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Cmdr RideZ

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Everything posted by Cmdr RideZ

  1. Forts and AI fleets for sure, but also... Hostility mechanism is more PvE than PvP. Everyone does not like the current hostility system that much. Player controlled AI fleets, this is hated by many, I believe some people honestly left because of this. Crew costs turned to be very expensive for casuals, who sink a lot. Add massive crew rake damage to this, and new guys have some economical issues. Regional bonuses, nice that we are now spread out and not just focused to the capital, and ports have some reasons to own -> Now it is super hard to find people, which hit OW PvP really hard. Devs probably agree that there was some fails. But where is the next patch? They could have stopped patching the main server when everything was in a pretty good shape, not when things are cracking from every corner. THERE IS GOING TO BE A WIPE SOON! Not really, just kidding Yeah, I probably missed some...
  2. We need a carrot for RvR, more reasons for players, why they are capturing a port. Could be also some clan owned building(s). We need pointers for OW PvP players, so that they can find people without spending 4 hours sailing empty seas. I play OW PvP, not RvR, and I think we are not the exception. I would play this game a lot more if I were able to find people. I am at port, depressed to leave, as I probably find no one
  3. If you think about fishing when it came, people sailing after those bottles. Idea that people actually left ports, sailed to some place because of some purpose. Also they were fishing, afk fishing sure, but they were there. Now everyone is back in ports, none to be seen. It can be that the game should indeed provide us more reasons to sail.
  4. I see your point but... If there were 1 dura ships, there would be plenty of 1 dura exceptional ships. People would capture those and those all would be still equally useful as if those were new. So instead of having just 1 dura ships, I think it would be better to have quality drop implemented. Sometimes my enemy surrenders, more than once it has been something else than exceptional. For a new guy, MC ship with 3 permanent upgrades could be a decent option. I could sail one, maybe, at least after wipe.. And depending how expensive it would be to craft exceptionals, so could sail MC as well some time. Right now, sure, I sail just exceptionals. Quality system could be a better alternative for durability system.
  5. Capturing 1st rates get 25% penalty, need a refit. If you are a pirate. Capturing frigate as a national, that has been refit by pirates.. Should it have this same -25% penalty then? Just trying to follow your idea, and see that the idea itself is in balance. There is no reason to make player controlled faction to be purely weaker than others.
  6. Wrote to the other thread but... I have started to think that instead of dura drop we should have quality drop. All ships crafted as exceptionals. Sinking twice and your exceptional turns to MC. Sink couple times more and you have a Fine one. etc. Could have different quality drops for each rate. 1st rate could be just exceptional and lost immediately if sank. If captured, will turn to MC. etc.
  7. What if.. While your fleet is in battle, you cannot escape? Maybe a good ~compromise?
  8. Maybe some limits. What if fleet ships could be max 5th rates or max-max 4th rates. What if on PvP server you could not have AI to play your fleet ships, instead when you get in a fight, your friend has to take your fleet ship in control. Else your fleet wont participate. Your fleet ships are kinda from your shipping company, but you still need captains to sail your ships. Will add social interactions, coop. After this, escorting your friends has never been more fun Also, for example Indiaman could be the only trader that can have escorts. We have plenty of solo pirates, fleets are REALLY bad for these guys. But maybe heavily guarded trader "class" could fit in the game. Max 2 fleet ships. Warships, maybe max 1 fleet ship. Could be worth testing at least.
  9. As there was this new guy joining a PB, and took one slot from it, as he wanted to just see and take part to RvR. I think PBs should be designed so that new guys do not fail the game by just joining to have fun. I was thinking that the BR limited system probably could be one good option for this. Those would not be any more just 25vs25. If a new guy joins in a frig to see what that is, he is only using BR from 170. It may not be optimal, but he only "ruined" it by BR 170. Also, really easy to have really many different PB BR limits, could increases versatility. Also having that limit for higher rates could make sure that there are some guys who know what they are doing, and will define the most. Also... If the game gets more popular, will there be enough PBs for everyone who are interested from it?
