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Cmdr RideZ

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Everything posted by Cmdr RideZ

  1. When you promote your pet faction, you basically watch a % value. I was not too interested from this. Also PP and BGS are completely separated things, like two different games running at the same time. Did you btw. notice that Game Labs was about to do similar mistake. Leave old Nations and Clans + build on top of those War Corps. Not as bad, but still. I am glad they did not do it. Elite PvP is so bad that it basically does not have one. I do not know many who like it, or even waste their time with it. I believe they will never fix it either. Elite is a PvE game, where you can do PvP if you so want to, and are lucky to find some. A bit like Naval Action is at the moment. NA is not in that deep pit yet tho. Elite devs probably never understood that they lost thousands of players because they never created PvP content. If a dev team can fail a game, Frontier Developments really nailed that hard. Game Labs probably will follow this fail hard path, they are explaining their fail by saying "People get bored after so many hours". I have thousands of hours in Naval Action, I know many who have that and even more. I am not bored, they are not bored. I am pissed and so are people I know, that devs are looking for reason why their game is failing and do not admit that it is their own fault. Only way to fix this game is that devs admit that they failed, else they do not understand to fix anything. Think about how obviously bad this is... EVE has titans and NA has crafters who want to have something very expensive. So lets make 1st rates like Titans and something expensive for crafters. Only by reading that I feel there are maybe 10000 ways to fail with this plan. Lets put on top of that, that port battles need 25vs25 Titans? I believe 1st rates do not cost like Titans, but the issue... Community has recommended for them 10000 times that can we get some variety to port battles, that it would not be 25vs25 1st rates, but rather different numbers of different rates. If they want, they can have some ports that are still 25vs25 1st rates. Different number of different rates creates more interesting battles, more realistic battles, and most importantly -> Game economics get lighter. Easier to get together a RvR fleet -> More RvR, more players who can participate, more players who can participate with their limited amount of hours to play. They want to implement something that those guys who have been in game 10 hours and quit, would get hooked and be part of our nice community. Then they implement HC PvE Grind, state that there shall be no RoE rules, etc. They say A and they do 100% opposite. I am just asking that WTF are they doing? Introducing 1 dura ships, but now ships are more expensive than when we had 5 dura ships. Is this seriously going to keep people playing this game? Even I cannot play this any more, so good luck with guys who quit this after 10 hours. Ok, one more... Think about upgrades. We had upgrades that give 1-5% bonus, depending from quality level. 5% upgrade cost 10m and 4% upgrade cost 1m. People were ready to pay 10 times as much from that +1%. If you did not have that, you were at 1% disadvantage. This 1% is not much, it is there, but definitely it is not much. Now lets make upgrades so that you can have 3 of those, and each one gives you 10% advantage. If you do not have those, you have 0. 3x 10% advantage -> 33.1% ... That is a lot, you can be 33% worst player than your opponent and you still win. Yes, devs pretty much failed hard here, they F*ed up here pretty damn hard. A good skill based game turned to utter crap. This game is failing just and only because Game Labs does so bad design decision. One after another.
  2. PvP players are long happy just because they can shoot other people. PvE players are heavy, as they come to game and leave it once they have gone through the content. I was not actually planning to leave from NA, I was planning to play this for years. You just suddenly changed the game so that it is basically unplayable utter crap. Change it back please. You still have time before launch. Your journey took you really far, but then you came hard down. Climb back up please. Naval Action wont die if you do right choices. ... Before Naval Action, I was playing Elite Dangerous. When I started to play it, I noticed that it is a HC PvE grind game. I noticed that everything is just repeating itself, not much content really. Took like 3 days to notice it. I played it a lot for a year. I was thinking that devs will fix it, there are things that are so obvious to fix that of course they will fix those. They never did the most obvious things. All I knew quit the game, I still believed that they will change it. Well, they never did. I found NA, you had already so many things correctly that were F*ed up in ED. I was thinking that "Oh why Elite Dangerous cannot have this kind of PvP as well". You know, you F*ed up NA pretty bad for me. You in the end took Elite Dangerous path and you have HC PvE grind game in your hands. You have better PvP, but it is so heavy PvE grind that PvP players do not want to touch your game any more. Happy sheep does not mean that you will have happy wolves. ... List of things to do... 1. Test signaling perk globally. You have to do something for ganks and zergs. 