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Everything posted by monk33y

  1. So it was never unfair to attack the Americans when it was 3am for them, and it wasn't unfair to abuse the war suppliers and it wasn't unfair to log in under the crosses!! I keep saying this but when a nation plays dirty and wins it's fair but when dirty tactics (your own tactics mine you) are used against you, it's game breaking and unfair and needs fixing asap.
  2. How the hell was what I said against any forum rules.... Come on moderators! It's allowed to use veiled insults but it's not allowed to pull back the veil!! Do I have to go back to stating disclaimers again!!
  3. Unless I'm mistaken doesn't that map only update after restart? Thanks tho redii
  4. Could someone please just say who won. (called into work on my week off)
  5. A relatively easy way to give the idea there is more ships than there is. Would to to bring in skins. For example, bellona 1) Pirate- black ship with damage marks, (sub choice would be a national flag instead of pirate) 1-a) Pirate - for all nationals with their flag including pirates but with no lights in the dark. 2) Spanish capture- more gold trims, again the use of different colours on the hull to show work from repairs 3) fireship - burnt look. Ripped damaged sails, look of disrepair 4) merchant - wealth look. Only available in a shop. Skin-one use only with a $4.00 price tag. Once on ship not removable, if ship is captured skin stays with 1 dura ship
  6. Would nuteral wind not be a bad idea? Turning in the favour of the defenders but always turning so it will help and hinder both sides! Instead of the crap of guesswork and witchcraft we use now. What would be a good addition is allowing the battles to have a 30min extra time window if neither team has scored 750+ points..
  7. I would love a few historic (ish) ship skins, for example a few skins for famous pirate ships or captured national ships
  8. Would it be possible to add questions on the kick-starter? Eg how much you'd spend for what features etc
  9. We have a new troll people, my crown has been passed to the new King. Long live the king ^^ Ps. My previous dislike for redman and a few others has passed. You can get the wrong idea of people on the forums, on ts everything is sorted
  10. The only way I can see port battles being switched up is to restrict port battle entry by rank! Rookie zone (top four ranks forbidden) Capitals (top rank only) Nations regions classed by importance, higher the importance the higher the rank etc to enter
  11. Development team is you are watching above you will find a very simple way of involving your forum only comunity in upcoming ideas
  12. Personally I just wish they enable upto 4 port battles in any 48hr window as the amount of conquest has ground to a halt. (also make each nation only have one allie)
  13. I dislike this talk of removing any feature that enables for varied or custom gameplay! If you enter into a pb with a fireship or two surely that's your right otherwise every battle would be clones of the one before! I still love using my hamburger as a boarding fire ship. On my second now, I die, your crew dies, your ship enters canoe stage and you 9times out of ten loose your first rate. (to my friends) Please don't remove it, best part of my day
  14. You guys have realised we are in alpha/beta right! In every other beta iv played the crafting requirements in game launch double if not triple. Afterall what's the point testing ships no1 can craft. It's easy now I have no doubt it's going to get bloody hard on launch
  15. I'd love to see the missions not close. Make mission hunting a past time for defender fleets
  16. What's the difference between kick-starter and a cash shop! (this was a joke ffs) Noone is being forced to part with real life money, we have all already purchased the game so wheres the problem? If players want to invest abit more money into the game shouldn't be there own choice. Christ iv got a little bit invested into SC (at least that's what my girlfriend thinks lol) cough *orion, bmm, redeemer to name but a few* cough! But after all isn't the indervidual players choice how much of little we spend! If we can afford £20-100 let us spend it where we please. I don't mind getting access to ships or cosmetic addons. This game needs cash to drive development! Also this discount your product down talk is rubbish. The product has its value your customers either pay or they don't.
  17. Admin could you please give us the information for when the kick-starter goes live? With links etc I'd rather not miss out
  18. I'm now torn between the pirates I love but I'm really enjoying the British ingame community.. What to do. What to do!
  19. Kick-starter is clever because if the development company goes belly up or just don't finish what's promised they are under no obligation to complete anything paid for in kick-starter. I'm in no doubt funds are very tight. I'd be happy to pay for a cosmetic ship trim or ship paint for a few ships that are one use only. Eg, black paint, black sails or the image of ripped sail etc. I pplay world of warships and I see pwhat people pay in that for premium only ships. Why not in here? Game needs funds I like features/extras. I'd be happy paying £5-50 for an addons ship/premium feature (cosmetic) If pay £2.00 for the ability when it's dark that my ships lights turn off etc If I want all my fleet to look a certain way I'll pay for it (also would make capturing ships a thing again to get the custom loadout (look)
  20. I like that we now have a cash shop (kick-starter) that adds extra funding without adding game breaking pay to win (Im still in favour of a cash shop with unique cosmetic addons etc)
  21. I didn't read everything above so if this has already been suggested I'm sorry but couldn't a penalty for having over 50% non attacked nation players be introduced. For example if a Spanish port is attacked and every player over the 12th man of non Spanish player automatically gives the attacking team a head start of 100 points. This would not be game breaking as a well organised team can easily overturn a hundred points down. But most importantly it adds a negative for excessive allie help. Allies can still screen and rake part etc. If a port is defended by over the 12th man on two occasions that nations relationship gets -50 votes Durring the next voting stage!! Just ideas but I foundation to build on
  22. What we all need is daily objectives which could be as simple as sail here. Pick this up sail here (with smuggler's flag on) and sell. Get 1mill. Get players moving around the map. I love the golf of Mexico I don't think iv ever seen another player up there
  23. We communicate by smoke signals. The Devs see something burning down! We see that as a new feature coming soon!
  24. A nation should be given a goal or mission that has a 90 day timer. Eg: the French need to capture pedro cay. Or the pirates need to capture Bridgetown! If captured nation members get ten million and 2 captain skills for free as a reward.
  25. There's not action in naval action. We have a pve game. The Devs have created a new player friendly game but don't seem to attract new players!!! Rookie zone, safety at capital, br ballance lol, everyone is allied. Events for pvp in certain zones only
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