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Cmdr RideZ

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Everything posted by Cmdr RideZ

  1. @admin You had an idea how farming is not going to be an issue this time? If that is not going to be an issue, I say that sure, lets test it. Else I think you should fix that one first.
  2. The last time nations formed farms. Agreed with each other who shall have and which port.
  3. I understood meta was to shoot masts and board. You made mast weaker and boarding stronger. I am not smart enough to understand why devs do stuff like this. ... @TommyShelby Maybe you can help me out here? Why devs made the current meta even stronger? Why exactly the current meta? Tell me there is nothing weird in this? Was there a conversation at testing forum about this? Why would devs do something like this?
  4. Mast meta is too strong. Bigger ships have bigger cannons that can easily take out masts. Bigger ships have stronger masts. Question is why the situation has not been even improved yet?
  5. I did not want to say that Connie should be slow. Actually how I have understood it from age of sail documentaries (for dummies), stronger the hull faster top speed you can achieve. Weight at least partially defines how much and how thick wood was used? LO is thick and heavy. Connie is a heavy ship. If weight is a number that matters in physics simulator, Connie is probably penalized here. Connie turn rate is worse than for ships that are heavier and longer. Dont know what is the theory for the current rate. In that google docs, I think devs released it at some point.. Bellona weight 2420 Connie weight 2240 Bellona has 3 decks and room for 32pd + 24pd cannons. What could explain Connies weight?
  6. I took a copy from that google docs that had all full rigged ship stats but don't have link to the original doc here. I assume weight is affecting to sailing performance. Weight should also affect to hull HP. Weight divided by size should give good point to approximate hull HP. More decks you have, higher the ship, less weight per deck, less hp per deck, less hull HP. Connie is a 2 decker, Agamemnon is a 3 decker. Agamemnon weights less than Connie. Connie has 90 more hull HP, based on wiki. Connie has bad sailing qualities because of its weight? We could make Connie the old ironsides and give it more thickness and HP. Another option would be to estimate how much lighter it would be if it had been made from Oak, then use this weight for sailing qualities. In the end when we build LO ships, it actually could directly affect to ship weight and sailing performance. More realistic way to simulate different wood types?
  7. https://threedecks.org/index.php?display_type=show_ship&id=10979 24/18/6 pd cannons.
  8. We dont have that many 3rd rates and Wasa could clearly go under that category. Ingermanland could be another good option. This way all 32 pd ships would be 3rd rates. This would help to balance masts as well.
  9. It should be cheaper to upgrade a 7th rate than a 1st rate.
  10. Redeemable Agamemnon in PvE 4th rate mission VS Frigate and Surprise. Mostly fired 18pd medium charged shots but also 24pd. Now that I check Shelbys chart it can be that many from those 18pd charged shots did not even penetrate. 5x Bottom Mast sniped in 12-15 minutes. 3 from Frigate and 2 from Surprise. (Even 25 minutes would be way too fast for 5 masts) No accuracy upgrades, books or perks. 1st game after very long break. Was even stuck in irons multiple times wondering how you tack with the new model. What is the best way to tack? I was playing this long so I hope I am better than an average player, but sure far from a pro. With my skills I would not expect this kind of results. I tested it and sure it could be worse, but it is broken as hell at the moment. For years there has been changes done for masts. How can we still be in this state? You have done A and B, then tested A again and then B again, then A ... . You know you could try to find and test options C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K and L as well? ... Additional ideas on top of those I already said in earlier posts: If masts were stronger, you could decrease chain shot damage. If masts were stronger, you could easily remove multiple repair kits per battle. As cannons are too accurate and you dont want to make those less accurate, you can increase mast hp as that creates the same effect. Multiply mast hp by X for example. Depending what other fixes you are planning to do, X could be from 1 to 4. Decrease horizontal accuracy when sniping. You can still measure the distance, but sniping will be hard. Wont fix mast rakes. Consider decreasing charged shot count by -80% Consider to decrease accuracy so that with all accuracy mods you can achieve the same accuracy level as currently without any mods. You seem to be Simo Häyhä without any sights anyway. You could also consider to change damage model so that better your penetration is, higher damage you cause. Lets say 18 pd charged medium penetration is 1 point higher than mast thickness, minimal damage instead of full medium cannon damage. 18 pd long charged with all penetration upgrades could not penetrate 5th rate mast. 24 pd could not penetrate 4th rates mast, etc. 5th rates have optional mast upgrades to make it harder for 4th rates to dismast them. Use your own imagination.
