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Cmdr RideZ

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Everything posted by Cmdr RideZ

  1. This is actually a very good proposal. It could be so that there are ship lines, trade routes, and if you are on that, you will move faster. There will be text that entering trade route, speed/time multiplier applied or something similar, and X2, X3 on screen while on the line. Could be an area as well like Mike proposes. After this the ships may move in a bit unrealistic way, but as player understands, that it is time multiplied, it could feel natural. He understand the reason for the weird ship movement, it is like fast forward in movie. ... The main issue with speed is, that OW PvP is hard to find, and the game becomes very boring for most after you have been 2 hours sailing, and found nothing. Lets turn that sentence around... The game is very boring because it is hard to find battles. You may waste 2 hours sailing without finding anything. So I think it should be easier to find battles. One option would be to increase the speed. The truth is that I have kinda got used to this slow mode, and that everything takes really long. But 2 hours for many, is the whole evening. So you come to play, and you sail 2 hours and are bored and go to sleep. This wont sell, no other issues really. My friend joined me the last night, with who I have not been playing OW PvP before. We had conversation going and were enjoying our time, and he slowly started to be more and more silent... Then he said, "THIS GAME IS F*ING BOORING!" That pretty much explains to me why I sail always to Jamaica, except now, because of the sociable perk. ... So the main issue in the end is not that we move too slow, nor it is the map size. The main issue is that it is hard to find other players, hard to find fights. But if we can find the fights and players too easily, it will ruin the game for pirate like gameplay and small fleets. I believe this is one of the things that should be fixed before the release. I am not saying it has to be exactly the speed boost, but it should be something.
  2. 2 hours of sailing. No combat, pretty standard evening, if you do not sail to Jamaica. OW Speed has to be increased, and OW speed upwind increased even more. The map is way too big for this population and for this speed.
  3. Traders should not have fleets, or maybe Indiaman could be the only one that could have, from the current traders. Traders with fleets are breaking the piracy/OW PvP scenario.. 1. Traders run goods 2. Pirates try to capture the trader 3. Escorts try to defend the trader For me this scenario was a very cool part of the game. Now it is gone
  4. BR Protection is too aggressive. 7th rate ships should be able to attack 6th rates, and probably 5th rates as well.
  5. I do not know your final plans for the cargo hold changes, but... ... I have no idea if the new cargo hold sizes are more realistic than the ones before, and I actually do not care about realism in this one. Before you had an OW PvP scenario... 1. You cannot craft ships, if you or someone else is not using a trader to bring the resources in the same port. 2. Trade ships, weak targets, and you try to avoid enemies, and do your best to transport your goods safely. 3. Pirates or other nationalities hunting and capturing trade ships. 4. Escorts to protect traders. The scenario is what piracy is pretty much all about. So now warships have decent cargo holds? I really hope you have some big final plan for the bigger cargo holds, and if so I would really love to hear that one, but... In case you do not have, you do understand that you actually broke a big part of the game in the last patch? If there is no big final plan for the warship cargo holds, I recommend to undo these changes.
  6. Short ship list by time. The newest ship on the list will be the top most item.
  7. Go through the DB, check which upgrades are used a lot, and which are not. Rebalance, so that the rarely or never used upgrades are worth using.
