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Cmdr RideZ

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Everything posted by Cmdr RideZ

  1. Maybe junior software developers. It would be a suicide to release with the current end game. They have to think it through and implement also content outside green zones. NA has already almost all features for a game like this. They have to make a map that shows regions, which could be eventually shared with UG. NA has warehouses, production buildings, crafting. UG needs GUI to the same DB to see the same stuff. NA is in a good shape for this kind of game. The question is how much work UG needs. It is not rocket science.
  2. I assume you guys are not software developers. Naval Action has almost all features for a game like this. The question is how much work Ultimate General would need. I don't have UG so hard to say. They have to mainly do GUIs to DB and update map. NA does not have good enough end game so they anyway have to work on it.
  3. I don't know if UG has client-server architecture but if it has this should not be a huge thing. Sure takes time to implement but would not be that big thing at all. If UG does not have client-server that team has to simply implement it, this is probably the biggest task. Also needs GUI to DB to display battles, armies, etc. info that is needed to manage UG side and get start a battle. Maybe show a map but not mandatory. Adding production/Training building & resource/material/groups to NA should not be a lot of work. They need a shared DB for resources, in NA players place resources in and in UG side they use those to build armies. Share NA clan rosters. Share info from incoming battles. NA needs updated map with regions and GUI to display states army logos on the map, maybe later info as well. Has to also add those cities and town that are not coastal. There would be work but most NA players would buy UG after this and most UG players would by NA. Could be well worth the time invested.
  4. We produce horses, soldiers, cannons, etc, armies for land battles in Naval Action. We do port battles and we land troops to capture ports. We can move troops by land and have land battles also between ports. Map could be divided in "areas" on land as well. You can populate cities that are not coastal. To actually fight land battles you need Ultimate General.
  5. I have sailed too many times 4 hours in OW without seeing anyone. I am sure I am not the only one. 2 hours per day should be enough to play Naval Action, it is not. There are probably at least thousand times more players who can play 2 hours per day. OW and Lobby PvP could be somehow joined. All content could be somehow joined to OW so that player base is not divided. /follow command would be nice. Traders have AI escorts which clan mates can play in case trader gets attacked. Maybe ability to provide you and your ship as reinforcements for port that your clan owns. Is the map huge enough that it has room for some ports with lobby port battles? What if clan leader could say: "Tomorrow be online 20:00 - 22:00. We have battle against XX clan. Good night and see you tomorrow". HC players who are able to play 24 hours per day can organize ships, economy, politics, etc. Today we have a clan of 10 active players, maybe even HC players. What if on top of that they had 50 players who play 2 hours per day?
  6. Port battles with rate limits. New mast balance is not good for 5th rates. Chain patch is good for 5th rates? Probably not. And the rest of the reason that have been listed here on forum that made smaller ships clearly less useful than those were before. Defender Perk, I think this should be standard for all. Boarding is too easy right now.
  7. If you hate missions maybe you could change those to be more realistic? 3 cancels per day is acceptable. Current missions feel unrealistic but are easy to play when your real life is too busy. How about new mission type, "Search and Destroy" ? You have to sail to area and search enemy fleet and destroy it? Targets could be outside green zones. Or capture traders? Include hostility to this? Destroy enemy ships in specific area to cause hostility, without X on map. Destroy enemy convoy that sails from port A to B? The simple missions that we have now provide less XP and Gold than more "complicated" missions? Instead of removing missions, maybe there could be more mission types that are more realistic at the same time? And those could be outside green zones.
  8. @admin Can you please tell me why you don't want to test this?
  9. There were very few to no ships in stores when we did not have rng. After rng patch this was changed radically. edit. And sorry that I did not answer, but I don't get any more informed if someone reply to my message.
  10. We are talking from hostility mission rewards. It could be done so as well that we make ports more important. If owner does not want to lose his port, he probably wants to fights in hostility missions as well. Not leave it for Port Battle to decide. Content that is built correctly around player owned ports can give us new hot spots for OW PvP. In the best case we would not be any more interested from green zones. Forts build by clans? Tons of stone blocks and other materials to transport/escort? If you do missions at your own port you get something good for your clan? A reason for PvE players to take a risk and leave green zones? More content we have around ports, more we sail out from green, more OW PvP, more everything? Even the current PvE oriented hostility missions could work if people would have more value invested in their ports. I don't recommend PvE oriented hostility though.
  11. What did LV do to you to make you so angry?
  12. BR should be visible and count in upgrade and book values. Players who do well in PvP should have their name visible. It is a reward, it is causing fear and terror.. Hearing your name makes them runaway.
  13. This is a terrible issue on PvP server. ... PvE area is ok. It does not matter if players can craft their ships there for PvP. PvP area has RvR and OW PvP, rewards defined by these as well. It could be so that you cannot tow ships from PvE area to PvP area, but even this is not mandatory. I think that going server specific XP was a mistake. Would be better if PvE players could join freely PvP servers. They would not have ships but they would have their rank. We have plenty of clans that can provide ships. I would also remove or radically decrease ship knowledge XP requirements. Ship knowledge is offering no improvements to gameplay.
