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Cmdr RideZ

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Everything posted by Cmdr RideZ

  1. Well, rng is one option. Anyway, about the connection... When HC players grind 12 hours per day, that will create money. We have to make everything to be very expensive to counter this. At the same time casual players are suffering because they cannot ever play that much -> Casuals cannot ever own more expensive things. We need something where HC players can put their money, so that they feel that they also get something from it. At the same time take care that in reasonable amount of time casuals are able to get forward. Eventually, HC players will have everything and if they need something more they buy it. They make more and more money and eventually it will probably cause inflation. We will have 1 dura ships as well. If people do not sink ships, but instead capture those.. Hmm.. We do not have to craft ships either? Maybe devs already have a solution for this, I do not know. But right now, as I do not know what is the solution and if there is one.. I am kinda worried.
  2. I mean if I now play for nation A, and decide to change my nation to B while testing. I have to start from beginning. Before final launch I am not able to get max rank again. What happens at final launch? Will I get max rank for that, even if I do not have max rank any more after this testing period? Or do I have to take care that I have max rank after this testing period to have it at launch as well?
  3. Finally some plans how to fund the game in the future as well. btw. We are going to have another wipe, right? At launch? We are going to keep our XP/Crafting XP when that happens? What if I start playing now under nation A and I change to nation B. I lose my XP, and wont have full XP at launch? Another thing. Moving from high population nation to low population one, this probably could improve the game a bit. For example if GB has 35% from server population, you can move from GB to SVE/D&N/ES (Or well, which ever are low population nation that time in game). Not sure if people are going to be interested to pay just to improve the balance. I would take this in consideration.
  4. 3rd to 1st or even 4th to 1st rates, could be so expensive to repair that costs would be always greater than income. This would decrease inflation probably, but it can be that in the end HC players will have always enough money. As investing 8 hours per day to a game is a bit different than 2 hours. Hard question, but I have to agree that inflation could be our enemy in the future. Something else than ships that we could randomize? edit. Or add some national targets, like repairing towers/forts etc. You attack a port, destroy towers/forts the 1st time. The next time attacked and if your nation has not repaired those, will be harder to defend. Indeed, just and idea. Could be what ever in the end.
  5. 6-8 spread nicely, so that everyone has access to those, does not make something to be rare at all. Trading and smuggling should be part of this game. You trade with different nations to get some rare materials that you do not have. Or smuggle the stuff. Yes, I am against the idea that everyone has access to everything. US will be the LO area. The rest have to fight there, or trade/smuggle -> Rare. But, every nation should have something rare next to them, that would be equally good as LO. edit. This can be difficult if our numbers are low. As then we do not have enough trade/smuggling/alts to keep us going.
  6. Trolling, trashing, bragging, etc. I dont do this to be honest. Still.. I think guys who actually do that, they have place in my gaming experience. Those guys, they are creating community. Like some people have been a "bit" annoyed about LVs hard words. But TOXIC/SORRY is the most famous clan in the game atm. And probably by far. Just calculate together TOXIC/SORRY clan view counts on this forum. Sometimes bad is good.
  7. We have to sink-sink, or kill/assist is enough? You probably should keep door open for people to join small nations. For example, you can always move to one of the 3 smallest nations. This would be without losing XP, etc. We have our XP at release? In other games we cannot freely jump from faction to faction, that is true but... In other games they have 2-3 factions. These games are also mostly arena based games I think, or all are? It is a bit different thing in Naval Action, at least if asked from me.
  8. You could basically fight vs any nation you want, be allied with whoever you want. Not a benefit? Only one with smugglers flag, you have access everywhere. Perks could provide additional change. Also, we have multiple nations to pick from if one wants RvR. I do not think pirates have to be balanced in that manner.
  9. 3. Cannot capture ports Would need something to get econ from or they will never have ships. The whole idea is that playing a pirate is more difficult, right? It is the HC mode? You have to smuggle/capture your materials/resources to craft ships. Or you may have friends to trade with. (Or alts) The list I wrote should be very fast to implement. That would be a good start, get something for testing (for us). And as those should be fast to implement those are cheap, which means that you cant fail too bad here. Also the things listed, even that I believe those are small things to implement, those create clearly different kind of faction. Would probably create a good starting point.