  10. What if we could see each other from longer distances? Would this be too heavy for servers? From Sailing Game, one step closer to Naval Action?
  11. This is probably going to divide people, a lot. /follow Indeed, a command to set your ship to follow your friend. Many will probably hate this, but... I have spent countless hours in OW without a fight. I have decent amount of stuff to do irl. If I could leave my ship /follow a friend, I could actually do my irl things until we find a fight. Like if we sail 2 hours until we find a fight with /follow, I could play Naval Action a lot more. Now I just have to skip the game, as it is basically waste of time mostly, and hard to afford that. If I have couple hours in an evening to play, do I want to sail empty OW that evening? After 3 hours of empty seas, or we find some sad gank (poor fellow). I do not really feel that I got something from this game. It is simply a feeling that Naval Action is incredibly shitty game and I once AGAIN (and again and again and AGAIN and AGAIN AND AGAIN AGAIN, and freaking again!) wasted my freaking evening for nothing. It makes me pissed off way too many times. So, maybe we could just have /follow ? Test it? And yes, I could be working that time.
  12. I personally do not like wipes that much. I am lazy with econ. There should be at least 2-3 slots where you can place a ship that will be transferred to the next "season". Maybe also X amount of gold. In general tho, I think many could get bored to start over and over again. Maybe people could vote for capital regional bonus, change once per X time. So all could have their strong hull bonus, if their nation so votes. Capital could not be ever captured, you would always have that one. Materials and resources would be then only things you would need to find. Also would bring back some of that capital focus that many seem to want. Would not make other regions completely useless either. (edit. idea would not have wipes/resets)
  13. DSFS controls the closest copper/silver regions for pirates. (That are deep water, most are not really interested from shallow waters at all) Pirates cannot have allies, and do not have copper nor silver region in their control. Could you imagine a reason why pirates would be interested to help ABD alliance? Who can you blame from the current situation? Pirates seem to be really bad in port battles anyway. So not a big thing. I have also understood that pirates are attacking every nation pretty equally atm.
  14. Coordinates are known by client. This means that people are able to make "cheating" applications and see their location like GPS. Kinda is fair that if this is the case, that the "good guys" know as well where they are.
  15. What if a port battle would have screening phase and port battle phase. Everyone can join port battle lobby, and if there is enough players for all roles, each player may be in one role. If there is not enough players, players may join 2nd role after battle. You play 1st the screening phase (could be even multiple). If you win, there will be another match that will be the port battle. It would be possible to create different kind of port battle screening scenarios as well. For example: (You have to win majority) 1. 25vs25 2. 3x 5v5 3. 10vs10 + 3x 5v5 4. 9x 3vs3 5. 10vs10 + 5x 3vs3 6. 2x 25vs25 Screening fleets would be for smaller ships, frigates, max 4th/5th rates for example. Port Battles then for big ships, SOLs, min 4th rates for example. Or BR limited, or rate limited, or BR&Rate limited. Development would be pretty simple, as you only need a lobby for this. There can be countless of different screnarios. No issues with ROE, or with things like small/big nation etc. Current screening mechanism could be then used for Raids and/or Flags. We would have 2 different systems, maybe richer PvP offering as well. About the night flip: Times for battles could rotate, for example in steps of 4 or 6 hours. Everyone will have their night battles/flips.
