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Cmdr RideZ

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Everything posted by Cmdr RideZ

  1. I do not like special event/tournament vessels, if those are giving advantage in the future. Some tournament paintjob etc. that would be ok. Victory could need highly skilled craftsmen and a big shipyard, and rent that for long time. We could need to wait X amount of time that they craft the ship, and not just "click and ready". This all could be paid in gold. Why I like the idea of gold payment? Gold can be acquired by anyone in the game 1. If you like to do PvP, you get gold 2. If you like to trade, you get gold 3. If you like to do PvE, you get gold 4. etc. So it does not force PvP player to start doing X or Y to craft something. But, I do not mean that all the materials should be removed from the game, just saying that one big component could be simply gold. ... Yes, with gold I mean credits, the monetary unit in the game.
  2. 1. Leave the battles open until equal BR has been reached. 2. Give reward based on BR balance, BR ratio as a multiplier. (Max 1.1, Min 0.1) Both or one of those. Both lead to decreased amount of fleet ships, using those only when really needed. For example in case of Indiaman.
  3. I have all parts together and I craft a ship. There could be a cost. The builders who craft the ship, would need salary, and we need to rent the shipyard. Bigger the ship, more expensive it is. Frigate 100k Victory 10m Easy way to make victories a bit more rare.
  4. We normally use only exceptional upgrades. With Marines, we use green, blue, mc and exceptional. Maybe rest of the upgrades should have similar system.
  5. If you do not want to make full wipe... You can remove everything, but give materials, gold, labor contracts. This will not be perfect wipe, it is kinda like hastened version from it.
  6. Not everyone is interested from crafting. Some could say that crafters should not get the good ships, they have not earned those. Only good PvP players should get the good ships. Indeed, it is just a bit more complicated.
  7. Wipe when needed. Don't listen the guys who are against wipes. It matters the most that the game is good when the launch & final wipe comes. They will lose their ships anyway. You can return materials used to craft those ships as redeemables. If they do not understand that this is an early access game, it is not really your fault. It has been stated loud and clear.
  8. But that is how most, all, forums are. You have to just learn to skip parts that are not related to the subject. With the rest, I agree that some things should change. Maybe if both sides have highest vote for alliance to each other -> Alliance If one side is voting alliance, and it is not the highest for another nation but positive -> Peace If the votes are not highest, negative or positive -> Neutral One participant has highest negative votes -> War
  9. Blues and MC, some ideas. AI could sail. We could buy from Vendor. Crafting exceptional should be exponentially more expensive that MC and Blue. Blue&MC used to level Remember that economy also affects what we sail. If MC Victory needs 10 Fine Live Oak logs and exceptional needs 1000 Fine Live Oak logs... Well, do you want 1 Exceptional for your clan or decrease the quality a bit and get 100 MC?
  10. The issues to fix: A. National property does not matter, as people have alts in every nation. Removes the point of actually owning a specific region. B. Spies. To make this harder, not to remove. Yes, because you guys love to exploit every freaking thing.
  11. I understand that alts, backstabbing, spying, all ways to wage war are allowed. The only issue is, that players with alts, they kinda break the lines. Maybe trading with not allied nations and in Free Towns, should increase some value and be visible. Except trading with things that are common, like fish/salt/etc. This value should also be bound to your account, and maybe decay with time, but decay should be relatively slow. High value may not mean that you are a spy, but you know what I mean. Rank: Second Lieutenant (120 crew) Smuggler: 52445 points (In this scenario it is a high value) Second Lieutenant with a lot of Smuggler points, more than high ranked players will ever have -> Alt, possible spy, resource farm. You cannot be sure, but, could be. Don't know if "Smuggler" would be the right name for these points, but I hope it is enough to make the point clear. Wont be bullet proof, does not solve the whole issue, it is gamy, but... Maybe. Smuggler points could go down when you do legal trade. But if your main account gives 10m for a new alt, and he is not from same nation. Smuggler points should skyrocket right there. (For both accounts) ... Also, if your smuggler points go very high, your own side can attack you and sink you. They cannot capture you, as that would enable exploiting. They should be still able to board to kill. (Wrote 1st to another thread, but as this is kinda its own thing)
  12. Crew costs could be brought down, but... Repair costs could be done so that for example 1st rates would always cost you a lot to repair. For example, you cannot go in battle with 1st rate and earn money. The same could be with 2nd rate, and for 3rd rates. For 2nd and 3rd of course less than for 1st. This would make these ships to be used in a bit more realistic way. Also the money sink moves to end game players.