2. Use similar system as flag system. I wrote here 1 year ago maybe, that hostility does not fly because it is PvE grind. This never came in your mind? One big reason why people left, is this PvE grind. 3. Multiple repair kits in battles, Mass > Skill. This simply does not work. It creates shitty PvP. Many has been telling you this, you did nothing? 4. Combat Mark prices for ships are too high. 5. Ship Knowledge can be HC grind, but then bonuses from books cannot be big. Or Ship Knowledge grind is fastly done and bonuses are big. Small bonuses create more historical and realistic feeling. I recommend that you decrease grind and bonuses. 6. Upgrades should have small bonuses. Add also upgrade rare materials in game, so that those are more common. You really do not understand that this serves absolutely and only that 1% of your HC players. 7. Your crafters and traders first idea failed. Do not follow EVE. Back to affordable ships. 8. We need 5 times more ships in this game, so that we reach similar levels of PvP as we had before. Do you want that people always just dare to sail to PvP in a Surprise? It should have been ringing the bells immediately when you saw that army of Surprises. 9. Getting tired to write this always.. You have read so many good ideas from here, and many are not even mine. You still dont do anything. ... People also get bored to games because those SUCK. NA has not been even released, people are not bored to it. You as a developer might be bored to it. It is dying because you do stupid decisions, and that is the only reason. It does not just die itself. It is all your fault that this game dies. There have been many people telling you so many good things. You are just so incredibly stubborn. I have seen all your nice posts there where you explain what next. You understand that those things probably will fail as well. Why? Because Death Penalty is so high that people do not dare to sail to PvP. Put this fact in your F*ing thick skull already. What is so hard to understand in this? When you join this with zerg&gank PvP, you have failed, like we all know. Your game sucks because you, yourself, and only because of you. You make bad decisions and the game is sinking. If you made good decisions, everyone would be playing. ... Right now there is no game like old Naval Action, not even Naval Action today is as good as that was. I always thought you would be making it just better and better, but we went opposite. I know plenty of players who are hoping that you fix your shit. ... For many, this has to be possible... They come home after work, feed their kids and do their stuff. Evening comes and they have time for themselves, they login. They say hello for their clan and ask whats up. They buy a flag and sail to PvP. This is how game was working for many in 2016. You and only you F*ed it, none got bored, everyone wanted more. These same guys, they do not want to grind bots for hostility. It is a F*ing surprise right? THEY DO NOT WANT TO SHOOT BOTS, THEY DO NOT WANT PVE. Put this in your freaking thick skull as well. It is not so damn hard to understand this. They do not want to grind missions or bid from rare upgrade materials in ports. They want WAR. How the hell is this so F*ing hard to understand? It is obvious they want Naval ACTION, they want WAR. Are we entertained? Well this is not gladiator, this is SERF. Unfortunately playing a serf like we do in real life, is not what we want from our entertainment. Oh, is this also so freaking hard to understand? True, there are players who want to play a serf. The % of these players is not high enough to make it to be #1 in a game. You failed here, you made it to be #1. Crafting repair kits, I understand your point. Did you know that you could have left this part to be designed later? It was priority #1000. Old system for repair kits was better, because you did not have to be a serf once more. You bought your repair kits and you sailed to WAR. Things that you do are not making this game better. For example capturing ships. We can capture ships, we cannot capture ships, we can capture X rated ships, we cannot capture ships, we can capture... ... You do this because once again your best friend, Admiral Carbear Craft And Trade. This person, stop listening him already. There is a high change for following... If we could capture every ship, but every ship would have a random build -> We would still craft ships. ... Omg?! Seriously?! Cannot be!? ... But it is. It is because you may have to grind 100 missions to get that specific ship you want, or you can craft it directly. Which one you take? I would craft my ships. Lets agree now that you do not waste even a second more to this question, ok? We can now capture ships up to X rate and thats it. You can consider this again in far future, but before launch, do not waste your time. We might get this game done one day if you would not waste time to useless stuff like this. ... What ever you do for the next, make sure that it will support and increase the amount of PvP. Make sure that most of the time we are shooting each other. When people are tired and they login after work, make sure they come to Naval Action, and that they do not have to login back to serfdom. I am not bored, I know plenty of guys who are not bored. I want that you succeed, we want that you succeed. I am not playing Naval Action, they are not playing Naval Action, but just because the current game sucks. We are waiting that you fix it, we are not in the game, but we are here and waiting. Hoping to play again one day.
