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Cmdr RideZ

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Everything posted by Cmdr RideZ

  1. I am just saying, that the server went down, lot of people went in queue. I just noticed that my queue number got higher and higher in the process. I believe it should be a fixed number.
  2. Cmdr RideZ

    Login queue

    I had position 40. Then it started to drop me in the queue. This is some kinda of 1st in last out queue?
  3. Provide couple ports on PvE server, in which PvE players can fights against each other. This means, that they do not have to join PvP server for additional content. Do not know how the new system is working, but it is very important that the new players (or not so skillful) are actually able to play the game and have fun. Do not even care how this is achieved, just saying that this is one the things that I think must be achieved. The new system is also way different. The regional bonuses will force people out, and it can be that the best regions will be the main PvP areas in the future. This means that the capital waters, probably, will be less crowded. Then the ROE will be changed as well, and I really hope that short invisibility vs revenge gank fleets. The ROE and regions, sound like that it will be hard to say how things will work in the end, before we even test the system. So the guys who are worried from gankers paradise, hold you horses for now.
  4. Make it possible to move gold from server to server. There can be a fee from this. For example an ability to move X millions per month, and there is Y% fee. You cannot move gold from PvE server to PvP server. This could maybe solve the issue with server merges, etc.
  5. The ships can be inside each other. It is enough that you see a bit from every ship, and are able to click em.
  6. I do not care from the monster, but would like to get the real one in the game. At least as good copy as possible.
  7. I included not so experienced ones, not so skillful. A man can have max rank and 1st rate, but still he may have not been playing too much PvP. So these guys are afraid to lose their ships. They only take fights were they have at least 2xBR. Even in small fleets.
  8. I do not know how much I have earned, but I have not run out of money yet. I think I am on positive side here. I am not that experienced player, and I play in a very small fleet, if that can be even called a fleet. The big veteran fleets, those guys should earn millions every evening they sail. ... Perfect bragging time guys. How much your clan fleet earns in an evening? How much your clan fleet earns in a good evening?
  9. Ok, now all got "stuck" to the durability. The durability is secondary here. ... So here is a small scenario... A fleet of veteran players go out to sail.. Then later they post screen shots and brag how they sank 100 enemy ships. These veteran players are using new guys as gold farms. They go to sink them in a fleet, they go to gank them. They get money from k/a/d. The guys who they sank, new guys, not so experienced, not so skillful -> They get the bill. Veterans would do the same even tho that their prey would lose nothing. Just because they are having fun. New guys running out of money, forced to do trading, maybe back to a cutter. These guys may quit. These new guys, not so skillful guys, they get scared to go in battles, because they are losing their hard earned money. So then veteran fleets are sitting at the front of capital, waiting for a fight. When the game could be so, that you sail out from your capital, you go to fight with veterans, and you had a fun fight even tho you lost it. The death penalty should be the opposite. Well exceptional 1 dura ships. Veteran fleet goes to fight vs another veteran fleet. Well, this will sure hit the losing side... But it is meant to be so, right? So veterans have exceptional 1 dura ships. Well new guys have basic 5 dura ships, OW crew loss is lower than in Port Battles. The new guys dont need help from some clans, they can play the way they want, not forced to join a clan or quit the game. The new guys stay in the game, and they will probably eventually come in port battles as well. ... It does not have to be so that exceptionals are 1 dura. It is just an example how to make the death penalty to hit the correct audience and not the new guys. The correct audience are end game players, players who have everything. The whole idea of 1 dura ships, is here to explain that the current death penalty system is as broken as it can be. If all veterans would have only 1 dura ships. They would be also thinking which fights they take, as the death penalty is so high. So you guys would be hiding in your capitals as well. ... So... High death penalty -> Less fights, less fun. High death penalty targeting new players -> Less fights, less fun, less players, empty servers. High death penalty targeting veteran players -> I am already waiting to ruin your economy. You fat pigs! edit... So that none understands this wrong. You cannot have too high punishment for fat pigs. Else it can turn to economical unbalance, wich will ruin the game in the long run.
