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Cmdr RideZ

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Everything posted by Cmdr RideZ

  1. So are you using Cartagena still? After wipe everyone was on the same level. None had anything. Today this is not the case anymore. Did not see the RUS vs Rubli fight. If gear does not matter, I suppose you could then support me on my cause? Ask devs to balance gear so that people like me who hate gear warriors would be happier? I may not be the only one. Thickness upgrades?
  2. I did not notice that, sorry about that. If you sail out from green and are having good PvP, that is good for you. My point was to invent ways how to get more players out from the green. What could make these players to sail out? What are players on green thinking?
  3. I was a bit worried there for a moment, that Jon Snow lets go would actually like Gear warriors. One port to produce rare goods is one port to fight from, increasing prices for best rare mods. Makes gearing even worse. The idea there provides multiple clans a change to own rare resources. Couple main ports would be less important. Gear would be cheaper and easier to get. RvR goals could be RvR goals and not PvP goals. With PvP goal I mean that you get port to get personal benefits, gear for yourself. RvR goals could be clan wide goals. Also building clan buildings would be something that clans can do together. This can be done so that it creates new OW PvP. So that there are more reasons for clans to stay out from the green zone. Having one rare port vs RvR game that can have plenty of content.
  4. Would not be a good reason to own a port? Something for clans to do? Reason to defend your port is you have plenty of buildings? VS There is one rare resource port in the game? Advantage for players who have alts? Are rare upgrades, gear based gaming really improving PvP? .. Giving reasons to sail out side green zones. Giving good targets to sail a trader and escort those?
  5. I assume you are not using Cartagena on any of your ships? We can simply disagree here then. Angling should mean a more. In CS they have exactly the same amount of money when they start? If they play well, they get more money and have a better change to win the match, right? Still, everyone has the same amount of money to start with. CS is not an mmo but I am pretty sure you can find an PvP mmo that has the same.
  6. And removing CM would make them sail out Giving them competitive gear will definitely give you more fights.
  7. If they had better gear, there would be higher change them to actually sail out from the green. You would get more fights, everyone would win? If you decrease the gear, they will be in disadvantage and they don't sail out -> Less fights.
  8. This is related to things that I said? Or is this your way to brag? I am speaking from the game, not from you, right? You also did not mention anything about upgrades you use? Are you sailing in a fleet? Are you sailing vs new guys, for example camping near MT? How much time you have spent with the game? You don't have to answer. I am just saying that I am speaking in general from the game. Would be hard to speak from a game if I had to take on account every possible individual. The game is like I said there.
  9. What if we would add port properties like "Mine", "Plantation", "Forest", etc. Clan captures a port that says "Mine". Your clan can build a mine, for example a copper mine here. You have to transport resources to build it and pay for labor. After this your clan members can build copper ore mines like if this would be a Copper ore port. If port can be opened for plantation, you can make it to produce Cotton for example. Forest.. Either some rare material that upgrades need or should we allow player planted woods? Like for example White Oak? Ports would still have those 2 resources built in. If port is lost, all clan buildings and resource facilities are destroyed.
  10. You nerfed hull thickness too much. Sure, mast thickness as well. Angling hull means next to nothing if hull thickness is very low. Probably Cartagena mod is and has been breaking hull thickness balance. Nerf the mod and buff hull thickness. Small ships have lost so much hull and masts that those are less competitive vs bigger ships. Big ships should be better but something left for smaller ships as well. Else we may end up to a situation where everyone is simply sailing a SOL. Also Dear @admin, can you explain why PvP focused game needs gear advantage veteran players? Counter Strike is a very popular PvP oriented game. Do you think CS would be that popular if some players would have better gear than others or more money to spend?