  16. About the content talk... Good PvP is content. PvP content is easy to do, why I personally think that just tuning the end game PvP is the most important thing content wise. Lot of people on PvP server hate AI sailing around, except traders. So just filling that with bots that agro etc., not sure if that is going to do the trick. The game has: 1. Conquest (Port Battles/Screening/Hostility/Flags/something else?) 2. OW PvP (Often small fleets) 3. Piracy, capturing traders 4. Arena (If someone would play these in the 1st place) I would say that is a lot better than nothing for PvP players. Conquest is hopefully getting a fix, to keep it interesting. OW PvP, this has ROE issue. I would like to have some BR balancing to keep fights some what interesting. I do not care if that is not 100% realistic. Piracy, I have no idea why they do not remember that this is there. Adding fort and AI fleets everywhere? Um. Maybe in the next patch you could think about this "mode" as well. For me personally, PvP is the thing. As a PvP player this game has a lot more to offer than other games. Yes, some fixes needed, but when those are in I am sure it is going to be ok. The only issue I see here is, that people cannot own things. They do not feel like building something. Can make this to be a bit boring in long run. It can be that clans should be able to own something, and fight for it. Give some purpose for players&clans. This could be done after launch tho. We also now have PvP events, that I do not like to be honest. As the server population went down, this is still the only place to find people in the 1st place. So this is a bubblegum fix to me, that helps us to find each other. This could be removed and add other ways to find each other -> Would improve OW PvP/Piracy. For PvE players the game offers very minimal content. Truth is that PvE content is way more time taking and expensive to do than PvP content. Another truth is that PvE content is a never ending task. People get bored way faster to shoot some bots or to do some missions, than shooting each other. Like Counter Strike? There is a map and 10 players, and fight. PvP players need nothing more, and that same game with that same map, has been running forever. So I would personally focus to do PvP game first, then think about PvE. PvE players will leave after they have max rank and crafting lvl, and they have seen all PvE content made so far -> PvP players will stay long after this.
  17. Hodos 4 fixes are a good start. I would add some BR balancing, because ganks are boring.
  18. I believe we need more out posts OR better identifiers to show where people are. I sail to location X, it takes 45 minutes, or was it 60 minutes. I want to sail to place Y, but I have to sail 45-60 minutes there as well. Also, I have no free out posts. So I do not sail to check the new place, or I remove one of my out posts, to which I have to sail later again. This like really really sucks. If I knew where people actually are, I could just make my OP there. Now I just basically sail empty places for hours, ridiculous amount of hours sailing empty seas. My motivation to sail these empty seas is slowly dying here, I can admit that much.
  19. Regionals are not meant to be in balance. I think this is a mistake tho, as it radically decreases your options. Still, you can clearly see that it was not the goal in the 1st place. The idea has been that there are good and better regionals, and we fight from regions to get best bonuses. I believe Pirate Refit was meant to be better than Regional Speed.
  20. Often one has to shoot sails to slow your target, another one may shoot balls. Shooting those sails could have been the reason why you were able to sink the target in the 1st place. Sail damage should be calculated as damage caused to target as well.
  21. Probably missions should stay, or you have to find some "remote" location for all those AI ships you need to implement the same in OW. Those hordes of AI ships are already ruining the game. At least missions keep those separated from OW.
  22. They could skip kickstart. Those ships that are not going to get in before launch, will come later. After launch, add subscription for +X% of gold/xp from everything. Depending from popularity, this could be enough to fund the game. If it is not, then make kickstart.
  23. Pirates should not be a nation. The republic of pirates was never big, so I don't think we have to consider them as a nation. Pirates should be criminals. Maybe in real life they had romantic ideas, or they were romanticized after. You could even consider making pirates to be able to sail to every port that is not regional capital, only ones having the smugglers flag. Maybe even craft in every port. But then limitations as well of course. Also Pirate Refit like bonuses as captains perk, not ship bound that every nation can have. NPC Changes, I am feeling pain here. I am looking for a PvP fight for hours, and then I would need to be fighting bots all the time. Maybe privateers/towers/bots/AI can be bought to protect a port, but then lost after destroyed by enemy. Or dump your 1 dura ships for AI, or only small nations can have AI protecting the waters. Or something. Community relations... If you could keep it cool, you would be doing a good job actually. It would be nice if you were keeping touch to us like before. I actually think it has been a good thing. Just... Keep it cool guys!
  24. There is a high change that the hidden values are failing my calculations. As I do not know how much those really are.
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