  11. The last time this was tested one round shot from bow to stern killed 80 crew members. It can be that we tested side internal damage with overall unbalanced damage model. Everyone lost their crew fast from side hits. Everyone was disabled and all that was achieved was that everyone lost dps. It did not matter much where you landed your shots, it was a massacre. If stern and mast damage are set to be this high, more "realistic", we probably need internal damage from side hits as well. If we keep all protecting hull sides, stern and mast damage should be nerfed on similar level of arcadeness. Similar level has been reached when doubling feels rewarding?
  12. Remember what happened when we had crew & cannon damage from hull side hits? It did not really matter were you stern raking or sniping masts, it was deadly to sail a side and have a faster reload time than your enemy. Then just hammer s out from your enemy. Sounds like a war winning tactic? Doubling is a real naval tactic if I remember correctly. This does not really work like it did IRL. Hard to make working with 0 "internal" damage. Side internal damage will make community unhappy, so probably making masts to have equally arcade damage model than sides would be better. Stern crew damage should follow the same arcadeness btw. Accuracy and mast hp have similar effect btw. Also not sure how big hit box ball and masts have, are those realistic? If you make hitboxes smaller you basically decrease accuracy and may fix everything by just doing that. You could also consider this.. Further from mast hitbox center balls hit, less damage those do.
  13. Dear @admin, 15-20 charged shots is enough to take a mast atm. Less than a full deck. For example Bellona: Has 2 decks of cannons that can penetrate bottom section of 4th rates mast. 56 cannons, charged damage 45 on average? Miss rate 33% = 40 cannons will hit. 40*45 = 1800 mast sniping damage from one broadside. Miss rate 50% = 28 * 45 = 1260 dmg A good mast sniper will take 2 masts with one broadside of charged shots? Am I calculating this correctly? (Are good snipers even better?) This kind of accuracy has been achieved in your pictures? Were they shooting more than one broadside? Were they sniping? With hull you took more arcade point of view, we have all protecting hull sides. You are not balancing the rest with this. If masts go down in 5-10 minutes and shooting at hull does nothing... I really dont know what the F you are thinking?
  14. What I have understood meta is still charged shot and mast sniping. Realistic they say. Sea Fox, there is no easy way to handle that atm.
  15. Maybe not optimal game design if it is mandatory to have a specific upgrade or two.
  16. Was not the question but... Long time ago Reinforced masts was a must have. Is a mechanism in a good balance if you must have an upgrade to counter it?
  17. I don't know what is the current balance but I have always felt like this. A question, how badly you would need repair kits if we had no stern rake crew damage nor mast damage?
