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Cmdr RideZ

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Everything posted by Cmdr RideZ

  1. I think it is more like that some people feel like they waste their time if they play before wipe. There is also a group that does not really want to test all bad features, they want to wait till it is ready. This would not work at all. There are probably other options to support smaller frigates. Everyone wants to sail a square rigged tall ship, no sense to force people to sail something under 5th rate.
  2. I am sure some are waiting the last wipe before starting to play. Would be unfair to not do so.
  3. If economics are not working ok, it can be that we end up to a situation where everyone has everything. Then we need a wipe again. In general though they should focus to finish features that need a wipe. Many have been testing this game hundreds/thousands hours and starting all over again and again can get heavy. I would not be surprised if some are waiting that they stop wipes before playing again.
  4. Simple solution is not that bad either. Gives purpose for smaller traders.
  5. Another thing that has been asked before. Crew also matters here, I mean if you can or cannot fully crew. Winning green ships when you had fully exceptional felt slightly cheating. You really never knew are you good or is it just because of your gear.
  6. Port Battle BR limits should be compared with different fleet BRs. See what kind of fleets fit in and make sure that there are multiple equally good options.
  7. I checked some lists you guys made and I was wondering... For example: 3rd rate has 20-50 BR less than Bellona. Do you think that 20 points is enough to make you sail 3rd rate instead of a Bellona? Or will 50BR be enough to make you ask your whole clan to sail 3rd rates instead of Bellonas? Lists were full of similar cases, just pointed one here. Behind the scenes you probably have to make some kind of example fleets with different setups. If you have 5000 BR battle and you can pick 10xBellona or 11x3rd rate, I would definitely go with Bellonas. If compared with another list you guys made, the same 5000BR battle, that would give 12xBellona vs 13x3rd rate. I would definitely go with Bellonas. Dont know if any player is ready to do this kind of comparison, but devs definitely should do. edit. Easy way to balance is probably something like... How many 3rd rates you would want before you would change from 10x Bellonas. For example, lets say you want 15x 3rd Rate to change from 10x Bellonas. If Bellona BR is 400, 3rd rate BR would be then 265.
  8. This is probably a common misunderstanding. You look this battle from perspective of this one guy and you already assume that he lost the fight. It was not that uncommon that 1 guy won 2 in Naval Action. Even without abusing mast meta. If you start to think how this one guy could win this 1vs2, you will notice that the ability to repair all the time is actually making it harder. If this one guy is able to get one of the enemies in a bad shape, the wrecked one can start playing time while repairing. At the same time let his friend take responsibility from the battle. Creating advantage to win 1vs2 needs more skill than knowing when and which repair kit to use. All skill and advantage this one guy is able to create is "skillfully" countered with 2nd dimension healing potions.
  9. If we cannot see our enemies name, maybe as a nice to have feature a flag or pennant. Flag is probably easier. Tho not sure how many dickbutts we would get this way.
  10. Unlimited repairs and a speed boat? This is pretty much what you are asking here. Speed meta is an issue, not a solution. In OW tankier ships should have a role, other builds should have a role. Balancing game for speed meta makes no sense. In the end without healing potions even sailing profile has more meaning when you cannot just repair your sails after another. OW positioning has more meaning. Everything has more meaning when you cannot just rep your sails all the time. Fixing this obviously broken feature does not make new players to go away. New players do not even have speed ships, they are basically fighting vs guys who have. Removing this will make it harder for people who have speed gear. New players probably dont even understand that speed is so important. If I were a new player and I heard about the speed meta, I would be shocked from its stupidity. Funny how I think that people voting No for this have not a slightest idea what they vote for. This issue may come back after fixing unlimited repair kits. Probably comes back. I dont personally like that masts can be used to get fast victories either. All 3 should be fixed; URK, speed meta, masts.
  11. Repairs are there to 1. Escape from zergs, give some room for speed boats 2. Provide a change for Surprise to capture a Victory (This was previously very common) 3. Balance mast damage. We have very accurate cannons and masts come down easily. With unlimited healing potions... I have no idea, it is simply a fail. OW repairs and crew are there to make the game more "fluid". Give us a break that we dont have to sail back to port after every battle. It was not fun at all. Your rank provides you better ability to wage war.
  12. Healing potions are promoting zergs. You may call that "teamplay" if you so want to. Speed has been very important in OW always. It should not be like that. If you have a fast ship you are not meant to be fighting with combat ships. What would be a reason for other mods if speed ships would be equally good in a brawl? Speed boats in OW and speed boats in PB?
  13. I cannot believe this... Lets correct this one... Dont really want that devs think this could be even remotely correct. That healing potions create skill. You F up and get wrecked VS Unlimited healing potions? You say that knowing when to use and which repair kit is skill? Healing potions are there to fix you always from your mistakes. It is a buffer to let you do your mistakes over and over again. You dont even have to think what you do if your side has more ships than your enemy. Lets say you have more ships and you bash to your enemy and lose your bowsprit. If there are no repair kits you are in deep S. You may continue with disabled ship, take some risks, or try to runaway. Your morale and playstyle has changed to suit the situation. If we have unlimited repair kits and you have mad skillz, you understand to take distance and click sail repair. The idea of using healing potions in right time is skill, all this in a realistic sailing game... Please no. One dimensional? Like healing potions would be the 2nd dimension? Healing potions simplifying the game and that is somehow the 2nd dimension. I have hard time following you here. Naval Action has one of the best combat mechanism I have played. If healing potions are enough to create a 2nd dimension, I am not sure if we are playing the same game. I would say that healing potions are removing depth from everything else, making the game easier to play because the skill is dumped to "How and when to use right healing potion". The game would need more skill if we had no healing potions at all. Granted, we would have serious issues balancing mast rakes/snipes. If they remove unlimited healing potions there is a high change that we are back at balancing that. ... Less Movement, Less skill is needed. I have no idea how to come to this conclusion. I have understood this the opposite. Now in the age of speed meta this is even harder to understand.