  13. A new server. If player is active on this server, he will get an extra reward at launch. Don't ask from me what that reward could be. Don't ask from me how to measure activity.
  14. By decreasing ship dura in crafting, you get a "bonus". Connie: Dura 1 = High bonus for X ... Dura 4 = No bonus ... Dura 1 should get a decent bonus, as you will lose all the upgrades if you lose it.
  15. A reason to take your trader and transport it to some other port.
  16. It is rare on map, lets hope that is enough to let it be a bit better. I am a big fan of balanced PvP, so gear advantage is not my thing.. So can be that I am over negative, of not liking that one wood type would be better than others. Or does it have already some hidden penalties?
  17. 5vs1, how much fun the 5 will have? It is also a question of realistic vs game. In real life, it only makes sense to take battles when you have a clear advantage. It is also about sports, we would not like ice hockey if both teams would not have 5+1 on ice. Maybe we cannot find one big bonus to do it all, but instead multiple small ones. Small bonuses will be harder to exploit. Some ideas... (Could be bad, but to start from) This whole subject is also bound to death penalty. As death penalty is a bit high, we are actually mostly punished to take hard fights. Maybe consider decreasing crew casualties in case of high BR difference. If the BR ratio as a multiplier has already been tested and exploited, maybe just a very small bonus. For example in situation of 2xBR, you get 1.1x reward, your enemy will get 0.5x. If the BR ratio goes high and you are not in a trader, maybe give a coward perk like bonus. The BR ratio would define how much shorter timer you get. For example 2vs20, and you have pretty good position to start from. The enemy is still able to shoot your sails, and you will be in that battle 30 minutes before you are able to escape. I would not mind if 30 minutes of wasted time would be less in the future. Extra reward could be also bound to loses you cause, and not calculating captured ships. If you sink your friends 1st rate, make sure that the friend will suffer higher loses than you get as a reward. ... edit.. Just to clarify. I am not recommending this for Port Battles or Hostility Missions, etc. that are clearly part of the end game.
  18. The fight against the lonely one wont be really exciting either, right? So does it really matter if you get less from it? If your fleet of 5 will later encounter an enemy fleet of 25. This rule would do the same for them, right? So it can be that those 25 will agree that only 10 will enter, so that they at least get 50% reward from you guys. If your fleet of 5 is only ganking 1 ship at time, and you never take bigger battles, or equal battles, or risk to take battles where you have a small disadvantage. Well, then, actually, this whole feature is designed to make it less fun for you.
  19. About the new ROE. So 2 rings... You are in a battle, a revenge gank forms to your location. You leave BR Screen. You have a huge net around you. You are attacked. Everyone will be pulled in that battle, and you are surrounded by the revenge gank. I hope you did already think about this
  20. Slightly confused, do you mean it does not matter, or it matters?
  21. About the crew losses & new guys. Could also be done so that before you get your rank for 350 crew, you cannot lose crew at all. Minimum crew 250 or limited by rank. Renommee, Surprise are decent OW PvP ships. I believe that this way people would get faster in the game. Also, the current minimum crew could be stated somewhere, just to clarify that it is there. (Or I did not just see it?)
  22. Agreed, maybe not like a crushing blow, but have to say that it is at least should start to feel pretty useless for them. You should earn like 20k from the gank and then you get 4k, I think that is pretty depressing at least. If this is exploitable, it could be so that 1.0x is the maximum reward, and minimum is 0.1. I suppose this would remove the possibilities to exploit. AI BR should be counted. It should encourage to use AI only as escorts.
  23. BR 6000 vs 600 The fleet with 6000 BR will win, but their reward has a multiplier of 0.1 What ever the other fleet did, it will have a multiplier of 10 Well, do not know what would be the best possible multiplier, but as an example. Could also be some kind of function F, that defines how the BR ratio will affect to rewards. Also possibly some kind of limits. So this way, you can still define your battle, go ganking, but you wont get rewarded from that. The guys who take risks will be rewarded. Lot of people just run in ports, scared, but after this.. Maybe you want to take a risk? This should include AI BR rates as well. Could have other modifiers as well, but I think BR rate would be a very good point to start from. ... Some could come now and say that very good players will get this way even richer and richer, and bad players will lose more and more. I would say, that yes, true, good players will get even more. How many players you know that take fights vs 2-3xBR rate? And how many guys you know who gank 5vs1? Or hide with their 6000 BR fleet in BR Screen, and gank 1000 BR fleets? This would be a crushing blow for gankers, and only a small percentage from players will actually benefit from this kind of rewarding. ... To be honest, I did not think every possible scenario. But I have a feeling that this actually might be a good idea.
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