  3. One more thing.. My escort PvP mission is just an example, I am sure if you ask people can invent plenty of things to do in PvP zone. You could also consider something like this... Clan captures port A, they want to craft fort and towers for it. They need slaves to build it. They make an order for slaves, which will create slave transportation PvP mission. People try to transport slaves while other try to stop them, and 3rd group will try to attack attackers before they attack the transport fleets. (edit: Idea is that you can even have PvP missions created by player needs) You still need some artificial rules to be applied to make any scenario to work. If you do not have artificial rules, I am 100% sure it will be zerg and gank. Port Battles, for these you have already artificial rules set. These have rate limits and no more than 25vs25. Granted, you could have even better rate/br limits implemented, but you have artificial rules here. You have more questions to ask how to make "Plenty" of reasons?
  4. You made the economy to support big groups and alts. Even multiple repair kits is supporting big groups. As in a big group some of you can repair your ship while others are keeping them busy. More realistic, free for all rules are not always the best imo. USA attacked Iraq because it was far superior in everything. This is real life, but would not make the best game. You made upgrades to be expensive, HC players will have those, new players will never have those? You made it even easier for HC players to kick noobs? I have said you many times that you need artificial rules. You created nice signaling perk, which you should have tested as a permanent state as well. Signaling was a good idea, gives better PvP, decreases zerg and gank. At some point our Dear friend Lord Vicious went to play a new game called Albion Online. It has OW PvP as well and one of the biggest reasons why so many cry is -> Zerg and Gank PvP. People are leaving because PvP is f*ed up and economy is huge grind. They have the same issues as you have right now. I believe, but do not know... People like light economy, but once they have everything in the game they want something more expensive. It is good to start wanting something ridiculously expensive when you can afford it and the rest cannot. I do not recommend to follow this line of development. At least that something expensive should not be dramatic buff to your performance. Your upgrades btw. give high buffs. One scenario to think... When a noob gets his Trincomalee and takes duel vs HC gamer -> His ship is not as good as HC gamers, but he still has a good change to win. ... Plenty of reason... I said long time ago that it would be nice to have some escort PvP mission. Everyone is now thinking that yes, that would be cool. Escort some ship full of gold and fight of other players, or the opposite. In real life it will be 5 frigate escorts vs 25x 1st rates. Then everyone comes on your face saying that your game sucks. The only way to make content like this is -> Artificial rules. If we still had those 5 dura ships, it would be way easier to make those artificial rules. 1dura ships have their benefits as well. But... Artificial rules: 1. Escort fleet will be protected X minutes after every attack. 2. Only certain BR/Rate can attack 3. Escorts select 3 ships per player for this mission, you can lose your ship max 3 times, after that your fleet is weakened permanently. 4. Distance to escort should be so that max 3 attacks can be done. 5. Other players should be informed that there will be escorted gold ship. (I just wrote these here, not promising these to work, it is an example to give idea) OR We can just play zerg and gank that most people hate. No reasons to leave safe zones. GG ... You can consider making global artificial rules. For example, options... - Max 6vs6 in OW. - You cannot attack your target if your BR is greater than X - Signaling perk for all + more uneven the battle, further people can see it. 6vs1 gank, and people from far can join to help. - etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc..................... etc................ OR Absolutely nothing can be done and we are doomed to fail and forever gank and zerg!!! NoooOOoo!!
  5. This clan based system sounds better. A. Friendly status, in many games these are called alliances. You could consider alliance name and mechanism as well. B. There has to be plenty of reasons to sail out from the safe zone. Plenty. C. 10k new players left. Would be nice to know why? I do not know exactly, but some reasons that I have been repeating here for a year+. C.1. Can take a moment to accept GUI, it has a small shock factor. When I started, I was told where everything is and how to get started. Still, my first impression was wtf is this? What do I have to do? I have told that make at least videos to get new players forward. Yes, it was simple then when someone told that click here and there and then check map and sail to that location etc. You could try to decrease that initial wtf is this shit feeling. C12. Death Penalty is high. Now you do not even give reward for losing side. It maybe realistic, but I am not going to lie -> It is a shitty game mechanism. C.3. Death Penalty is high. You get yourself some ships and you lose those all. Now you decreased this by making ships to be captureable, which was a good thing. Still, losing all and many will click "Quit Game. You have to make it rapid to get back in a 5th rate. If you first have to grind to get to a 5th rate, at least after that you have to make some mechanism to get there fast. What ever you think would be the best. You can even have some unlock for specific rank, which will help you to get fast back to 5th rate. C14. Death Penalty is high. You now want to innovate ideas how to help new players, protect them that they do not lose everything so fast and quit game. You do understand that the main reason for this is