  8. The current sinking death penalty is a bit high. Personally, I do not like that the officer loses a life, mainly because that leads eventually to grind. But I know people who already quit until they "fix" the crew mechanism. Death penalty is a money sink, and less money you have, more it hurts. I told about the game to my friend, yesterday I think, and he asked that if your ship sinks, what happens then? I told him that you will lose a dura from your ship, and he was already like "wtf?!". I told him the rest and he said that -> damn, it is pretty hard. I think it is not that hard, but it kinda indicates that it is harder than what people have got used to. I would decrease the death penalty. New guy comes in the game, and notices that he cannot sail his Cerberus any more, because crew takes all his money. This is a big flaw imho. If you think about casual players, who play games like WOT and MWO -> They never lose a thing in those games. I like that in NA we lose and have a money sink. Still, I believe the game will get a bigger player base, if the death penalty is not as hard as it is atm. Crew is also too expensive, no doubt. Maybe the money sink should be so that... The crew is not that expensive, as every rank needs it. Repairing ships could be more expensive. New players do not have 1st rates, so if repairing 1st rate gets more expensive -> It only hurts experienced players. Repairing scales, crew is static. Personally... I am not planning to surrender, ever. If there is even a small possibility to win, like 0.0001% -> I take it. The death penalty, even tho it is not nice, wining in PvP is far more important
  9. Perk: No Quarter If the enemy surrenders, you kill his crew and take a life from his officer. If you surrender, the enemy will kill your crew and take a life from your officer. Maybe a red flag to indicate "No Quarter".
  10. The current diplomacy that is run by the players has 0 change to succeed. Players agree way too big alliance + protected areas where PvP is not allowed. Feels a bit like that there are PvE players on a PvP server. They could have pretty even sides, and enjoy from good fights.. Still they end up to capture ports from sides that do not have even enough players to defend those. Smells like carebears. There should be kings, who commands to attack specific nations/areas. Break these carebear agreements. Pirates should probably have very good mobility over the map. Maybe ship teleportation without or with very short cooldown from pirate town to pirate town (Free Town?). If the alliances in the future are like atm., pirates are really needed to wreck protected areas. I would not be surprised if in the future all nations are in peace together, and only in war vs pirates.
  11. Very interesting. At least it explains why it is 10% and not 2.5%. Maybe the description is not clear enough. It is like a direct variable for the physics engine, hard for players to understand what they actually get from it. In one way I like that it is vague, but maybe a bit too vague. It is like, build 4 ships with the same stats, and test what are the benefits. Then make the decision if you like or not. Wiki should have 4 different sailing profiles, just to explain each upgrade.
  12. Most nations do have a Free Town near to their capital. Jamaica should have one Free Town as well.
  13. The system is pretty good already imho, but... More you have lost from your hull or from sails, longer it takes to repair. This could work as some kind of small compromise. Ship loses a mast, it pops repair, it will repair X time longer, as it has a lot of sail damage already. Maybe repair times should be longer over all, so that someone could consider using their expensive survival handbooks still. And then increase the speed the survival handbook provides.
  14. I finally ended up to a situation to ask from myself should I surrender. It left my head soon after, the answer was no. It is true that I should have surrendered at one point when it was inevitable, but.. I did not. The battle was really nice, even tho we lost it, and in process lost my ship + crew + officer as well. I think the officer dura is the only thing that matters, just because there will be a small grind after 9 more lives. It decreases the fun factor at some point... Don't like the idea of not fun. I do understand still, that with traders this would not work once again. Traders have a specific role in NA, creating the OW PvP scenarios that makes the game even better. But for combat ships, I do not like it. In other games, PvP matches are sometimes won when you are almost dead but you are still able to pull 4 more kills and win the match. I think this should be in every game, including Naval Action. Yes, it is not realistic, but it is how it is. Those moments or a possibility for that moment, are worth your ship, crew and officer. ...Don't like the idea of not fun.
  15. There is 2min timer before the battle is closed. After exiting a port, you have 2min timer. The port gank is still working, as people exit the port when one guy starts to tag. Probably should increase a bit the port exit timer. Also, everyone in the circle should go in the battle, even if you had the timer on. ... If the BR rate is not in balance, players can join the battle even after the timer "battle closed" timer, to balance it. Nationality should be the right ones. This way 5 player gank fleets will turn easily to actually good PvP matches. The ships that sank, escaped or surrendered, are still calculated to this BR rate. You should not be able to join a battle after the timer, if your BR will increase the BR so that your side has higher BR. Can join only, if equal or less the enemy BR. 5vs1 gank teams would need to actually l2p.