  10. Whatever is his fate, there might be still room for another character.
  11. What about... 1. Pirates can be invited to any group, under any nation (pirates cannot invite nationals) 2. Pirates are the only ones with smugglers flag 3. Cannot capture ports 4. Pirates cannot be allied 5. Pirates cannot sail anything above 4th rates? 6. A pirate oriented perk? 7. Pirates can attack other pirates This would make pirates to be different already, I would say different enough. About implementation.. 1. We have already a check there, that we cannot invite other nationalities. Just add an exception that if invited target is a pirate, you can always invite. And If pirates are in a group that has national(s), nations rules are applied to these pirates as well (e.g. Alliances) 2. We have smugglers flag, just add an exception that if not a member of pirates, it is not an option 3. Add a check that if a pirate, does not create hostility if no nationals in the same group, or cannot buy a flag (whatever is needed). Kidds island could be converted to free towns. (Kidds could be left for later as well, if would be a huge thing to change) 4. Already implemented 5. Check, that we cannot exit a port in a 3th rate or above, nor we can exit to open world from a battle if we are in one. Forced to port. 6. Well, we have had already one. Probably not the biggest thing to implement? 7. Already implemented Implementation time should be short. Would have already a decent amount of piracy and also privateers. Probably would be that easy indeed. Most RvR guys will probably leave pirates after this, but I suppose that is one of the things we are after here. What about Republic Of Pirates then? In the above form, it will be there permanently. And it will stay in its small form as it was in the real life (At least if I have understood correctly).
  12. I think is his time to go and give room for... Alabama Black Snake !
  13. There is nothing bad in additional PvE content for PvP server as well. As long as it is not forced for PvP players. For example aggressive bots could be ok for PvE server, but not for PvP server. Having more versatile combat and trading missions would probably be just ok for all.
  14. PvP1 vs PvP2 BLACK. PvP2 BLACK is a PvP clan. PvP1 BLACK is a Pyrate clan. I hope you can keep your clan Pete. The game is full of PvP clans, but I think yours is maybe the only real Pyrate clan atm. No offence PvP2 BLACK, but what kind of Pyrate would say 25vs25 ?
  15. Night flip complains came from "Small Nations". Maybe the "Mega Alliance" forced "Small nations" to call 2 different servers. So if this server "split" fails, can we just send our thanks to the "Mega Alliance"?
  16. Tutorial is probably needed as well. I know people who had/have hard time winning 1vs1 with a Basic Cutter. Some guys have told that they have tried couples times and cannot just win and they do not know what they do wrong. They have told that they have got frustrated to burn 1h in combat and fail and advance nowhere. Starting PvE when you know nothing, can be hard in a Basic Cutter. Basic Brig, and the same missions. I could imagine that it might actually be easier to win those 1st PvE fights when you are learning the ropes, especially vs cutters/lynxes/privateers. Also, Brig is maybe the worst ship in the game. For end game, I would rather sail a Lynx/Privateer/Cutter, but I would probably skip Brigs. If I have not understood this wrong, we might even give a purpose for Brigs. Sure, this is not the highest priority item to implement, but I think it might be actually a good idea.
  17. Basic Brig It needs more than 50 crew members. Would it mean that with Basic Brig you would always get max crew in combat, even if you do not have crew to do so. But I have to agree that a Basic Brig would not be that bad idea.
  18. Wrote to another thread already but I suppose this is the right place... If the game succeeds, max players per server limit may cause issues.
  19. Pirates cannot have allies. Would it make sense if they were the only ones able to smuggle?
  20. Related but not the point... For example in Treasure Hunting. You may find a wreck from a bottle as well, this time it works like now. If you find a map, and you use it, it will be informed for everyone that you are going after a treasure. There has to be BIG sign that we are HERE. Yes, devs please especially notice this. We have to be able to actually find each other to have PvP. The map is huge, so try to understand that even if we knew where they would be sailing exactly, it can take an hour or more to get there. If you are lucky you are in a good spot to get there sooner. So please devs, try to understand that finding each other in OW is the main thing before we can have PvP. PvP is fun, and just sailing without a clue is not that fun. Devs, you really have to understand this. Yes, it may not be that realistic, but it is a game. We feel good after successful treasure hunt, if we know that there are other people who have a pretty good change to interrupt us. This Naval Weasel Action, where you sail to location X, others are sailing 1000km from you, and you claim a treasure. Cool, you got some loot from absolutely nothing, but was that fun?