because you have so high death penalty? You also understand that death penalty is only high because grinding lost materials takes pretty long. You also understand that PvP action is fun for players, and PvE grind before that is mandatory evil for many. Making protected PvE areas so they can PvE grind, instead of making PvP action and fun easy to access? Protected areas are a good idea, you should go with it. The rest should get support as well. C.5. Death Penalty, expensive to lose a ship, you are scared to do PvP and need protected areas. Economy that makes things to be expensive, so that crafters and traders can own something expensive. Forget traders and crafters here a bit. Economy to support PvP, people who are not freaking scared to sail in PvP, win or lose. Lighter economy you have, less important protected areas are. If ships are free, who cares if we have protected areas or not, it does not matter if we sink or not, right? We just sail to PvP ship after ship. This would remove depth from game, so some death penalty is good to have. My point is, heavier economy you build, more important are protected areas. More protected areas we have, less PvP we have. C.6. One big reason for heavy and expensive economy are expensive upgrades, materials that are needed to craft those. Upgrades give big bonuses so every PvP player wants those. PvP players want to be competitive so they have to do heavy grinding to open ship knowledge. Permits are CM expensive, grind heavy. If you for example make upgrade bonuses to be smaller, it will decrease "must have" pressure on those -> Lighter economy. ... This will also make PvP easier to access for new players. If you make rare materials more common -> Lighter economy. Decrease the amount of combat marks needed per permission. ... New player loses 10 times in battles and finally he wins one, is also able to capture a ship. He does not tell or recommend this game because he lost 10 times, he will recommend because it was so much fun to capture that one ship. In the game you are building, he loses once, is back to basic cutter and quits the game. Tells for his friends how shitty game this is. I have told you many times, think about those guys who quit the game after 10 hours. You told once that your priority is in these 10h players, but I have not seen any acts to proof that. ... EVE was probably meant to be a huge success, but it turned out to be a niche game. NA is meant to be a niche game, but as the target is set so low.. There is a high change that the game will die soon after its release. I highly recommend that you turn your focus back to Naval ACTION.
  6. Simplest solution: In flag based system, the one who creates the flag defines who get in. If he decides to take those 3 random alts in, it is his decision. Non capturable, could be starting zone. In previous system the issue was that starting system was not in the capital where everyone else is.
  7. I wish all will go just fine for this plan, I really do, but not sure if this is going to be any better than the flag system long time ago. The flag system had some issues, you could have fixed those. We would be way further in development, but I suppose we test another system. Make sure that people login after work and they sail to PvP. Make sure they do not have to do PvE grind a whole evening, even if they lose a ship or two. Make sure they get gear without days of PvE grind. How damn hard it can be to make a PvP game? Focus to PvP or announce that this is mainly a PvE game.
  8. Not sure if you even need war corps for this, those actually might just confuse things. Clans could have done maybe the same for their nation like before? You would just need to add clans that can reap taxes, build port upgrades. The owner of flag can decide who can get in the port battle and who cannot, lobby or in that 30 minutes when forming a full fleet. Then leave current capital regions for their current owners as none-captureable. On top of that clans could have been fighting from their own national ports. ?
  9. I have always liked the drama and salt in Naval Action. The only reason why pirates were not attacking each other was that they had to agree or else they would lose. Pirate chat is, has been, the most entertaining chat. If you are running out of time, a very good option. Games are often repeating old games as it is pretty hard to innovate new systems. @admin this is a sad fact for many. Before this HC PvE grind system, you had somewhat innovative new mechanism. I was thinking you keep the direction like that, but instead you started to copy from other games and now I think your game sucks. In some, in many cases you were doing things right. Why your system before was so much better? This goes slightly out of topic as well... Think about games like World Of Tanks, which I believe you know well. It has mind blowingly stupid end game. You have a board, you have regions, and you have arena fights. You do this again and again and again. This was even very successful. Your OW PVP and plans for it before you introduced Legends, were light year more advanced than what WOT has as an end game. OW PvP was just one area that you tried to make competitive on some level. Competitive PvP is important as that is what most people want to play, most do not want Gank PvP. Dont know why it was so bad idea for you to make more or less balanced OW battles. Test OW PvP so that you have some kind of balancer, keep it some what competitive. Your plans at least to me sounded like something totally different than EVE, and EVE is a shitty game. Copying from a game that is not as good as yours, I really do not understand why? Make signaling perk to be standard + remove revenge ganks. This way Home defense forces can go to help their friends + get a bit more BR. I have been asking this for a long time, do not know why you cannot test this maybe the most obvious solution. Why you tested so many things, and then you skipped this? Then you turned the game to something totally different? It is hard for me to understand why. ... 