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Cmdr RideZ

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Everything posted by Cmdr RideZ

  1. There could be also a "Quest" system. Quest you get from different ports but once done there may not be new quests from the same port immediately. You would not get these from green zone. Quest could be like a mission but random location etc. Combat quest could be that Governor asks you to get rid from local pirate problem -> Which would turn to normal mission, but you can do it only once and get additional reward. Trade quest could be that part of port housing got burned and they need new materials asap. Then you get some lumber for these guys. Eventually you could make different contacts that give quests. Later give them faces. etc. Reasons for people to sail out from the green zone.
  2. Nothing bad in safe zones in general. It can be that those are slightly too big but in general idea there is nothing wrong. I like the idea that people are able to farm bots to get xp and gold for their future PvP actions. The game needs content that is rewarding enough to make players to sail out from the green zone. A very simple idea: A clan captures a port. If they do missions in this region/port they get something extra. Either clan gets or players get. People wont be doing missions in capital green zone as they want to support their clan port. Why don't we have this already?
  3. Admin said that the game will be balanced so that 1 good player can win 4-5 new guys. Add there the gear advantage and we have something called Naval Action.
  4. They should definitely increase mast hp. Not sure if that increase is even enough but would be a good start. Chain damage should be decreased as well. Balance so that #1 Rig damage dealer are chains, #2 are balls. When people use mainly chains to shoot rigging, we have balance. I tested couple mast rakes some time ago. I got 18 hits with 32 cannons and it can be that I actually fired only 26 cannons. There are probably others who can rake even better but I don't think this kind of rakes should be possible. Especially from a nub like me. Are simply stupid. They could check how big are mast and ball hitboxes. Or add something like - if (masthits > x) noMore(seconds);
  5. Like earlier said it is too easy for big clans to gather huge fleet to start or block the "presence circle". Another good point was that if one side is now going to show up, the other side may have slightly boring time waiting someone to come. Maybe we should simply remove hostility? Lord Protector sets specific time window . At this time port is open for attacks. Defender can decide how they want to defend.
  6. This one sounds good. Definitely worth testing. (Has to be done so that small clans can survive)
  7. Examples... When lord protector clan is changed, all forts are remove. If you do a friendly change to another clan, all forts will be removed. You as a lord protector can organize your clan to build forts. This means that you have to transport goods from other ports. Once finished Lord protector gets X amount of victory marks to share or every player participating gets their share of victory points. Points used later to buy VMs. If you have not build your forts, you wont have those in port battles. ... The port you own has daily missions. One example could be that you have to escort 2x Indiamans from your port to capital. Other players in OW can see that those are VM mark mission ships. Other players can stop your indiamans, earn something, PvP maybe. ... etc. duties a lord protector has to earn marks for his clan.
  8. The same patch was there before, there were farms, ok? If you were not playing that time I can understand your reasoning. If you were.. We tested it and it did not really work, right? Why to make so similar system? Time to learn from things that did not work and important to not test it again.
  9. You were playing the last time we had similar system? Clans divided the map? None was fighting. Important thing is that players have to still play the game to earn more. In military, you get promoted. Do you get a new promotion after that by just doing absolutely nothing at all? You have to earn your next VM. A port could be used as a platform to earn more. This way devs create content, things for players to do. I would recommend PvP content but PvE content is 1000 times better than nothing at all.
  10. It is very important that small nations can participate in RvR as well. Devs are correct in this for sure. Giving marks for players that do nothing? This is what is failing here.
  11. That removes farms or simply makes VMs to be expensive? I don't recommend that you make it possible for people to earn marks by doing nothing. Players will probably wait marks and they don't fight at all. Also a risk that big ships get so expensive that none dares to use. At some point attacking, risking your fleet to be screened and lose a port battle, then other fleet outside waiting to annihilate the survivors. This was so expensive that clans made even more agreements. If you reward players, make it so that they have to do something. Not just that they were once in a port battle and after waited 3 months by doing nothing got 12 marks. If you don't fix it, you can write this down somewhere in case I am wrong -> This patch wont fly. Make players do something. Maybe they get one mark because they captured it and the next week mark after they have served their port. Make missions worth X amount in that port. Build something in it. Working for their nation and port they get a possibility to buy next weeks mark, or are rewarded by it. You can innovate your own idea but important is that players have to do something to earn it. If you want you can make that PvP content. You have to do a PvP mission, escort traders, other players get a change to interrupt. PvP content is much preferred as this is a PvP game (As far as I have understood). Do whatever but make players work for their marks.
  12. But they agree the ports, make a split, none is fighting? End game? Where is the reward from attacking and losing ships in battle? You get rewarded from not playing the game?
  13. Farming means that clans and nations agree which ports belong and for who. They setup farms, agree ports that none shall attack. Everyone earning marks, none doing anything. edit. Or if you have to attack, they make some fake attack so that each side is still getting marks. This happened the last time, you remember, right?
  14. @admin You had an idea how farming is not going to be an issue this time? If that is not going to be an issue, I say that sure, lets test it. Else I think you should fix that one first.
  15. The last time nations formed farms. Agreed with each other who shall have and which port.
  16. I understood meta was to shoot masts and board. You made mast weaker and boarding stronger. I am not smart enough to understand why devs do stuff like this. ... @TommyShelby Maybe you can help me out here? Why devs made the current meta even stronger? Why exactly the current meta? Tell me there is nothing weird in this? Was there a conversation at testing forum about this? Why would devs do something like this?
  17. Mast meta is too strong. Bigger ships have bigger cannons that can easily take out masts. Bigger ships have stronger masts. Question is why the situation has not been even improved yet?
  18. I did not want to say that Connie should be slow. Actually how I have understood it from age of sail documentaries (for dummies), stronger the hull faster top speed you can achieve. Weight at least partially defines how much and how thick wood was used? LO is thick and heavy. Connie is a heavy ship. If weight is a number that matters in physics simulator, Connie is probably penalized here. Connie turn rate is worse than for ships that are heavier and longer. Dont know what is the theory for the current rate. In that google docs, I think devs released it at some point.. Bellona weight 2420 Connie weight 2240 Bellona has 3 decks and room for 32pd + 24pd cannons. What could explain Connies weight?
  19. I took a copy from that google docs that had all full rigged ship stats but don't have link to the original doc here. I assume weight is affecting to sailing performance. Weight should also affect to hull HP. Weight divided by size should give good point to approximate hull HP. More decks you have, higher the ship, less weight per deck, less hp per deck, less hull HP. Connie is a 2 decker, Agamemnon is a 3 decker. Agamemnon weights less than Connie. Connie has 90 more hull HP, based on wiki. Connie has bad sailing qualities because of its weight? We could make Connie the old ironsides and give it more thickness and HP. Another option would be to estimate how much lighter it would be if it had been made from Oak, then use this weight for sailing qualities. In the end when we build LO ships, it actually could directly affect to ship weight and sailing performance. More realistic way to simulate different wood types?
  20. https://threedecks.org/index.php?display_type=show_ship&id=10979 24/18/6 pd cannons.
  21. We dont have that many 3rd rates and Wasa could clearly go under that category. Ingermanland could be another good option. This way all 32 pd ships would be 3rd rates. This would help to balance masts as well.
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