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Everything posted by monk33y

  1. Admin iv noticed no information on ship capturing Durring the pb! Please could to highlight how a captured ship alters the point system. Do you get points for sinking or does the captured ship act as a +1 for your team? On a side note all of these questions on be restrictions and ship sizes, wouldn't the easiest system be based around crew Size? The port limit is for example a fleet made of 7000 (number pulled out of thin air)crew (more or less for region assets) then both teams build the fleets around having a limited crew pool. This would enable for example only 15 oceans or 18 victorys but a wider mixture of smaller ships. This makes mods like gold hams more important as it gives you a bigger crew pool outside the battle restrictions. Shallow battles have drastically smaller crew pools as it's shallow also it limits the trolls and randoms effecting a battle as it's only crew Size not br
  2. Before you attack one clan would it not 'my honorable gentleman' be prudent to spend some time looking through his royal highness's manuscripts of the events leading up to the night of the black flags! would my honorable gentleman also confirm the names of the clans who turned black as I feel my honorable gentleman is in for a shock.
  3. It's Toxic but it's good for you! Come join your brothers once of the black flag! while we adjust to this new King's rule! You'll find out ts details in the above links. It's Toxic my brother but it's good for you!
  4. dear vicious please count to ten before responding to this British low born captain. Remember your birth right and hold your head high.
  5. Are you looking for a new challenge my black flag brothers? has endless hours of trading and chasing down fleeing nationals boared you into a coma?? Do you wake up and sleep your way through each and every day on naval action! does your heart sink when you see septor bombs going off around you knowing the moment you and your black flag brothers sail onto the region the nationals run into port and hide. The king of the British empire is offering a limited time deal. access to unlimited gold, silver and materials, ships of every nation and all you do is raise the British flag (save the black flag for rainer days). Once you arrive on kpr you'll see many old school brits who look down there noses at you. (many hold grudges and are bitter) you'll see many thin skinned and thick skulled ship captains but who cares when you get wealthy off there incompetence. Look up toxic my brothers and join the new black/Red revolution It's Toxic but it's good for you! TOXIC- Monk4y
  6. Buddy everytime you post I can't help but laugh. (I keep getting looks at work) Iv been a brit for about 1week and it's already like I never left. Nothing has changed in 4-6months. you must always tow the company line, talk only when directly asked to (must only read out the pre-propared comments). never show any opinions incase you offend those with thin skin and thick skulls. We have one month until launch and the full wipe/reset so why are you lot so afraid of change to the status-quo? surely we should be battling for everyport! we loose it all on launch anyway. Back on topic; Toxic invite any proud black flags to take part in the last month of testing join us as we push forward with player made content. fight the fight with this new red flag (the bribes of gold from their king is stunning, after a while you forget the sour taste In your mouth from being British again) open your eyes to 80% more rvr. sick of nationals running from the black flag, find nationals running headlong to pvp a lowly and incompetent brit, let the brits reputation as rubbish at pvp fill your coffers with gold and new ships! For glory my brothers, toxic is here!
  7. If you'd like a chance to join the new British Toxic clan please apply below. If you are fed up of being told what to think and when your allowed to think it, post below. If you'd like a chance to enjoy pvp and rvr with like minded players and relish the chance to express AN OPINION without having busy body and narrow minded existing brit players jumping down your throat. apply below! Some of you may have seen the sorry tag around kpr, some of you may have lost ships. would you like to play alongside those players and learn from them. We are brash, some call it arrogance! we don't pull our punches. but if you'd like to go onto battle with players who will put everything on the line for you and respect the tag (not play to save dura) Apply below
  8. Sorry/toxic has a reputation,love it or hate it it's the game content. Lord vic has a reputations has earned it, love him or hate him. The British busy bodies in this thread are letting down my fellow monkeys with drivel and nonsense. The Danes have a reputation in this game for pvp. Etc etc Reputation is what we build and thrive on in a game where we all become nameless national players
  9. Since when does expressing an opinion in Our recruitment thread get cencerned by the British busy bodies!?! I love it when brits justify incompetence and poor leadership with the old chestnut 'its no fun to win on everyone else'. (Im guessing when the brits stopped defending there Dutch allies while they were hammered back to one port was no fun either) newsflash! we have a month until launch so right now it's all about bragging rights!
