your losing more pepole then the game is gaining .I have gone through the game twice now its boring as hell .


Try PvP :P

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57 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

And again, we need something fresh and different that all day firing cannons. Trading should be boosted, looking for treasures/wrecks/sealed bottles should be encouraged and appear a bit more often, discovery-exploration to unlock the map, crafting would flourish if we could set orders for ships using contracts...

 I must agree with you on that, the game lost his sandbox spirit and becoming only a pvp shooter.

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