  11. Gear means a lot now. Gear difference can simply be huge now. Some players have +4k, even +7k? hours behind. Others have 100 hours. Veteran players with good gear crying that they cannot sink new guys without gear in the green zone. New guys without gear would be simply stupid to take a fair fight out side green zones. Many from these veteran players are still expecting to find a fair fight or they rather gank. Veteran players often want to have BR equality but not the gear equality. I highly recommend that you at least remove gear advantage from the game. This makes it easier for new guys to sail out from safe zones. Veteran players get better and more fights if gear advantage is been removed. I would call this win-win. All serious PvP focused games that are actually good have minimal gear benefits. Don't know how NA PvP would be any different.
  12. Masts have been this kind of "I win" button. Leaks are still, you can basically sink someone with one broadside. Sinking will also happen like in 30 seconds. You should nerf Leaks. It would be better if more men are needed or that it takes very long time to pump all out, not just sink right there. It should need way more leaks to be able to sink directly. Masts and Leaks are both suffering from the fact that cannons are super accurate. Cannons are not moving up and down with waves after fire command. This makes water line shots to be even deadlier. Then and if there is going to be this chain-sail-lock. You are building locations to shoot, things that players can shoot at. If this kind of locations are very efficient, it is actually decreasing tactical part. Also maneuvering should have bigger role. Trick shots, if made powerful, can and will destroy the "base" game. You should get an advantage but not direct "I win".
  13. Gear makes a huge difference now. Show us gear scores if you want to keep it like this. New guy with a gear score of 10 should understand that his enemy had a gear score of 220. I see myself as a PvP player. I don't see why gear should make me better. If I have 220 gear score and my enemy has 10, I want to see that I am raping a noob. If I have 10 and my enemy has 220, I want to make him feel bad that he lost that fight. Without gear score we simply make new guys to feel bad, which is not good for the game. ... Another could be that you add upgrade locations. Sails, Rudder, Masts, Planking, etc. each one has its own slot. You can have only one upgrade per location. No stacking basically. This way may not need even better or worse upgrades. You can have multiple upgrades that have +10% HP but each one has different penalty.
  14. I did. In case you want me to answer to that one as well.. Role for chains should not be that small.
  15. Chains are very powerful. Masts have been coming down so fast that if chains were not very powerful, there would be 0 purpose for those.
  16. So chains should be only for noobs? New players who did not know that shooting balls to top and mids is more efficient than chains? If mast sniping would be actually difficult and that I could not do it, then maybe yes. If our tiny-tiny community had 1 or max 3 pro players who could do it, I probably would say yes for mast sniping.
  17. 1. I explained it for other players. You use a linear curve here? You could consider to change your algorithm to produce results like... Curve here to make a point. Not saying it should follow that curve but to give an idea. 2. It can be that I am asking something impossible and something that you are not interested at all. In my opinion, this kind of slow paced shooters make excellent tactical shooters. You don't win games by being better mast sniper, you win games because you make better tactical decisions. Simple example... Not tactical: You have a good line to masts you take a shot, hit the masts, win the game. Tactical: You have a good line to masts but you cannot penetrate, you cannot take a shot, you did not win the game. I have to get in better position? How do I get in better position? How do I fail to end up to these situations where I cannot take a good shot? How is that possible that my enemy is always in a good position? This is a long shot but will say it. I think that we ended up to this situation when people wanted to stern rake only and their opponent was able to protect her stern. In that "protected" position, your enemy has his hull well angled, there is no place to fire good and clean stern rake. You also have wrong ammunition type to shoot sails. BUT you are in pretty good position to mast rake. Also if you remember how much people wanted high ball stern rake damage? I believe it was because of this one trick pony tactic. You have balls loaded in every situation, you shoot either stern or mast rake. In my opinion, you have been balancing this game for very long time for this specific playstyle only. I have said many times that grapes for raking and chains for rigging. This way we have to load different ammunition types. If we are not able to maneuver and estimate where we will be after cannons are loaded, after X seconds, then we are not able to get that good shot we were planning to take. That is deterministic. The playstyle you have been buffing all the time is opportunistic. Which one you think is more skill based? The one where you are offered good shots by doing nothing? Or the one where you have to plan before hand what is going to happen after X seconds? Many players I know quit the game because you started to go more and more to opportunistic way. I am here, waiting, that you once again start to go deterministic and tactical direction. If you take deterministic and tactical direction, Naval Action will be the best tactical shooter there has ever been. 3. Edinorogs are better than mediums? If your plan was to buff mediums, well, none will know this if you don't remove/nerf Edinorogs. Edinorogs simply harm your testing, harm your development. If you want to keep those like those are in the future, Russian Victory day special, then remove those for now at least.