  10. You always have issues to understand, that I am not speaking from myself. Pretty often I am not. I have ~25, 3|5/Speed ships. I have plenty of money and all possible uncraftable upgrades and even 2 from most of those. So I do not have any issues. Death Penalty affects zero to my life. Understand this fact pls. ... Just came in my mind.. Basic = 5 dura Common = 4 dura Fine = 3 dura Master Craft = 2 dura Exceptional = 1 dura This is how the death penalty will hit the correct audience and not the n00bs. Also decrease crew losses in OW. You can have maximum in port battles, but decrease in OW. Or do so that you can do PvE without crew losses. ... One thing tho.. If you make ships to be very valuable. This means that everyone will board the ships. None will be sank.
  11. And this is the reason why we have to wait for fights. People are so afraid to lose, because the death penalty is so high. They want to select their fights. They rather skip 1vs1, because do not want to risk it. They want to skip 1.5xBR, because, well, it is too high risk. To get more players, the death penalty has to be smaller. If I win some guy in a battle. I get 1 dura from his ship, which I will vendor or break. The main income comes from the damage, k/a gold. If the ship is 1st rate, then the ship has some value. The rest do not have value really. So, we are not really getting anything. The guy who lost, lost his ship, his crew, dura from officer. They got less money, as they did less damage and k/a. So the whole system is unfortunately as retarded as it possible could be. It is the worst possible game mechanism that could be actually. Why you guys want to punish the n00b? wtf is wrong with you guys? We want that we get new players, we want that they have space to learn the things and later will join the end game etc. Maybe lose a fight, but that will not be a bad thing. They can fail 100 times and still have fun. Why it has to be so that you want to punish the new guy? The current system is a fail. GJ guys. And the devs are believing you. Very GJ guys. Maximized fail.
  12. They could also focus to balance the upgrades. I think that the death penalty is too high for most players already. Which means that I agree. How often you have seen that guys run from a battle if they have BR ratio of 1.0? Like most people simply just run. Even if the BR ratio would be 1.5, lot of people still just run. Normally you get a fight if the BR ratio is at 2.0. This means that our enemy needs 2xBR to dare to fight. That should be enough to indicate that the death penalty is too high already.
  13. I would be interested to see if possible? Does not matter if that is not perfectly organized. Enough if I can at least understand the material
  14. When lot of people exits a port, there is a stack of ships. Everyone is in the same pile, and none knows who and how many there are. When exiting port, make a bit of space between the ships. The stack is, maybe not the best option.
  15. Do you have some kind of file, table, excel sheet, or something with the ship speed data available somewhere?
  16. Tried to browse through the thread, but did not find... Was this question answered already? If there is no mechanism to "protect" smaller nations, this is going to be bad. Truth is tho, that regional bonuses force people out from capitals, and regions actually mean something. This is very good thing. But only if there is something that is not told yet, that will balance the unbalanced nations.
  17. Some upgrades have penalties included. Turning trim for example. Maybe it should be so that the lower quality Turning trim should have better ratio of benefits vs penalties. I know, why higher quality should have worse ratio? Well, I do not really care about that to be honest. Just saying that this way all the upgrades will be useful. More you focus to something, higher penalties you have to pay from it. For example, turning trim: Exceptional +2.5% Turning speed -2.5% Max speed Common: +1.375% Turning speed -1.1% Max speed (Do not say those values should be these values, just an example)
  18. I understood there will be a wipe before launch. So moving from server to another will be very easy at that point. If things from PvP2 are mirrored on PvP1, maybe you could do it opposite as well? Then everyone have their change to move to the server better serving their local time zone.
