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Everything posted by monk33y

  1. Supply chain makes perfect sense on this game, afterall national endeavours into this region took years to plan and fiance. It would be good for this new points system to allow players to band together say at least 100 paying a crazy sum of money etc to set up national sponsored outposts using captured regions which the sole purpose of launching raiding party's like the old flag system, as I'm hoping raids can get launched from the capital or sponsored outposts to make raiding more unique
  2. #eastern-alliance-of-liers (my favourite and soon to be signature on forums) #make-eastern-alliance-great-again #build-a-wall-to-protect-the-eastern-alliance #lock-western-alliance-members-up All slogans taken from the eastern alliance triumph manifesto 2017
  3. This # eu server for eu timezones crap! So you want to stop Russians playing on the EU server then? Who will play Danes now? Personally I like #ban-all-Danes-who-exploited-game-features!! But then the Danes would have like three captains left!! We all play a global game!! All is welcome here on pvpeu1! I'm personally disappointed with the eastern alliance of liers who said they'd stop playing and had mass hissyfits over nightflips, who promised to never play again until night flip were stopped. Yet they are still playing the game. Just one more example of how you can never trust what a Dane,French,Spanish,sweed captain says!!! (munkey over to you my friend)
  4. I love this mentally that the eu server is only for eu members! So when do you ban British players from playing on your eu server @ start 2018. When do we start banning our Russian friends? Eu only means the server is hosted here and NOTHING else. You forget we had timers before, look how that worked!!! If you wanted a port you attacked at silly Aclock! People complained and they went 48hr warning and you lot still complain!!
  5. Hang on! hang on! Will you lot stop this already! How does the American players launching port battles in THEIR primetime any different to the eastern alliance launching attack when the bulk of the western alliance is either still at work or school? You cannot complain about injustices in the port battle timers when you now launch attacks outside of your enemies prime time!!!! The moral high ground most of you lot cling too has been pulled from under you! Every nation goes through periods of growth and shrinkage! Let's all plait and see how raiding and Xmas 2017 can be turned into a new feature event!!
  6. You are correct! Naval action unfortunately gets boring when we have these huge gaps between content/tweets. This games biggest draw is also it's biggest problem. Open world sailing. It takes to long to get anywhere (a feature I love btw), right now I can't personally be bothered to collect ships and move them, I'd rather play world of warships or star citizen. Until raids gets added around Xmas this year, we will see numbers ebb and flow! On this side issue of what's hard and easy, really! This weekly fighting is getting old! (I won't mention the throwing of toys out of pram when certain nations fought pbs in other nations non primetime, then attacking in other nations non prime times) #on a side not what star citizen ships do you guys have?
  7. No gifts munkey!! That cuts deep I enjoy the screening fleets, I enjoy playing with you lot! but I dislike is this attack a toxic or sorry player attitude! When your winning you attack us, when you loose you loose your minds attacking us! If one captains error in the battle is LV'S fault as he was leading then all the past dreadful looses the brits suffered were the commanders fault also! But no you don't attack them. They are your friends. You just attack LV. I just love Reading this. Such venom iv not posted in ages and when I do good old munkey launches a new attack ( I like that munkey shows passion on here, I don't take what's written as a personal insult but instead more in good humour, sometimes munkey is correct others he is wrong, we all get it right and wrong)
  8. I respect the sweeds, you are using the pirate problem to help you break the US/gb/vp alliance. Use the pirates to help you flip ports, something the high and mighty brits refused on principle! I respect that
  9. The nation that controls the access to labour generation gets access to replace ships quicker. I only have labour generating buildings anyway and my pirate alts do other more important roles
  10. Your missing labour contract generation on your map. Labour hours are important also
  11. Vics send me a pm. I'm away until the weekend can iget an update to what's going on, cheers
  12. THE LOCATION ADDED TO THE NAME OF THE SERVER ONLY SHOWS WHERE THE SERVER IS HOSTED!! Eg: pvp eu1 it's hosted in the eu You lot get dumber with each passing day!!! Try getting more sleep!!
  13. What we need is not port battle timers but a port battle schedule. Every nations has a 24 hr clock to launch attacks, when a nation generates the correct hostility. You use up a hr either side of pb timer. For example! Pb is set up for 18:00 hrs server time, on schedule you can mo longer set a battle for 17:00 hrs until 19:00 hrs. If a pb is set Durring this already used time the battle is bumped forward. (using above example) a second battle is set up at 18;42 hrs the battle is moved until 20:00 hrs. So no two times can be used over and over again. After 2 weeks schedule is reset For un-social hours the time removed from the schedule could be 4 hrs
  14. You can take our ports, you can burn our ships but you can never break our self-righteous belief that abusing broken features is ONLY a Danish/French/sweed/Spanish birthright!!!
  15. Gb/USA/vp should be called pepper! (pepper can get up your nose and really piss you off) F/D/S/S should be called salt! (Let's be honest that's all we see coming from you guys)
  16. We have no need for a wall, your lands are covered with a mountain of salt. You've entombed your nation.
  17. Just crush them back to a single port and be done with it. Or my personal favourite capture the region next to there capital. The alliance needs an outpost in the badlands
  18. Let me understand this from your point of view! The Danes have never exploited any ingame features; Taking first rates into a fourth rate battle was #testing not #exploiting. Using cluster war supply bombs to enable 5 port battles at the exact same time was #testing not #exploiting (eventhough our Devs straight away patched that out of game) Demanding that the American players were only to launch any attacks on Danish regions on a Saturday or Sunday between 18:00 hrs and 22:00 hrs (Danish prime time) otherwise they'd be crushed back to a single port. That of course was, #testing non us timezones and definitely NOT #exploiting non us timezones! Attacking the USA Durring a server wide agreed truce over Xmas (while the USA had fallen outside the alliance system) This was #testing broken game features and 100% NOT #exploiting broken game features!! Launching a 3am (us central time) attack of the usa #nightNOTnightflip, this was fair/balanced gameplay! (from a Danish point of view) #testing not #exploiting Oh wait fast forward three months and loosing a region while it's 1-3am gmt to an American attack BECOMES #exploiting not #testing. The gb/vp/us screening fleets protecting battles at eu primetime become #exploiting and not #testing Why can't you understand you can't have it both ways! Either you exploited to get advantages when you were winning or it was fair. Just like now, your loosing due to exploits or its fair! You can't pick and choose when your right and when everyone else is wrong when your actions are contradictory!!
  19. Proud member of [SORRY] (pirate)