  10. I love when you brits show you still have a backbone. All this talk of allies is interesting where were the Dutch when we landed on Jamaica and where was the mighty British when the Dutch were beaten back to a single port!? But alas why do you brits hold the hands of the beyond useless USA? the Dutch on the otherhand have my respect. from an outsiders point of view (ex pirate) the Dutch have learnt to count on themselves and have become stronger but the brits count on everyone else and seem to becoming weaker and more pathetic with each patch. (there are strong well organised clans in the brits, but these councils seem to panda to the masses and not look after the hardcore core of pvpers)
  11. As a proud member of sorry and now toxic I feel that you (we) brits have grown really thin skins. When I was part of aus the brits had a swagger about us but now you lot act like a broken beaten dog waiting for your next meal. It may have been the best thing to play as a pirate because you learn very quickly to only trust those along side you with your tag. I just hope you lot wake up and get your heads out of the sand. I may be a brit with a black heart but I'd rather be that than a brit who's just plain yellow. Monk4y
  12. I'm a missing something here.... YOUR COMPLAINING ABOUT PIRATES BEING PIRATES!!!!!! Our server has been inflected with an illness, its called 'carebear fever' or CF for short. This forum is full to the brim with players crying about 'real life pirates didn't man the big ships.... real life pirates didn't capture ports' , I guess I missed the part of history where the British empire in this time period held hands with the Danes, Dutch, US, French, Swedish, Spain and sang songs around the campfire. entered into gentleman's agreements not to attack each other! Its funny that now Dutch guilds are getting sick of this carebear bull**** and are attacking the British that the Dutch council has tried to kick them out or the nation. There is one key feature here that once the last pirate port has been taken and your server wide alliance and non aggression patch comes into force what the hell will you lot do? Love them or hate them the pirates keep the game fresh
  13. This suggestion is aimed to help support continued conquest in a game that the player based community is turning into a pve carebear game. As we are all aware the Pirates are now a faction and not a Nation. I suggest using currant in game features to help motive the community to get away from this hand holding rubbish that has become a plague on 'PVP EU 1'. Every week the pirates are able to occupy any Free town anywhere in the currant map. This port is occupied for a limited period of time (5days) The Free port has a cool-down of 3 weeks. Any Free port that is occupied by the prate faction has the ability to generate conquest flags but at 150% extra charge. while the free port is occupied by the pirate faction players of the core nations may only use the port under the smuggler flag. The free ports then become a spring bored for pirate attack all across the conquest map. Once a free port is occupied by the pirates the normal flag generation and port battles commence. [Edit1- for the pirates to occupy the free port they still have to win a port battle, all nations can defend but the window is only open for two hours] [the aim of this idea is to help break the pve hand holding of servers such and PVP (PVE) EU1] The pirates will be able to capture and try to hold new areas of the map and have interactions with nations and players that are not just located around Mortimer. With the 'Coming soon' to the updated alliance system this feature will enable nations and clans to hold the company/national line but also push personal goals for example; The pirates occupy 'Key west' and Launch 5 flags on the surrounding ports (3 Us ports + 2 Spanish ports) managing to capture all. Once the 5 day timer is up on 'Key west' the free port reverts to Free and all the pirate new pirate ports become open to conquest. The US and the Spanish are in an alliance so they are at stalemate unable to capture each others ports. The Dutch have agreed to not capture any ports in Spanish or US waters (the currant state of PVP EU1) As the pirate captured ports are now Nationless the Dutch push into the area and take part in 5 port battles eventually capturing the 5 pirate ports This now gives the Dutch a new front to push future aims but most importantly doesn't break any of the games alliance features. The other Main purpose of this new feature would enable clans/nations in game to pay the pirates to help push their aims in certain areas without having to openly break nation alliances. let me know what you guys think, to those players on pvp (e) EU 1 who will shoot this down as they would rather not have pirates in the game and would rather just carebear 24/7 this feature is designed not to strengthen the pirate faction but instead help the flow of ports from one nation to another without the breaking of alliances. [Edit2* - yes I'm a pirate] Let me know what you think
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