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Cmdr RideZ

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Everything posted by Cmdr RideZ

  1. So you are saying that a Connie demasted a smaller ship? But like 2x3rd rates demasting each other? Not shooting hull as demasting was dominant tactic for that age? I have understood a Connie could penetrate Java from every possible angle. Connie would not take a shot to hull, even if would get a clear shot, instead just continued shooting masts? IRL I have understood crew would die from side hull hits as well. Side hull was not like a shield like in NA, that protected crew from everything. If I have understood this correctly, without reading anything about historical battles. I have understood also that side hull hits are actually pretty unrealistic in NA, as that would end the game fast, and would not be fun for guys who want to snipe masts and rake? Was there more or less always demasting in combat? Sniping all the time? Like in NA? I am not seeing too much topmasts falling, always just from the root. Very interesting. Also, I think there should be multiple battles taken on account, not just one. So if demasting, mast sniping, was a common thing, then cool. But somehow I have understood, without reading about some historical battles, that cannons at that time were not really that accurate. But what do I know. About repairing.. I have actually understood that they did not repair masts. Also am a bit interested, as masts were the target for snipers. As it seems to be historical now. Did they have some ships designed to repair other ships? As probably they lost a mast or 2 in every battle, or even 3 sometimes. So to not lose their ships all the time, they must have had a towing fleet at least? Also not sure if we should keep one battle where demasting happened as a guide how all should be designed. Probably this same stuff is written from every battle? Sniping masts? So if I just pick a book about historical battle, they probably explain me how they were sniping masts? It was a dominant tactic and all, so probably so, right?
  2. If mast sniping would be harder than it is -> Someone is really good at mast sniping still, 10x better than you. He comes in a battle, and snipes always your mast off before you have time to do anything. This is a good meta, or not? You end up to fight with the same guy, and you know that you have to snipe his mast or lose. And every time he just snipes your mast before you get a shot. The idea that you have to shoot just masts, is a fail.
  3. Someone has the facts? Also, they could not just repair masts right there like in the game. They had no masts and they were planning to sail back? How did they sail back in that time when in every battle they lost a mast or two? Or maybe even all. How did the warfare at that time work at all? Which ship in game represents Java the best? Any records from the battle, what and where did they shoot? They sniped masts?
  4. I think shallow water battles with grapes are extremely boring, which is the reason why I do not sail in shallow waters. So yes, your Brig example should be fixed as well. That has been told for devs multiple times, they have done nothing. I assume they like it like that. Demasting is way too efficient at the moment. In Trafalgar, how many masts Victory lost? All?
  5. For example this. Of course I understand this. This is not part of my point. More efficient #1 is, less important #2 is. ... I have to still say.. There is a video where a guy takes down 3 masts in 10 minutes. And you still disagree strongly. I should not continue.. So I suppose have to just stick to that agree to disagree.
  6. I make an example to understand my point, and it seems like you take it literally. Lets agree to disagree.
  7. Gets heavy to explain if you do not even try to understand my point.
  8. 1st mast down at 4.5 minutes 2nd mast down at 8.5 minutes 3rd mast down at 10 minutes I seriously do not understand why we have to even talk about this.
  9. I would like that the emphasis is on #2, not just winning with a good mechanical skill. I am also learning #2, and I believe that everyone is, it is the best part of Naval Action if asked from me. I actually think that you cannot ever learn everything from #2. You cannot mechanically learn it vs bots. Right now, if you are really good at #1, it basically means that you do not need #2. The most difficult thing in NA is the #2, not the #1. #1 brings the skill cap down as you can basically forget #2, if you are really good at #1. #1, you do not have wind, nor you have speed, nor you have anything, nor you know anything. But you still see your enemies masts and as you are good at sniping you shoot those off and will win. The same reason why I was against mad rake damage, I was definitely in minority here. It is a mechanical skill that can be learned, a one trick pony tactic. It was so devastating that risking for it turned to be more important than #2. In Real Life, if anything that I have read is true, #2 was the most important thing. If we make sure that is always the case in NA as well, we should be getting realistic battle results. I would be also happy to be honest I said there Hull Meta, as that would make #2 to be very important. There would not be shortcut victories. When devs introduced this mad rake damage, they were happy when they got info from field that some players were able to win 1vs2 for example. They wanted that skill matters, which is cool. This was still a fail if asked from me. The game was a lot about #2, and there were already people who were able to win 1vs2 just by using #2. Also there was people using bow/stern tanking, which was lame. Lame part was fixed and I am ok with that. Winning 1vs2 was not still very common, as most did not understand anything about #2. But the fact that people did not understand to use #2 (Still dont), should not have been a reason to bring simple one trick pony rake/snipe tactics in NA.
  10. Right now is Mast Meta. I think that all my combat ships on Live have Reinforced Masts, HP bonus but for masts instead. When people learn to hit masts, I think high risk is not that high. When we have a small playerbase, majority not reading the forum nor understanding what is the meta, we are good. We are double good as most do not know it and benefits will fall for a small group. Eventually they will know, and everyone will be shooting masts. So yes, there is a change that we are short sighted here.
  11. I am not speaking from you, nor from Liq. If a guy could cut a mast with 1-3 broadsides. That is pretty fast in Naval Action, at least I think so. And with 3 broadsides, I seriously think there are people who can do that, and not just one guy. Wind is something that can give you an advantage, but having the wind does nothing vs mast sniping. Or does it? So basically mast sniping is removing this element pretty well. So yes, it is lowering skill cap. Sure, good players probably still understand to get benefits from wind.. It is just that what ever you do with the wind, and other guy is 2x better at mast sniping than you are (and does not understand at all what wind means) -> He is going to win that fight. This is not decrease skill cap? It is kinda moving it from all that is interesting in the age of sail, in Naval Combat, to mast sniping. It is like, duh, are you devs freaking serious here?!