  21. There has been always and sometimes conversation about content in OW. I think this subject has slipped away couple times. I am purely writing from PvP perspective. So what we need... The current missions are, sail to location X and fight. Buy goods and Sell at X. What if we had OW PvP missions? Lets 1st say: 1. We can inform about those for other people. In game world this mission was planned 1 month before, rummors run far. Sure, irl we would tell from it immediately. Yes, the world is too big to not let others to know about these. Yes, it takes 15 to 240 minutes to find someone, these things has to be indicated clearly. 2. We should be able to screw them up, but not F* them up! -> There has to be balanced instances. Yes, someone is doing mission for 4 persons in 5th rates, and you cannot go there and F* it with 25x 1st rates. Yes, there is a magical barrier blocking you and thats it. Yes, it is just a game. 3. You cannot teleport to friendly port after battle, there maybe more to come, yes you have to sail there. omg! 4. Rewards if you win. 5. Could be connected to RvR Mission examples: 1. Escort - Escort AI ships from port A to B. 2. Transport (And escort) - Transport goods, one has a trader, couple other players have escorts. 3. Hunt in region X, hostility creation maybe. - Go to area X, while you are there, it creates hostility if you just are there 30 minutes. The other faction will be informed that you are coming, and that you are going to be in the area for 30 minutes, and not vanish in some mission and never to be found again. Other faction has time to go and look for you -> PvP 4. Destroy tower X - Like Port Battle, but smaller, and just destroy a tower or a fort. 5. Transfer goods to build tower X - Destroyed tower/fort can be built again, but you have to actually transport those goods. 6. Treasure hunting - Fish a bottle, X% change to get a map, collect your friends, use the map, you have X hours to sail to location and pick the treasure, sail back to port to open and see what you got. 7. etc. Not a mission but a system: 1. Bounty Hunting, add a bounty for a player. If someone is able to sink, he will claim some/all from the bounty. e.g. Blackjack Morgan has been sinking way too many ships and you want revenge. You add X million bounty from him dead or alive. You sink him, and you collect the money. Maybe even fame from this, adding a rolling list of bounties claimed. 1a. You have to sink, capturing is not enough. Adds abuse protection. 1b. If you capture him in a basic cutter -> You get nothing. The ship defines how much from the bounty you are going to get. If bounty is high and he always sails in a surprise, it can be that he has to lose 41x Surprise before the bounty is gone. Abuse protection once again. 1c. You set this bounty in port X, you can claim it only if you are in port X. You can set a bounty in KPR, and only your countrymen can claim it. (They should not allow allies to sail in your ports, removes reasons for RvR, I assume this will be removed as well, right?) 1d. Bounties do not count in RvR. You sink him in a port battle -> You cannot claim the bounty 1e. Bounty divided between kill/assist players. We are going to get new RvR system. After this, I think they should fix bugs from it, and major flaws. Then they should add other content as well. If they do not add other content, at launch we have RvR, port battles, and ? So they should add other activities already, so that we can test those before launch as well. OW PvP missions can create a lot of things to do. In theory, should create a lot more than for example those port battles.
  22. Hard to tell what they have in their mind before seeing it. The other system sounds a bit more grindy, as you have to grind skills for each ship separately. Crafting will be less useful, but I suppose this is ok. You need lvl50 to craft upgrades and lvl50 is a tedious grind, so kinda good if this will be gone in the future. As those are skills, we learn those and then we have balanced PvP. Customization would be nice, but not sure if skill based system provides that. The new system may not be that bad at all in the end.
  23. I have not been following the topic but... Did they say that there will be 2 servers, with different port battle timers. Or, that there will be 2 servers that are geographically locked?
  24. I kinda like this circle idea. The only issue is that you have to wait there. In NA lot of things are about waiting, but do not have a good idea how to fix it. But, what if... We had different kind of PvP hostility missions we can launch. You have to of course specify target region. For example we can have blockade mission. Different ports could have different BR/Rate limits. For example 4th rates, max BR 1500. You probably have to sail to this location to start it, what would be right next to that specified port. Your enemy is informed that there are open hostility activities here, kinda like mission list. Has to be informed, because what I have experienced, it is impossible to find current PvE hostility missions in the 1st place. So there has to be some clear indicator that this region, this port is under attack, go and do something about it. Scenarios would be probably nice, as would provide possibility for all players to participate. n00bs wont be yelled at GTFO of here if you do not have Exceptional LO, BS, SH Agamemnon.
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