  16. It is not about just sinking your ship. Some can just and just crew their ship, as it is the best ship for their rank. Now they have to carry med kits, if they want to go from mission to mission. I understood that later those are moved to upgrades, which makes the situation better, sure. Still they need to get the med kits from some where 1st. I do not sink my ships, so far at least. But if there is a moment when I have to make a decision, will I fight to the last man and try my best to win even against all odds. Well, it would be a shitty thing to surrender, and not see if you could have won the match in the end. Never been in this situation, but it can be that I will sink, just because I want to play the match to the end. So the surrender mechanism is utter crap for a PvP player. Neither I want that my opponent has to surrender, I want that he fights to the end. If you are not a PvP player, competitive one, I admit, you probably would not care at all. When I watch ice hockey, I do not want that one team says, "Cannot win, so will give up". I want to see how well the teams will do, and I want to see that they try to the last second. If nothing more, they should remove at least the officer dura loss. I know people who quit the game because of the crew. I can see how they need med kits after missions all the time, it is a pain. The crew is in too big role. Yes, I do not personally have any issues with the crew, but I am far from the poorest person in the game. The crew does not cause any issues for my economy. That does not mean that others would have the same possibilities. Most players want to go from battle to battle, and have fun. Now they are either paying a lot, or they are forced to do crafting. The fun factor has decreased -> Wont benefit the game. If a ship cost you 70k, I think the crew should not cost more than 70k. Probably less than 70k would make more sense. ... Ok you can choose a ship full of Gold, or a ship full of Sugar. Which one you take? Yes, you would take the Gold ship for sure. In NA you would take the ship full of sugar. Full load of topacco in a TSnow, you can buy 2x 1st rates with that money. (At least if you are a pirate) The crew is in way too big role.
  17. As stated in another thread. Old players saying that crew is ok, I could say the same I admit. The new guys are suffering for sure. Crew can be part of the economy, but it does not have to be in so big role as it is atm. Lets take 5th rate ship as an example, the frigate. It cost something from 100k to 300k, its price may go up to lets say 500k, but it is rare. Player loses all duras -> Crew cost 700k. (Without med kits) Basic Frigate cost 70k, crew for it 140k. So imho, crew is too expensive indeed and it has too big role in the economy.
  18. About the perks, it could be better and make more sense if... Pirate Hunter = 0.5kn and 5% reload speed Master perks = 10% reload speed
  19. I hover over a ship and the ship details go under the chat window. In one way good but... I hover on the ship to actually see the details, so the pointed/activated object should be on top. I know you make a new UI later.. I suppose this "little thing" is for the future.
  20. Give a bit time for people, and spread the word. Not everyone is actively following the forum. Maybe to even add a post about the event on other categories as well. For example to suggestions. Personally would have not ever found this post, if none had posted in the game.
  21. I thought that UK & US is not attacking VP or SE? That all these 4 are in agreement to not attack each others ports? ... I think the events over sea should affect to these alliances as well. Like if the king of UK says that we are now in war with Spain, then they are. The devs could, at least sometimes, stir the setup a bit. Yes, in situation where an alliance has 2/3 from server population, the players are sure not going to break the alliance, so command over the seas should be considered here.
  22. Maybe to limit the amount of allies one nation can have. Maybe max 2 allies. Alliance of 3 is already actually a big, maybe too big already. Right now for example; UK, VP, SE, US are allied. This is way too big alliance in the game, and should have never existed. So maybe you should only be allowed to be allied with 1. Or bigger you are, less alliances you can have. The size measured in active players.
  23. Smaller br like 500br and fleet of 3, indeed would make the tournament to be from 7th to 4th rate. High br is just, boring imho.
  24. I once suggested that we should have different sizes of upgrades, so that the MGNs are not the only ones used to craft upgrades. LGNs used for small upgrade size, that are used with the small ships etc. I am not saying that would be a bad idea, but maybe faster to implement option could be... Some upgrades need LGNs, others MGNs, and some HGNs. This way you only have to update the upgrade recipes. The target, that all the notes would be more or less equally important in the end game, this would pretty much be achieved with this change as well.
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