  18. Patches were making things worse not better. Here is some to start from... 1. They should think casuals but they dont. Without casuals there will never be high numbers. 2. Thousands want something like Sid Meyers Pirate. Devs said many times that this wont happen. 3. People were happy capturing ships and understood there will be an adventure here. They introduced crafting and capturing ships was not cool. For many crafting was not something they wanted. 4. There was huge crew casualties at some point, plus huge crew costs. I know as I have been told first hand that this killed the game for many. I asked fix for this ASAP, but a real fix arrived finally after the last wipe. This was the moment when people had to experience the same as new players and started to cry like new players. Short sighted, zero reactions. 5. Stern rake damage was mad at some point. I know people laughing in TS because it was so insane. It took really long to get some fixes. 6. Flag system was changed to clearly inferior hostility system. HS could be ok, but it was just that kind of crap that people simply left immediately. Zero reactions here. I remember guy saying, "I thought the game was almost ready, wtf is this s*hit?" 7. No end game carrot. Capturing a port had no meaning for clan that captured it. It gets boring to capture ports for no "real" purpose. 8. No care for small clans. Many want to sail in their own small group of IRL friends. 10. No PvE content, with PvP gank content. 11. When players started to leave, there was no game for actives. 12. PvE crafters/traders wanted something that only they can own with their HC PvE grind. Devs took it. 13. PvE oriented grind in a PvP game. The same issue is in many games. Never learn. 14. Economy does not work. It was meant to be player driven but never succeeded to achieve that. Economy has been going backwards. 15. OW ganking is not really that interesting for many, including me. Devs uninterested to even try to fix, for example "Signaling perk for all" kind of feature. Instead saying, "NAL is for balanced battles, NA is for ganking". I hope they are right but that wont make NA more popular, just moving people from NA to NAL. 16. S loads of time spent to different kind of timesinks. 17. Combat is better today but it was pretty bad for long time. 18. Multiple repair kits per battle. This simply sucks. 19. Ship knowledge slot grind is heavy and probably not even needed. Decreasing your options and fun. Sorry Devs, it just does not work so that 3 slots is a standard. There will be one more wipe, not many wants to grind slots and books twice. Not sure how many wants to grind those slots in the first place. 20. When people leave, it is very hard to get them back. So many radical changes dropping players all the time, "never" coming back. 21. Radical changes will make some people to leave and others like the game. Going back and forth and every possible direction, doing the same mistakes twice. Hard to let people to know that the reason why they quit has been fixed now, sorry they broke it again, oh they actually fixed it again, Welcome back? 22. Announce this is a HC PvP game. Not saying it contains HC zero content PvE grind to have PvP.
  19. I had the same issue long time ago. Cannot remember how I fixed it, but it was not related to NA. Some external application or VPN. I was able to sail in OW but not in combat. Lost a ship or two that day. Don't know if it is a bug in NA as all other games were running ok.
  20. It can be that we have to just learn to sail differently. You had plenty of time to turn before you ended up to that beach party. Leeway is new, you did not know what happens and so did not sail as required in the new system. The next time you know and will be ok, maybe even enjoyable. On that video you basically run with the wind to ashore. You gave up from the wind completely there. In the old system you could have left that place with ease. In the new system you should have altered your course way sooner. Ships that don't suffer that much from leeway can basically lure big and nasty 2nd rates to ashore. I think this might be really nice addition. Creates more room for small ships. Maybe some port battles are won because of wind conditions? 1st rates wont be able to sail to location X or will have a beach party. So a clever admiral finds a better sailer for the task this time. New guys who don't know how to tack nor understand leeway, it can be that they definitely should not sail SOLs. They should probably half all magic bonuses/penalties from books/upgrades. Leeway is something that players can actually learn. I like it. This will affect so many things that combat balance can well be changed now. I understood that some values will be still tuned. No worries.
  21. It seems like it took 5 months. Huge difference in skill. As someone said here it needs that to be able to win 1vs3. Still, I think 1vs3 is always a good victory, whatever guys say here. They were not protecting weak sides at all and at least it looks that one guy was stern tanking to death. GG Liq Also really nice to see that you actually have to change ammunition type these days. It took really long but finally we are getting there. Balance has been improved. GJ @admin Don't know how the new sailing model affected to meta but... How about an Essex or Trincomalee? Both? Constitution?
  22. Comon man, it would be cool to see wind turning actually to opposite direction as well!
  23. Slightly randomized should not really affect to gameplay that much. Not knowing exactly where the wind blows next would be ok I think. A bit more immersion as well as it is not just and only rotating with constant speed.
  24. Right now we have a wind that makes circle, constantly with the same speed. What if we keep this + add some random. Random does not have to change the direction to be something totally different, it could be enough to just make it change direction "a bit". Like for example max from N to NNW. Random could change X times per constant wind change.
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