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Cmdr RideZ

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Everything posted by Cmdr RideZ

  1. Slightly related to the subject.... There should be at least 10s invisibility after exiting battle. It makes no sense that people wait in BR Screen, and other may wait at Revenge Gank fleet. To solve this faster, a short invisibility could do it.
  2. You should be able to move from big nation to small nation. Without creating your account again.
  3. Grapes need a nerf for sure. I think crew should understand to brace automatically, and not stand in a formation. I do not like the brace button idea that much to be honest. Some basic things should be automatic. Add a possibility to stop reloading specific decks, load different ammo per deck, in case you want more micromanagement. If half from the crew has been already killed, change to kill more should have been decreased. Grapes remove skill, spamming works. Maneuvering has less meaning. This is the main reason why I do not like the grapes personally. I would personally go with... Chains & Grapes are disabling. Balls are deciding. Stern tanking. This is not all "that" bad. The ships are faster and more maneuverable. So to counter this the stern damage should not be the end. So basically everyone should be able to take some stern hits, so that it is in balance.
  4. Happy to see another nerf grapes post. I do not know if it is the tournament, and that nothing is changed before that ends. If so, the tournaments in the future should have specific length. If you are not there, you are out from the tournament. OR Devs should just change the mechanisms while the tournament is running. OP grapes have been in game way too long. Lot of testing undone as long as the tournament is stopping the development.
  5. I do not like AI fleets, and tried to think a way how those still could be useful, had that one post about that. I was wrong, and also cannot find the noaifleet post, so... I did not really have big issues with this one, as AI fleets have been really rare and those are far from real players. Recently I went in combat and, I think there were 4 players + 2xAI fleet per player -> 12 ships. And I understood, that there is absolutely no room for fleets. It is simply stupid.
  6. If a ship escapes from a battle... In the player listing, you should still see what ship s/he was sailing.
  7. Colored pennant, that will indicate quality level. Gray pennant for Basic ... Golden pennant for Exceptional In one way it could be better to not see this info, like atm. Still, the exceptional is better, and sinking a gray pennant indicates that it was just a basic vs your exceptional. Could be that this info is interesting only for competitive PvP players. OR BR could be informed in the "tab window", the one which shows what ships are in the battle. BR could take on account the ship quality, and count some value for upgrades as well. Upgrade quality level should be indicated as well. ... A: 1000BR VS B: 2000BR A side wins without losing any ships. Everyone is omg A fleet played so well. What if we had calculated the BR like mentioned before. A: 4000BR VS B: 3000BR Suddenly A fleet is not that good anymore. ... I have perfect ships, it is not about that. I still would like to know do I win because of skill, or because I have always the best possible ships and upgrades.
  8. Some kind of "poll", you should be allowed to change your vote. A poll for upgrades, if those are too good, balanced, or not good enough. Maybe options for radically OP/UP as well. Or rate 1-5, well you got the point already. I do not think that a democratic way will bring optimal results, but most probably we could narrow down the extremes at least. There should be also "I do not know" option.
  9. Note requirements for ships could go... Basic = 0 Common = 1 Fine = 2 MC = 4 Exceptional = 8 Money sink for end game players.
  10. I think the next 1st rate should be called "Ship Of The Line".
  11. I agree actually. What if those would need actual players to play those, instead of just AI. Could be even so that if you have none to take those in command, those would not join the battle. Or will join as reinforces when people take command. Could be invited in the battle, or people from the same group could take command. More PvP, faster PvP, you can just sit in the port and jump in the fight. I kinda hate the whole idea already, but... Maybe it would just make things more playable. I know already guys who quit NA because of long distance sailing. I know a guy, with who I sailed 2 hours without a single fight. Indeed, has not been asking to join the second time, told that the game is just f*ing boring. The game needs a dedicated Saturday and very late gaming, then you or at least I can really enjoy from NA in its current form. 20 minutes to go there, 40 minutes battle, 20 minutes back (a scenario from "good" and "fast" evening). People have work/school/kids/etc., so... Makes to think options. This is also a thing that most probably would affect to the player base size. If someone says that I am in a fight just N from MT. You are already too late. If I would be the belligerent, I would hate if someone could leave the port to help the guy. But if I would see that a guy with a Frigate + 2 Frigates in fleet, I could in OW think if I want to challenge 1-3 Frigates. Fleet ships could be even used without perks and upgrades. With fixed cannon setup like for example only mediums. I definitely would go to have fun in this kind of fight. I think I have been sailing once the whole evening, without a fight. That was indeed amazingly exciting Friday evening. So it is not surprising that many sail directly to Jamaica atm.