1st rates cannot be Titans, or nothing nearly as expensive, as you are asking 25vs25 1st rates to a port battle. Notice also that people dont do that much port battles, as they want to make sure they have 25x1st rate. So if you increase costs for 1st rates, you also decrease port battle count. This expensive ship idea does not work. Once again your initial idea was better than the copy from EVE. 5 dura to 1 dura + make 1 dura ships with upgrades way more expensive than 5 dura ships with upgrades before. Before people were scared to do PvP, so? I really cannot understand, why? Because you started to copy from shitty game called EVE? Why? You wish us to sail Pickles when it is obvious that people want to sail at least 5th rates. Because in EVE people sail a frigate and you wanted to copy from it? Why? You made this game to be for crafters and traders, that probably do not represent even 5% from your playerbase. You listened that 1-5% from your playerbase so strong that you ruined the game for 95-99% ? I believe you copied this from EVE as well? ... People have been asking multiple times that make port battles Rate and BR limited. I have been following this forum long time, I believe I am not the only one that has been recommending you this. Still, you dont test this, why is that? People give you the most obvious solution and you guys do not even comment? Granted, community has been giving you also bad ideas. There are community members who think that my ideas and comments are trash. I understand that it is hard for you to know who to listen. I cannot blame you from that. ... Why hostility idea sucks and why it was obvious? Hostility is community driven. Also this is PvE based mechanism is hard to accept in a PvP game. I do not know anyone whose #1 dream is to go and sink bots for hostility. My recommendation for RvR, if you are planning to make a new... Nation based. A system that clearly defines which clan is the one driving the attack. Flag system had this. This way you are able to define which clan should be able to tax and define regional/port upgrades. Your hostility idea can work, but define the clan who is going to get the port in their control + make sure that it is about PvP and not a PvE grind. What ever you do, make sure that it is PvP. Have a big green zone for capital region and make sure that people are encouraged out from it. Clearly indicate on map which regions have player activity. Could be also "yellow zone". Big zone helps small nations to survive. Clearly indicating where people are creates PvP. Map is huge and player base is not. ... Before you were trying to fix A and B, and those were often good things to get fixed. I really do not understand why you suddenly decided to change it this radically. I highly recommend that you always ask from community before you bring this radical things in the game as you did in at wipe. You also waste so much time developing that stuff and if it fails you lost money. Agile development, a very big thing at the moment. I highly recommend that you patch/upgrade often to get feedback as soon as possible. In some post you estimate what were the reasons why people left the game. You made so many changes that I do not think you can know exactly why people left. Your reasoning in that post was flawed. Your own ideas were better than these EVE copies.
  10. There is a change that you are right, just that... Almost always if a player has a change to sink another player, he will take it, someone will soon take it. Kill first, talk later, like in every game. It is more important for players to put another player in position that he cannot negotiate and has to humbly ask his stuff back, feel the powah! Read some Naval Action politics, you will see the same there.
  11. Current playerbase is small for this kind of system. I am a new player, I sail in my waters doing my stuff. Other nations WC owns the ports, so waters are full of enemy warships. Did I misunderstood something? If I did not, this might be a problem. New players see the map, sail in their national waters and enemy warships are allowed to come and go as they please? I hope I misunderstood. Having nations and clan wars as a layer on top. I have seen this in some other games as well, it is breaking immersion. As a system it is providing a lot of things this game needs, and I think people have been requesting as well. Immersion may not be that important for many, but first impression for my brains was "wtf is this!". I would create some kind of connection to nations. You have turned the game to HC PvE, so what ever you do next, I recommend that you make sure it is full of PvP.
  12. I was thinking first that it is carebear PvP, then I changed my opinion. What kind of PvP we have now? Normally none dares to fight if they do not have the numbers. When they have the numbers they gank. Everyone just focused to do PvE with combat ships and PvP in ships that have very high change to escape. None is even planning to fight if they cannot gank. Smells like carebears. Death penalty was too high, so they made it higher. Long time ago it was pretty impossible to find anything but gank ships in OW. Now? They were able to take it even further. They are changing everything to PvE, slowly, but they are. For example, we had flag system, which was mostly pure PvP. Now we have hostility system that is PvE grind. They announce that this is HC game, but the only thing that is HC is how PvE HC grinder you are. HC for PvP means that you lose everything? But to get a new ship with upgrades what do you have to do? HC PvE grind. Everything is going to PvE HC grind direction. Said sorry was for devs. As it is not nice to listen when someone rants. Truth must be still told. They can do what ever they want with their game, but I think they are simply killing their game.