  14. Dont know about your dimensions but unlimited healing potions definitely lower the skill cap, no doubt about that.
  15. We need this to fix the speed meta. Fixing this affects to other aspects of combat as well. Probably more balancing to do after. Makes it more difficult for low BR fleets to win big ones. High BR fleets can always have someone repairing. High BR fleets can basically win battles because of unlimited healing potions. Zergs benefit from unlimited repairs. If you are sailing speed boats in a small fleet you are benefiting from unlimited healing potions. Low BR vs High BR with unlimited potions issue is there for Low BR fleets if sailing "combat" oriented ships. None is running/kiting. One more thing to make sure we are all on the same page. Unlimited healing potions need LESS skill. Healing potions are decreasing tactical play. Lets say smaller fleet wrecks a ship from bigger fleet. Long time ago the captain of that wrecked ship had to decide if he stays and risks that he may sink or leaves the battle. Today they just take distance and repair. This sucks so much that I had WTF effect for days after you introduced this. Unlimited healing potions is a BIG MAJOR FLAW in the current combat.
  16. 1700BR for Deep water is not bad really. 1750BR = 7x 4th rate. You need a clan of 21 to have 7 players online at the same time for daily port battles. Maybe current players are very active and got used to run 25 man port battles. I would not see HC players as a standard here. Even smaller battles than 1700BR might be something casuals look after. Raids may bring some interesting scenarios that affect to BR limits.
  17. 1. I dont understand this. If they are not able to balance ships there will be couple most used ships and thats it. I had tens of ships when I was playing actively, ability to build any ship I wanted. In a big clan, how this could be an issue really? Only real thing here is screening. May not get the setup you wanted because there are 25x 1st rate screening the port. 2. I have no idea how this could be an issue. 3. Dont believe this is going to be an issue. 4. I think this is going to help less organized nations and clans. They can always focus to capture smaller ports, like for example 1700 BR ports. And the rest? An issue that really is not there in the first place. They can make a port or two with 10000000000000000 BR limit to get those dump 25 vs 25 1st rate battles if people really want that utter crap. BR limit is one of the best things that has happened for RvR in long time. We may finally, one day, get realistic port battles, maybe even like a Trafalgar port battle. Dont really understand why and how HC RvR PB fans can see bad in this. Time to celebrate as those utterly dump 25vs25 1st rates are history.
  18. Big clans dont care about hostility missions as they can save the day by screening. Not sure if someone else cares too much from hostility missions. Hostility can be done whenever which makes protecting against it very difficult. Screening can bring 100x 1st rate + deny port battle earned through hostility. People has to be able to really defend against hostility missions. Maybe hostility mission to have the same BR limits as Port Battle. Some % from PB BR limit might work as well. This way small clans in 1700 port can fight good battles in hostility missions. Screening is poison for hostility. Bigger is better, screening provides X hours when we skip all mechanisms. I really liked screening idea, but have to admit that I have been slowly turning towards lobby. If you succeed in hostility missions, you have earned your port battle rights. Not sure how we stop night flipping hostility. I think we can have lobbies and remove screening. If you did not screen hostility missions, after that it is too late. Hostility phase will get bigger role. Lobby has one very big benefit vs screening. Can have endless amount of scenarios for port battles. If scenario is complicated, screening makes it very difficult for players to get right kind of setup for that specific scenario. Simply put, we can create better port battles without screening. Removing screening is difficult as many really like it. I would at least test lobby. Maybe screening like social activity can be created around hostility missions.
  19. 1700 is for small clans. Even smaller battles would work. Deep water PBs with min 5th rate?
  20. 1700 limit is probably there for smaller clans, which is a very good thing. BR limit is definitely a good thing. Maybe even consider some rate limits as well, after we see how this version works. Or limit number of ships. May need to balance other ship values as well (than just BR). Probably has to use BR instead of ship count when capping. Decently played big ships are very devastating for big fleets of small ships.
  21. I have been waiting something like this more than a year. I am speechless.
  22. Silence has many virtues but all do not apply here. Lets make a scenario where NA lost 10k players. None of them told devs why they quit. Silence is golden? It would be better to see 10k posts, "GUI sucks, totally unplayable, I quit! Devs are idiots!"
  23. Some reasons if nothing has changed since the last time... 1. Fix repair kits, fix speed meta. Fix mast/hull/sails balance after. 2. Develop to point of no more wipes. 3. Is the current end game better than the one more than year ago? Nations with flag system. 4. OW needs a good ROE. Devs decided to dump the idea and now suffering from the same issues as other MMO games with OW. Dont introduce new and working mechanisms, better sit in the same shit as the rest. 4.5. NA > NAL, always because of many reasons. NA has an end game, NAL does not. NA needs ROE even when we have NAL. 5. PvP needs gear balance. Veterans don't need a gear buff vs new players. 6. GUI 7. At some point steam free weekend 8. We are moving slowly but constantly towards less historical and realistic sailing game. Healing potions FTW! Clan wars! Nationalist can only play a GAME under their own flag. History fans losing immersion. 9. Devs changing the game a lot, not sure what happens soon after. When something is really good and you decide to make it something totally different, there is a high change that it is not as good as previous really good. 10. NA needs +1000 concurrent players online per server, many are waiting to see that before joining the fun. So we all wait...
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