  12. Ok, we do not like the fleets that much but... What if... Pretty often it would be nice to go and find some OW PvP. The issue is that it can take 2 hours and you did not find anything. Or you have to sail 20 minutes there and another back, total of 40 minutes. If I had 90 minutes to play one evening, and I just lost almost half from it, by just sailing to the OW PVP area. So... Someone has 2 ships in his fleet, and he goes to sail because of A. He gets attacked, and he "opens" those fleet ships to be played by other players. For example from the same clan. Either so that the fleet ship is replaced by the clan mates own ship, that is the same type. If there is a Renomee, the player needs a Renomee to join the fight. Or, he plays with the fleet owners ship, what ever he has there. I admit that I have not been thinking every possible issue that this could bring.
  13. And I thought King Of Crowns was full of himself.
  14. RUBLI won the battle with lame exploits. PODW, even after Alex, won 2vs3. gg PODW
  15. New upgrades that could be craftable, should be craftable. Like for example sails. Not good for PvP if some people have and others dont. I have sails btw. but I feel it is not nice if others do not. Uncraftable permanent prices go very high. I do not recommend to have uncraftable permanents in the game. Regular uncraftables already have very high prices. It is questionable if uncraftables should even exist.
  16. As people have been asking about pirate mechanism... Does this mean that in the future Pirates will be like every other nation, but without politics of course, or? I am sure everyone would be interested to know about this, even if it would be just some 1st ideas that you guys have brainstormed.
  17. I love to complain when you have absolutely no rights to complain... Comon guys, what is taking so long in this tournament? wtf are you guys doing there? We want more! We want war!
  18. Pirates had months a situation that MT was surrounded by enemies. I think that now the situation is a bit more silent. (Fix me if I am wrong) I think every day in the national chat -> Someone was attacked, lost a trader, lost a SOL, etc... KPR situation is normal on PvP server. Player base is a bit low just, so not all can enjoy from instant battles like you guys can atm. ... About the perk.. I think we do not need that in the end. Would be better as a standard feature.
  19. I do not like ganking, even tho that I play as a pirate. I do gank 2vs1, but normally nothing bigger than that. I would prefer that in this case, the enemy could bring reinforces up to BR rate, enemy could even have a bit more, that would be ok for me as well. But I do not like the idea that the other side can bring endless stream of reinforcements. The sociable perk was providing unrealistic TP gank fleet in battles -> Guys from other side to the caribbean came in the same battle. Endless stream also makes bigger clans/nations stronger vs smaller ones. In reality, none would come to help, as they would not know about it. I understand, that if they fight really near a port, it would work ok, but probably would not work too well in a game. There could be one pirate outside of Sunbury. You attack the single pirate... After that 10 pirates will jump out from Sunbury and rape you. Then you come here to cry, but from the opposite. This sounds like a good idea. BR rated system is better than the one we have atm. Do not have opinion if BR rates should be rebalanced, I am sure devs will check it.
  20. PvP games, in which you can lose property. Not sure if you have heard but.. Only sail ships that you can afford to lose.
  21. 3 minutes, I think this is ok. The green zone could have enough room for some of the first mission, maybe after the first or second rank those would not be on it anymore. You state that you understand that this is a PvP server. You are sailing a 3rd rate in your example, and that makes you a new guy? So PvP ONLY after you have maxed your rank? So you state that you understand what is a PvP server? edit.. Actually you do not state that, but you know that the game is, and probably that your server is as well. Indeed, I assumed that as you know that this is a PvP server, you would also understand what that means. The ships may not be well in balance with their BR rates, but the idea of BR rated fights is a valid one. Only a ganker or some eve player would not like to have this feature. Even with the current BR rates.
  22. Keep open until ~equal BR is reached. No additional tricks are needed. edit. And keep it open for everyone 2 minutes like before.
  23. Morgan & Hethwill.. Let them 1st form the clan before you get totally excited.
  24. Realistic capitals vs capitals that provide the best gameplay. Could make sense to think about this.
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