  18. Remove/Balance Edinorogs as everyone is now using these. Masts in general are tested vs Edinorogs. Carronade rebalance wont get attention. I agree mostly with Tommy but would also add. Thickness nerf made more decks able to penetrate masts. This increased dps everyone has vs masts. Good is that it takes longer to snipe masts as sniping is probably not just slightly unrealistic. Santisima was able to penetrate mid masts with 2 decks. Now it can penetrate mids with 4 decks, which would be 35 cannons more per broadside. Masts are in balance when even pro players use chain shots to shoot rigging. Chain shot is there, it should be used, else remove chain shots from the game. Why some ships got hp and others lost is because they based mast hp on hull hp. They want to run stuff true algorithm and as a developer it often feels realistic when things are based on math. Also algorithm based values are easy to modify for all, as you modify algorithm to be more better and it fixes all ships at the same time. Also if you dont have facts for something, it is hard to give values that you could be happy with if you do not base those to anything. Is a good idea to give control perk for ships without bow chasers. Unrealistic magic, maybe, I could not care less. It is a game and this is buffing weaker ships, which improves balance, gives players more options, etc.
  19. I read it and that was the first thing that came in my mind. Sniping will be the same as you only fire one cannon at time but will take longer, you tho have 2 decks to shoot instead of 1 or maybe even 3. So you can snipe without reload breaks? When you spray you have now 2x cannons that can hit and penetrate. This should be eating benefits from those extra hit points they gave. I did not test it so cannot really know it. We will see.
  20. Decreased mast thickness, is that 10-15%? Increased mast hp, more in some cases than in other. Twice as much? Decreased mast thickness probably doubles everyones mast dps as you can now penetrate easily with all your decks. Is this a buff or nerf? Spray and pray? I hope I'm wrong.
  21. A bit early to say but it can be that earlier thickness values were actually ok. It can be that you have simply broken mods that buff the values so high that it breaks it.
  22. I know. The issue is that there are no reasons, not much content to sail out from safe zones. Maybe one day we have. Safe zones should be newbie areas, end game shame zones for people who lost all. They should easy money from PvE to get back to PvP but the main end game content should be outside. Easy thing would be to give for example 1.2x multiplier of gold/xp/cm from missions done outside capital safe zones. Maybe all would not go after +20% reward but some probably would. Some would be better than none, right? Sure would not fix it all but might improve the situation. Another easy thing could be to make resource production 20% more expensive in safe ports. Once again wont fix it all but would be a small bonus.
  23. Clans that base their PvP mark income on farming guys without gear. Clans that gank like no tomorrow. Clans that try to make new guys to attack them on green zone. Clans that try to use any trick there is to get a new guy on green zone. Safe zones probably do make it harder for them, agreed. Clans/Players who want good fights. They could not care an F from safe zones.
  24. Max rank does not really mean that someone is not a newbie or that he has not lost all his stuff in recent PvP activities. Think safe zones as end game zones to make money to buy/craft a ship for PvP.
  25. I think they will. If a guy cannot lose his last ship it can be that he will be grinding in green zone. Clans would definitely risk to get something for their clan/port or that some additional personal reward. Your clan captures a port and you want to build forts. It could be a clan event to defend traders who transport materials to port. Quest are content for PvE and PvP server. You could have PvP quests as well. PvE and PvP missions can both lure you out from safe zones. What do I know... Maybe it is then better to stick with our s.hitty missions to grind bots and camp and gank around safe zones. GG ... We could also add German 88mm gun. Just to F up the balance a bit more. None seems to care about it anyway, right?
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