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Everything posted by monk33y

  1. By Inside the Danish council meeting from 02/02/2017 Lead council member -Gentleman we have a big problem! In the recent days we have seen our enermy use disgusting tricks and exploits to better us! Junior council member - sir. This cannot be true! Lead council member- yes young man it's true, they have launched early morning attacks, exploited our need for sleep. Abused war suppliers! You name it they have done it! Junior council member- but sir! Im confused! Didn't we do that first, we pioneered that tactic! Lead council member - young man watch what you say infront of this council, we clearly have no understanding of the difference between tactics and exploits!! Junior council member -cough# it's not fair we can no longer use exploits to aid our victory! Lead council member - young are from this day forth banned from this council young man. " guards get him out of my sight" Danish, French, Sweed, Spanish alliance meeting
  2. What we need is a short period of time if two weeks of all out war! Let nations take and loose regions then do a fresh allies vote. Do this every 3-6months until launch! Mix things up abit, who we pick of allies then is the Players and not the Devs fault!!! Usa is as much in the wrong as the historical exploity danes. We get a chance to pick our own allies and yet we pick nations next to us, which strangles expansion. Let's try all out war for a week then see what happens
  3. Otto brings up a very good point (tip my hat to you sir! So you would like to see all Russians and British and Americans and any other part of the world excluded from the game??? Come on DFSS think it through!
  4. But the server ALLOWS port battles 24hrs a day ( give or take) you get a 48hr warning!!! How is it an exploit when it's a ALLOWED feature of the hostility generation aspects of the game! So by your own logic you are exploiting the USA, when you have any battles when they are asleep! Afterall we play on a global server located (hosted) in the eu!!
  5. How come it's an exploit when the USA have port battles when your asleep but it's not An exploit when you have port battles when the USA is asleep !! I think the Danes just want the our Danes only server
  6. please correct me if I'm wrong but the name of the servers had hello kitty all to do with who they are for but instead where they are based. pvp eu 1 server located in Europe pvp us1 server located in usa there is no information ANYWHERE that states the servers are only for those in the surrounding nations. pull your heads out of your Arse!!
  7. Did you or did you not win the 4th rate battle using a 1St rate?! exploit Using war suppliers to flip ports with no combat so your alliance could fight 4or5 battles at the exact same time - exploit (Devs patched that out of game) Correction* when DSFS used any exploit or broken feature it was testing! Now the USA do same using broken features it's an exploit!!
  8. war supply bombs Using 1St rate in 4th rate battle (refusing to leave battle) Bullying the USA to only play at weekends and only Durring Danes prime time. Using a 3am attack (us central time) to get live oak. Attacking the USA Durring the Xmas truce Shall I go on??
  9. What would be better is regions ports controlled by a player who has to set windows. Say 4 ports. No pb window can overlap. Meaning ports in regions available to be attacked in all time zones. Adjust hostility so it's harder to flip regions without atheist owning 50% of the ports.
  10. I agree with you! Mabey I wasn't clear, I ment this attitude of the DFSS alliance that unless we play on their terms only or they won't play at all
  11. So again you solutions is pvp eu server! Shut it down at midnight!!! What about the number of players who are not from the eu or usa! Do you want to ban them too?? I just don't understand how you'd kill the game off just to stop others enjoying nation too??
  12. I just can't understand where this idea has come from that "I'm only playing in my prime time!" When we had timers, if you wanted a port you attacked it Durring your non prime time!!! No1 had issues with that then!! I only see issues now that certain nations are beginning to loose regions! And all this crap about testing exploits/features! Why is it you use that as a defence but go on the Attack over others doing the same!!
  13. So why are you lot complaining and wanting to restrict the game to eu timezones only! The Americans have access to a much larger possible playerbase than us Europeans!! So why hinder our shinking population even more! On this belief that the Americans are abusing (or testing features to coin the Danes) features, again I ask! " where was your alliances complaints when you benefited from using bugs/exploits/features!?!"
  14. where was your alliances complaints about the abuse of bugy features and exploits when you were winning using them!!!!!! only solution is to this stalemate is allowing nations one allie only (you both must vote for each other) then add pirates to the alliance system...
  15. WHEN THE DANES ( + ALLIES) USED NIGHTFLIPS PLUS EVERY DIRTY TRICK AND EXPLOIT TO WIN IT WAS APPARENTLY FAIR! But now they loose they give up.. Piss take if you ask me! Oh I forgot that you told the entire American nation they could only play this game Durring your prime time and no others!!!! When you win every exploit is fair, when you loose. Every exploit is unfair... Ironic right!!!
  16. Hopefully we'll get skins,flags, kick-starter shop etc
  17. Roger where did the jolly bit go? SaltyRoger or headUpArseRoger! You can't put your head in the lions mouth, then complain when he licks you!!
  18. The only way to get meanful pvp is to be on the forum! #bring back pvp! #make naval action great again!
  19. Shhh otto! Remember this game tries to let everyone (apart from exploity Danes) be winners!!
  20. Are you getting confused between player and AI fleets??? Pvp is dead, unless you sail through the middle of a pvp event area? Where we you playing etc? Lmao you have not even been ganked. What you are reading in nation and global chat is from morrons who take there 1St rate out alone to do pve missions and get hit by 3 or 4 smaller ships. Rookie zone is 1v1 only (stay in it until you have the basics)
  21. I wondered where you'd been hiding today! Just woken up?
  22. Usa you should restrict there access to labour contracts... Make making replacement ships harder
  23. Roger why are you the only one getting upset! When have you last seen any toxic active in nation chat, I tease munkey now and again but I'm in ts with them!! The reasons we came British is because we asked to consider it! I followed my clan (friends), also the brits were really bad at pvp. 99% of nationals run at the sight of a pirate but brits were considered by most easy pvp targets. First week I was here in gb I had loads of pvp. Even caped me a French santi in my coni! Then last big patch dropped and pvp stopped, everything is now pve. Pirates used to be able to join any active pve missions until the nationals cried to high heaven about it not being unfair!! AI fleets are predictable, players are not. Also I love boarding fireships but it's waisted on AI ships! The brit comunity for the most part is fun, I enjoy it, as said before. If we could attack 4 regions at one time it would be more fun. I play on test server more than main! That's a big problem in my books!!!
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