    Proud member of [TOXIC] (British)


    "those who hide from pending change, hide from themselves" 

    "yesterdays actions, effect today's problems"



  20. If you read the authors post he says he's never actually been ganked! He is just going off the info from nation and global chat!
  21. You have got to love how you go on the Attack the moment anyone stands up to you while your having a hissyfit! I love how you attack my main (by the way this account is different to my main), second I'm not a usa player! Third, I didn't see any of your nation cry a river of salt when you were able to exploit your way to your current holdings! I just like how ironic this whole thread is.. (past and current) When you were winning, while abusing either broken features or just down right exploiting! That was perfectly okay, as your alliance was #testing! (no complaints) Now you are on the receiving end and are starting to loose! It's become a huge game breaking problem. #salt (mountain of complaints) Myself and a few others just keep pointing out that your past but still recent actions should be taken into consideration before any updates cone from our development team. You need to loose this mentally that a server based in Europe is ONLY for eu players! (by your own twisted logic that means no British, no Russians, no usa players!!! REALLY??) Every nation including yours has used nightflips! But only now while your loosing has it become a problem! Please explain that? Your nations players picked your own allies! So please explain how it's now unfair to fight the USA since your now loosing? When your nation was enjoying large amounts of success why were you not on the forums screaming for the Devs to fix night flips etc? Please explain as I'm confused! Why when your winning is everything okay and now your loosing it's a huge problem?! Go on, attack me again! I know you don't like it when others see differently to you.
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