  12. If you hit a mast with every ball you fire, so you are a real pro in this. Do you really care if you have the wind or not? But this is sure not the only one.
  13. IF you miss. When people actually start shooting masts, I believe they will hit as well. I have been playing many games and probably you as well, and I have to say that mast sniping is far from difficult. It is not like it would be one of the most difficult things in gaming. I am not an expert, but I can give you a starting point. Others may have and probably do have better advices. Notice -> A starting point. Easy way is to get a friend and take a duel with him. You can start by just being still, right next to each other, but still with some distance that you can actually shoot masts and not hulls. 1. Red aiming bar so high that you will hit masts and not hull 2. Follow aiming zone, that is draw on water or hovering there, whichever are your graphical settings. Use it to aim. (Hovering is probably better, as then waves are not affecting to your aim) 3. Check which cannon port is closest to the mast, you can check from birds eye view. When you look from side now, you know that the mast is close to that specific cannon port. (Draw a line from mast to hull side, that is the starting point to aim, use cannon ports to remember that spot) 4. Aim to that cannon port and shoot 5. Follow how balls fly from front and behind your target mast. Fix your aim, you will eventually hit. 6. Remember that you have to fix your aim a bit every time, as the next cannon is not firing from the same place. 7. Practice Sail forward with your friend as well, you have to aim slightly differently. You will eventually get pretty good at it, I am sure about it. To be honest, I wish they change this. Makes no sense to practice something like this when the game can offer so much more interesting stuff. I hope you all get good, so devs will finally understand to fix this shit.
  14. I believe anyone can bash masts, crew and cannons as well. Point and click gameplay is not really where Naval Action skill should be measured, at least not with the current UI. I believe that average players are well able to snipe masts. Sniping masts is the only thing that matters atm. So if you want to be good in this game, just snipe masts. Mast meta simplifies the game and brings the skill cap down. I actually have to say that it is a pretty boring meta. When people figure this out and practice, sniping a mast down with one broadside will be a standard. (And probably needs only those bigger cannons from a broadside) Things that I wrote in my previous posts, will be applied with Hull Meta. Hull Meta probably raises the skill cap. Surprising right? It is just that with Hull Meta it seems simple, you just bash and dont have to aim etc. like you point there... But there is a high change that everything else gets way more interesting and important with Hull Meta. With Hull Meta I mean that Hull should be our primary target.
  15. Thanks Liq from the video. I do not think buffing mast sniping was the idea here, it is already the meta on Live. Hull should be the meta. I am pretty sure that would create the most realistic scenarios, and the best possible gameplay. Hull meta does not make raking and mast sniping to be useless. Small ships use raking vs big ships, and big ships use mast sniping vs small ships. Also Chains would be useful once again in this scenario, big ships vs big ships. After hull is down, Grapes would work just fine. Also wind and positioning is well included in this one. Also realistic tactics would work just fine.
  16. This probably could not be underlined too much. Players tend to... I have been winning by doing A. A must be really difficult, like the most difficult thing in the game. I am an excellent player. Why the rest are not winning like this? Because they are not so good, so they lose. As this is so difficult, I probably should get even more benefits from this, so they should definitely buff my playstyle. Or could it just be that... I have been wining by doing A. A must be really easy, like way too easy way to win. The rest are not doing this because they do not know that there is a balance issue in the game. As it is so easy, and provides easy victory, we should definitely nerf this playstyle.
  17. Pirates should be made criminals who are after traders. They should not be planning port battles and taking over the world. There has been plenty of ideas how to do this.
  18. F to set sails on auto, sometimes you have to press it twice. At least on current live. You press it once, it goes on auto and back on manual right after. It kinda blinks fast. Then you press it again and it works. This has been on live server pretty long actually.
  19. America normally has a decent amount of players in every game. It can be that after launch they are not happy to play on global either. Maybe they end up to similar issues. I have been playing RvR in some games, and a bit boring thing indeed is that you leave the game in state A, you sleep, you work, and you log to see that the situation is something totally different. I have to admit that I stopped playing RvR games just because of this. Word Of Tanks did it right, as clans can agree fights. Their system is also super simple, maybe even way too simple, but it works. In WOT you will always have fights in some specific time, more or less. This helps you to organize your real life, which makes it easy to "access". You can agree with your GF/wife/kids/friends/mother/whoever that every evening a gaming session at this time. (The same goes with BRS, it provided a moment of pause for RL)
  20. If people know more or less where different clans are going to play. I think many would be interested to know. Would not harm to add your 1st option to the list, just to see how things could develop.
  21. The issue in the end is probably that we cannot react when we are spawned back to OW. If we were in OW, and a revenge fleet would be sailing towards us, we would react and sail away. Probably the most realistic way to handle this would be to spawn players to empty location. This would simulate "sailaway".
  22. I understood devs said they will remove all this stuff, nothing to do with me and what I understand. Right? So just hoping that they understand to implement something for this, as anything is better than implementing nothing at all. And hey, who says I do not understand why invisibility was removed? A very short invisibility should be still ok. 2-3s from which I have been talking is a bit different scenario. I am not asking like 90s or 2 minutes, I believe those do not work. So if there were 2-3s invisibility, captain has time to raise his sails and look around. It is tiny bit better than nothing. ... Another option could be, that you pop out from the same location as you are in battle. So if you have 30 minutes left, you can sail a bit more off from battle start location. This is a bit heavy and a time sink, but hey, it is Naval Action.
  23. Even 3s invisibility would be better than nothing. A bigger question is, how do you make devs to understand that this development direction was not a good one.
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