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Cmdr RideZ

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Everything posted by Cmdr RideZ

  1. Christendom got pretty much everything right this time.
  2. It is ok. Remember still that the main question is... How and when you make the grass greener outside the green zones?
  3. If you are attacked by max X amount of 7th rates none will come to help you Pirates were sailing mostly 7th rates. This could encourage pirate like action.
  4. Maybe this could work only for 5th rates and under? Or max 4th rate and under? Would give some reason for gankers to sail something smaller than a Bellona.
  5. It can be that the specific dead zone is too big. I meant that a small dead zones between most/some ports could be implemented. Players should be still able to do mission in safe etc. "Dead zone"/Blockade would work as an invitation for PvP.
  6. This is kinda interesting... What if green zones would be smaller in general and we had these short gaps between? Players could make "blockades" for certain paths, which would need to be then opened by PvP. No need to write additional code, simple and fast. A trader sails closer to a gap and can see enemy players there. He does not have to go out from the safe zone but he can write to nation chat and ask someone to come and clean the area. Gaps don't have to be big.
  7. The best thing would be that the wood types would be equal. Would provide more options in the end game. As devs don't seem to be too interested from it, maybe higher rng % can help here. The end game is very boring with 2 or 3 "good" wood types. I did not say that you have to give a mega bonus that will ruin everything and all will soon sail a gold ship.
  8. Maybe "worse" wood types could have increased change for rng special. Teak/White Oak/Live Oak are good, I suppose the rest are worse.
  9. There has been couple different systems and we have been complaining from each one of those. If you think about the other mechanisms and issues those caused, I would say that port timers are really good option. When and if devs create more reasons to own ports this system should get even better. It is better to fight from ports that actually mean something for owners than from "just another port". I don't like PvE hostility missions at all. Would like to see PvP oriented mechanism or if nothing better simply a flag to declare port battle at "port timer" time. Issue with PvP missions is that both sides have to wait teams to form up. If you sail to a PvP blockade ring, then you wait that other team comes out. Maybe other team does not come and you wait there an hour and get a boring victory. Then there are fake flags and only defender shows up. Many are against more arcade systems but I don't know if it really matters. If one option is to have plenty of PvP battles and another option is to create time sinks and PvE battles, well, I would vote for arcade system, even a lobby would be better than PvE hostility.
  10. The core of this issue is in high repair kit count.
  11. Signaling left battle open for weaker side until BR balance had been reached.
  12. ROE was a big topic in 2016. When devs told that there will be NA and NAL the conversation around ROE ended, as there was no more use for it. NA was meant to be unfair in every possible way and NAL for fair fights. Many disagreed with this idea. Signaling Perk is a product of those ROE conversations. Players were asking a feature like Signaling Perk for all (SPA), but for some reason it came out as a perk. SPA provides only good things if asked from me. I do not know who invented it first but definitely something worth testing. We don't even need this big green zones if we have SPA. Easier to sail out from the GZ as players know they can always ask help from nation/clan. Players who do ugly ganks or look for better PvP know that they are near enemy "Player Reinforcement Zone", so they know that X amount of players may come to help. SPA makes it possible to have more good fights. There can still be ganks, there can still be zergs, nothing is directly removed. It can make it harder to make ugly ganks and zergs still, as people may actually join to help and want to have these about fair battles. I cannot understand why devs don't want to test this. Idea has been there probably 2 years already.
  13. Back to where we were in 2016, still the best option. Tune ROE and test signaling perk for all. I would start from signaling perk.
  14. If this arena mode increases PvP dramatically, that indicates that OW PvP in general is in really bad shape? But please, do not test idea of giving signaling perk for everyone.
  15. Many times community has asked Pirates to be pirates, create special Pirate like nation and features. I think more than a year maybe 2 years? It was asked again and again and then devs decided to go with 3 new nations, which are there to support our playrbase from specific countries. Community was like wtf you guys are doing?! We have plenty of Russian players so they want to give them a change to sail under their own flag. Don't really know why Ultimate General does not have Russia as an option already.
  16. The reason why we need so many repair kits is because we have so high damage. We want weak masts that ends the game, if we dont have repair kits. We want high stern damage that ends the game, if we dont have rum. ... Now we call this bubblegum fix as a "skill". Even though it is pretty clear that games that don't have healing potions are in general more skill based than games that have.
  17. 1. EVE has its issues. NA could and should be something better. Our community has plenty of members who believe in rare mods. There are plenty of players who think that it is not gear based PvP. It would be nice if you could make them understand that NA is today a gear warrior game. 2. I don't recommend EVE way of life. It should not be about some expensive or rare gear etc. Better remove/minimize gear advantage so that from veteran to new players everyone has equal change to win. Should alone make people to sail out from the green more often. I liked your post in general but crew costs part is something I want to make clear here. Before the last wipe crew was expensive. It was an issue for new players. I told here on forum that it is too expensive for new guys. Nothing was done, EVER. After Mega patch when none had gold, everyone was crying from crew costs. Now we sure get more gold than those early days after wipe but I would be very careful with this one. Crew is something that hurts early economies. New guys lose most ships, they lose most crew. This is not that big issue for players who have healthy economy and money already.
  18. I did not notice that, sorry about that. If you sail out from green and are having good PvP, that is good for you. My point was to invent ways how to get more players out from the green. What could make these players to sail out? What are players on green thinking?
  19. I was a bit worried there for a moment, that Jon Snow lets go would actually like Gear warriors. One port to produce rare goods is one port to fight from, increasing prices for best rare mods. Makes gearing even worse. The idea there provides multiple clans a change to own rare resources. Couple main ports would be less important. Gear would be cheaper and easier to get. RvR goals could be RvR goals and not PvP goals. With PvP goal I mean that you get port to get personal benefits, gear for yourself. RvR goals could be clan wide goals. Also building clan buildings would be something that clans can do together. This can be done so that it creates new OW PvP. So that there are more reasons for clans to stay out from the green zone. Having one rare port vs RvR game that can have plenty of content.
  20. Would not be a good reason to own a port? Something for clans to do? Reason to defend your port is you have plenty of buildings? VS There is one rare resource port in the game? Advantage for players who have alts? Are rare upgrades, gear based gaming really improving PvP? .. Giving reasons to sail out side green zones. Giving good targets to sail a trader and escort those?
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