  14. They could simply test signaling perk for all. @admin Can you please tell me why you don't want to test this?
  15. Unlimited repairs make you last longer. You are able to take more hits from your enemies but probably wont make you to win or survive it. If we had 1 repair kit you could get one of these guys in a bad shape and he could not come back to fight again or he would risk getting sank. He would be back in fight later with unlimited repairs. 1vs3 means that you have to have higher dps than these 3 can repair. More and more ships we add means that eventually you cannot do more dps which means you cannot win simply because enemy is able to repair more. It does not matter how skillful player you are when your enemy can repair more than you can do damage. Earlier with 1 repair kit you were able to use your time to position yourself well. Today if you spent too much time positioning yourself your enemy will repair his ship obviously. A skillful captain who sails well and plays smartly is nerfed very efficiently with repair kits. 1vs3, it can be that you have to wait that your enemy makes a mistake and punish him hard when that happens. With repair kits, they can later wait 20 minutes and repair twice and back in battle. If you know you don't have skill and you will lose the 1vs3 fight anyway, repair kits make you last longer. If you are ready to fight and play smart and probably will lose the 1vs3 fight, repair kits will only harm you. Long time ago it was nice that wrecked ships that were hardly floating actually left the battle scene. Today they just wait there to get more HP. Disabling effects, rigging damage, should be low enough that it doesnt simply doom you vs ganks.
  16. 3.5 months and your second post makes more sense than what most vets or devs say. May I ask what is your in game name?
  17. Lighter repair kits or without weight would be ok. Especially for frigates like 5th rates would be really nice to have long range roaming. Frigates were used mainly in this kind of duties, not gank SOLs. 1+1+1 repair kits might be ok. Devs wanted to create a money sink, connect combat more to economy (or the opposite). Any count of repair kits in the end can be good if the rest is supporting it. Balancing rigging/hull so that it is playable can and has been done without zillion repair kits. Zillion Repair Kits make it harder for gankED fleet not for gank fleet. Gank fleet can rotate their ships. When someone gets in bad shape he takes distance and repairs. This is something the smaller fleet cannot do. Notice, I am speaking from players who actually know what they are doing. Not from gank fleets that lose ships because they forget to repair. When repair kits were limited to 1+1 and gankED fleet was able to wreck someone, that someone was out of combat permanently. This way ganked fleets were able to survive or even win. With repair kits you may survive a bit longer but you know what? Your enemy has more repair kits. If your enemy is not complete retard, he will eventually win simply because of this. If in OW you are in bad position, sure repair kits make you last longer. You win/lose fights simply by OW positioning. If in OW you are in good position, you have a change to win or at least to survive relatively hard ganks by simply sailing well. If your enemy can repair damage from all their mistakes, the game sucks. They know they have repair kit advantage, so they can take damage as much as they want. Multiple repair kits support gank fleets not ganked fleets. The current repair kit system is bad. When you don't have repair kits to take care from all your fails. You are forced to play tactically and smartly. This does not go well with devs idea that everyone has to be aggressive and spend repair kits. Granted, losing a mast and having no repairs is hard to balance but should be done. Now day and night is also changing rapidly in combat, this is because of repair kits. Battles should be open longer now as well, as those are multiply days long, right? Because the direction of development is "Naval Action for Dummies"... I am worried how this new system will come out.
  18. The game is in early access. Don't know any reason why someone would not at least test the game at launch.
  19. Chains should have a purpose and be always better vs rigging than mast sniping. Mast sniping should be a valid thing to do. Not a 5 minute "I win" but should have a purpose. 1st rates should not be able to simply wreck 5th rates rigging as this will efficiently remove 5th rates from the end game. Many repair kits forced devs to increase cannon damage. High rake damage forced them to add rum. High mast damage forced them to add rig repairs, today also sail damage is very high. Maneuvering your ship smartly, including all the factors related to it, should be more important than repair kits. Positioning your ship correctly all the time can and will take time especially when fighting vs bigger fleet. You cannot be aggressive in these situations. Hard to be skilled when others simply repair their ship all the time. When you are ganked, it is hard to be so aggressive that you are able to dps harder than they are able to repair. When we had only 1+1 repair kits, your changes to fight yourself out from these battle was easier. I mean when the gank fleet was not 100% retarded. It is more difficult to play smart with rigging damage as everyone can do it continuously and reliable. Sails and masts are simply there. High rigging damage without repair kits would be very hard for ganked fleets (Notice, not gank but ganked). Rigging damage should be set so that it gives room for smaller fleets. I said numerous times already. Decrease sail damage and repair kits. This patch will be something different but I hope it will be able to achieve the same.
  20. Why everyone has to be aggressive? Provide a possibility to play not so aggressive? Play less aggressive but smart for example? Too many repair kits simplify the game, make it one dimensional. Makes also wind less important from combat perspective as it forces you to be aggressive. This sound really good. Please don't fail with the patch. This also makes sailing profiles slightly less important. You are able to keep the wind, maybe you have invested in a ship and upgrades that make it even easier. Then the wind changes and takes your advantage. Changing a bit too often right now? ... I said earlier that the game is turning more and more SOL oriented. I hope you understand that with this change you may actually make SOLs even stronger. SOLs have now more firepower than ever before to shoot masts and SOLs have now stronger masts than ever before as well. Now we are about to reduce chain shots? Some love for 5th and 4th rates? (In general, not just with chain shots)
  21. That would be real content and I know many who would like to get exactly that.
  22. The main issue is that our end game players want to make war. They have nothing to do outside the green zone and seal clubbing pays the best. There should be content outside green zones that pays better than seal clubbing. There should be content that makes PvP players to fight other PvP players. This way PvP players would not even want to waste their time hunting green zoners as that would not really pay nor fame. When PvP players are fighting each other, equally skilled players will be losing and winning, we create a money sink. What there could be outside green zones that is better/different than anything you can get inside green zones? Content should be something that seamlessly works in OW, not some arena circle.
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