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Everything posted by monk33y

  1. I really hope they introduce a voting system simular to the alliance system for a port commander (to vote you need at least one tier 3 building in port) once commander is voted the set up of the towers and forts can be edited. Eg; less fire range but big damage buff or to fire chain or double ball etc! Make ports a money sinc. I'd love to see forts position adjustable in the long term.
  2. Restrictions on allies is the simplest solution that doesn't create huge amount of work for the Devs. No nation should be able to have allies on both borders!! One allie only system, means that every nation is forced to have a fountier or border where hostility is clear! Players who want pvp know where to go, players who want pve know also where is safer (nowhere should be totally safe) Once conflict is back and hopefully numbers increase then introduce missions
  3. The Cooldown on brace should be less but there needs to be negatives for example your reloading gets stopped for 30 secs and can't turn for same time etc
  4. I love this 'its to hard' mentality ' its to grindy'. If you could sail every ship from day one you'd be complaining that it's not fair he sunk me! This game is tricky but (like most games) if you invest the time into learning the game you'll get better. Just watch videos on YouTube for christ sake! It's not too hard! 1) turn on pc. 2) go to YouTube 3) type in how to pay naval action 4) watch video 5) re watch it alot (mabey take notes) 6) practise We learnt by making mistakes. The best thing you can do is join a clan and go do fleet pve missions!!
  5. If you'd have hit them as they turned through the wind, wow just wow! I haven't done a port battle since land was added but before I used to line up the fireship across the front of a target, depower with boarding loaded, turn off guns once caras had fired and turned off sailing. (put survival on just before boarding) Board the target as my fire would start and wait for the bang! Used to love the chance of exploding my ship but capturing the target as the boarding screen would not always close (may have been a bug. Danno) then just keep firing. On a side note with coni's 2nd and third explosion chance the damage was crazy! From what iv tested the hamburger once goes pop seems to hold onto alot of crew! Has anyone else noticed this! What I noticed from your video was the pirates totally panicked for like 5mins after the bang! They totally lost any organisation
  6. What a battle, I can't wait to see a nation fully use the fireship. Catching the fleet as it turns through irons, the destruction from a few fireships exploding on a stationary fleet could be a true game changer! I miss my pirate boarding fireships of old!
  7. What would make more sense of if your target surrenders you get a crew boost say 15% of your lost crew totals. Call it plucking survivors from the wreck!
  8. Did you try firing chain into his sails or trying to demast the suprise? I didn't relise on pve server you could do pvp, I was under impression you would fight the stupid AI!!
  9. Why can't we have events that are both pve and pvp. For example take 10 tons of live oak from port morrant to wilimstade between server time 1900 and 2000's. Makes it a national event gives, if completed 2million to each transporter of 500 units of more, plus gives each national a 24hr 10% buff to labour hours created. The event will attract pvpers wanting the materials and pvp who want pvp from defending! Is this not easy to do? Do it for each nation etc
  10. If you want to maximise your crew safety and cannon payload your weight should be huge so yes your crew are safe but you should be as slow as anything. This rock paper scissors system again. Give on 1 hand take away on other
  11. The simplest solution to this problem I'd don't sail 1St/2nd rates alone
  12. So I haven't missed it *yippee * Am I correct by reading between the lines with the following?? By attacking the Americans as they fall outside of the alliance system. The Spanish /Danes /froggy /sweeds allies are testing the British and Dutch commitment to our American allies! Will the British and Dutch bother to fight for our American cousins (on paper the three allies are rock solid) or will the Dutch/American/British alliance start to crumble!! If so I think it's very cleaver if not I can't wait to see how the Americans come back from this troubling era!
  13. I'm personaly very glad that the age of the gentlemans agreement for non aggression has come crashing down! I love a good fight (shame I get less time to play at the moment) but I can't wait to see the red tide slowly March across the map! War is not fair so neither side should complain when it looses.
  14. I'm gutted iv missed out on this. I would have loved to seen the epic screening action from my fellow brits and Dutch allies as wave after wave of the other alliance fell upon American ports. It would have been great fun! As our allies have been struckdown while they are outside of the alliance system does this mean my fellow brits and Dutch players are actively fighting side by side to give our American friends a helping hand?
  15. Shock horror mabey they have done it to ballance this ridiculous numbers game we have from the alliances. Since when is using everything at your disposal to help influence the outcome of a battle any different from us brits using our much greater numbers to screen port battles!!! You can't have a game where the entire server only plays within the rules set out by the British nation!!! Surly their actions now enable a greater period of no holds bar war!!!
  16. All the brits, Dutch, and usa need to do is attack on mass as a nation drops out of the alliance system to proove a point!
  17. All we as players need is officer skill that costs 10 points that shows the historical locations of pve missions on tour in game map for the region you are sailing in! At least you can coordinate counter hostility and know where missions are being done
  18. You will learn (as I have) that if you propose anything that alters the games currant format/alliance system you will be labelled a nation hater and a game hater. The historical big strong nations will never allow their nations strength to be adjusted for the fear they'll loose or become weak. The bigger nations it would seem, have the Devs ear!
  19. Afternoon Would it be possible to get a development team lead map for each server on this forum? Updated twice weekly by the Devs or trusted mods? Showing a snapshot of the server conquest. This would enable all forum users to see what's happening on their server at anyone time also and more importantly this would let wannabe players see what's going on in pvp1 and pvp2
  20. Because you will need to set up ports on the battle zones, meaning either to set up ports for goods or for conflict. Yeah if you can't maximise your defence you loose regions as it should be! I understand those with everything don't want to loose anything! If you want pvp and u have less ports you'll move your front line ports with the rvr fountiers. Otherwise you have to sail a distance to get there opening the door for pvp! And having two less ports means you may have to focus on farming mats or conflict. Of you pick war you'll need to buy more items funding the economy. But hey we all want everything and to loose nothing!
  21. I was thinking about this today and the solution to balancing larger and smaller nations Is very simple really. I'm a tad surprised no1 has looked at it already! The largest nations have the number of available free ports restricted. (comparing to a full port list) Eg, Spain + Britain on pvpeu1 loose two port slots. No other game breaking or altering features just a simple adjustment. You as a player of a large nation must pick your ports more carefully. Very simple don't you think. Whole nation can't be everywhere at once opening door for rvr etc. As you can still move ports around you don't loose anything gamebreaking but you have to be abit more select!!!
  22. It's not the nations that r the problem it's the players who play within those nations. We have long standing disputes and grievances between players and clans. This has created a system where players have become suspicious of anything that is outside of what they have known. This alliance system is rubbish it's created a new stalemate. Conquest is just not happening, pve is now the game focus. You can understand why this has happened. The new players have been given a kicking in pvp etc, rvr is mainly the same faces day in day out! Conquest gives new game choices and chance at fun. But the Dev's have given up on this failed project
  23. It's more a problem that the big nations seem to be full of self-imposed masters of the universe who say is final. Christ (lol) look what happened over Xmas we got forced into a ridiculous no pvp/rvr event as the masters of the universe couldn't take part!!!! I only got two days off over that period and repeatly got shouted at in nation chat for doing missions and pvp!
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