  19. I think this is not true to be honest. You can still have big fleets fighting, but you have to leave a port together and actually sail somewhere. You can patrol your waters in a big fleet, and join a battle when you find one. The 10-15 minutes timer is only needed if you guys sit in a port, or sail in some totally different location. But I do understand that it can need a lot of time to sail around your own waters looking for a fight. So I understand that it would be nice to just leave when needed. Those 2 guys got in a fight, maybe 400vs700 BR, they still decided to fight it. Then suddenly the battle turns to 400vs4800 BR... Then it turns to long chase and everyone is loosing time. The guys with 4800BR will stay outside the battle location in their revenge gank fleet, the BR 400 stays in BRScreen. So they lose even more time. Unfortunately, if I shall continue the scenario... Another fleet comes with 4000BR and the 4800BR revenge gank fleet gets scared and runs back in ports. Kinda makes you to think, that maybe the death penalty is too high, when guys run even battles where they have clear advantage.
  20. 1 dura ships could work in Port Battles. But I recommend that you think about casual players as well. Uncraftable upgrades are still a small issue. Kinda giving unfair advantage for veteran players. We do not need this advantage. Some do not like the regional bonuses. This is in my opinion one of the best ideas in this patch. Just sad that it was not my idea It will force people out from Capitals. Some ports, you simply dont want to lose those, and you are ready to fight for those. It should also increase OW sailing radically, as people have to transport goods to different locations. The whole map will be populated. The biggest issue is our playerbase, will that be big enough for this? I think I can maybe finally leave Jamaica for Jamaicans. We could add teleport cooldown once again, maybe not a big one, but I think it would work well now with the regional bonuses. For example, it could be faster to sail from MT to La Tortue and back, than teleport to LT, wait a cooldown, and teleport back. Invisibility timer to counter Revenge fleets. This is very good. To deny exploits, you can add an indicator to these locations where is active BR Screen. Or a marker when guys pop out. Then they will sail with invisibility for a moment, revenge gank knows that they are moving but they do not know where. Lonely sailors, when they see the symbol they know to take distance in case they want. Decreasing exploitability. I agree with Vicous that there should be BR rates for port battles. Also looking forward for pirate mechanism. You could start by just removing the pirate ports, and make pirates to be able to craft 7th to 5th rates only. Pirates could not craft with regional bonuses. They can capture and get 1 dura ships with regional bonuses. Nationals can support pirates, by providing 5 dura ships with regional bonuses, privateers. Or sell those with higher profits in Free Towns. Keep pirate perk(s) strong, so that they have at least that one advantage. Make pirate perk(s) pirates only. I do believe these restrictions should be relatively fast to implement. I play as a pirate, and would be perfectly fine with these changes. Would be a bit more HC than nationals, I agree. But with every real/serious pirate player I have been talking with, they are just fine with that.
  21. It was so much more fun for some. I am personally sailing in a group of 2. Yes, I am a pirate as well. So the whole 10-15 minutes timer would destroy the game for all who want to play as pirates. If we gank 1 ship, I think it is ok if another one could join to balance the BR. But I do not like that all fights we fight will end up to 2vs20. So in this case, remember to think the situation from other side as well. I would not even mind if BR rates would be double to ours, but there has to be some limit.
  22. This is an important thing to remember. I believe this would increase the size of playerbase. One option is to punish the end game players as hard as you can. Make all ships to have 1 durability in Port Battles, kill the crew and officer, etc. Even the 4th rates could have 1 dura in Port Battles... Make those Port Battles to be serious and the rest of the game more relaxed. This way you could create room for casual gamers. Ganking wont feel that bad, etc. ... But if you actually want to play the end game major battles, then you have to be ready to lose everything.
  23. I do not think it is exactly about pirate vs naval fleet playstyle. The idea is, that somewhere there in the Caribbea a battle takes place and that is fought. The idea is not, that they take a mobile phone and call to friends. Then the friend teleports to home, and comes to help, etc. Another thing is, that it is not Mass > Skill. Bigger nation cannot just win because they have sheer number. Now smaller units can be in the game as well. Truth to be told, I would still allow BR balancing. Gamy as it is, it would help with gank fleets.
  24. Looks very interesting indeed. ... It is a bit late and have to really get some sleep, so did not read all. Sorry if already asked/answered. You have a small nation vs a big nation... How the small nation is able to attack the bigger one? Like if there is 10x more players on one side, how the other side will be able to create enough hostility in the 1st place? Mass > Skill here? Or there was something indeed that I did not notice yet?
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