  13. Lets continue a bit... When you said 1 dura, I thought... There will be 5x as many 5th rates as there was before. 4x as many 4th rates. etc.. What you did, you did the opposite. On top of that you made upgrades to be more expensive than ever before. I have no idea why you did something like this. I was thinking we will have PvP like before, but now if you capture a ship you get something that is worth something. I have absolutely no idea how you are improving the game with these changes. In My Honest Opinion, you F*ed up. ... FYI, In 2016, I tested some other games but.. The whole 2016 I played only Naval Action, more or less all my free time that I spent with computer. Yes, I played only Naval Action. I had everything you can have in game + more. Now I do not want to touch to this piece of shit. ... I am very sorry to say that.
  14. I quit NA for now, simply too much PvE and not enough PvP. Now you come to say that is not true, just take a ship and sail to PvP. Everything in this game is too expensive, behind a grind -> PvE heavy. You could really understand that ship knowledge XP is way too high. This is so heavy grind that I have zero interests to do this. Upgrades, who wants to grind that kind of amounts of money to buy these? Who wants to play that bidding game in ports? Like seriously, it sucks. I am tired to see those Surprises doing Gank PvP. Maybe you could finally understand that it is OP. For each ship in the game there are at least 100000000000000 Surprises. Have an extra moment to think about why there are so many Surprises. You want that this game is just about shitty Gank PvP? Maybe we could test regions that have different PvP rules. In some regions you cannot lose your ship. You would need to still repair your ship. Also everyone will earn gold from these fights. Someone is thinking now that this is a carebear idea, it is not. The whole idea is to increase PvP in this game. If capital waters are for example like this, you can sail to any of these hubs and have a fight. Your gank target wont lose a ship, and you wont lose it after revenge gank. Would there be even need for revenge ganks after this? You could even have multiple different rules of PvP. Separated per regions. I am actually pretty sure this would increase PvP, I am pretty sure this would make the game accessible for wider audience as well. What ever you do for the next, I really hope its target is to RADICALLY increase PvP. Only a PvE player says that the game is good now. Like devs stated, in EVE most battles are vs bots. Yes, EVE is mostly PvE game. Now they turned NA to PvE game as well. This is mostly PvE, where you can also do PvP. I miss the Naval Action that had strong PvP focus...
  15. Get yourself a Frigate, Belle Poule, Essex, Trinc, etc. Sail those, do it better than in a Surprise. Come here after and tell us that it was actually easier in a Belle Poule. It has +40BR and everything, right? I know that Surprise has 4 stern chasers. Other ships have other benefits like you say, and because of that are on the same level. Not true. There should be many viable hunting ships like Surprise. Should we let devs know this or you still want to stay on "Not OP" side of the table?
  16. If the captain knows what he is doing. You do not know what you are doing so you sail a Surprise? Has to be better than you to sail a Frigate? For many Cecilia was/is the only competitive option for Surprise. Are we Surprised? What if we just stop fooling ourselves, Surprise is OP because you have to be a better captain to sail others. ... Oh, to proof your point that Surprise is not OP. I am expecting that you guys start sailing something else. Show us that it is not because Surprise is OP, show us that you can do it in any ship.
  17. Liquicity.. Stop sailing a Surprise already. So us your ganks in a Belle Poule, Frigate, Essex, etc, ... You have skills to do it in other ships as well, right? Say for your comrades that lets stop sailing a Surprise. Say them that other ships are as good as Surprise. OR Can you do it just and only because you sail a Surprise?
  18. I wish there were other options than Surprise for a goal that is so common. What if we nerf Surprise or buff others so that you actually have to decide from multiple options? Honestly, Surprise is OP and that is the reason why so many sail it. Absolutely nothing to do with anything else.
  19. Maybe some kind of player crafted fleets, protecting a region or a port. Ships from these fleets could be captured by other players. You may have to balance ship prices in general for this to work. Ships cannot be so expensive that none wants to sell those for local authority. You could go even so far that every ship is player crafted in the end. Players providing the ships. May need some kind of buffer that there is actually AI ships in the game even tho none crafts those. These ships can be captured, but as players crafted those, economy stays player driven. We may run to an issue.. Players do not want to craft ships for their enemy, because those are so expensive? This is an issue already. Ships prices are ok when people want to sell those for AI use.
  20. LOL In every game, when something is better than the rest -> Masses use it. Do not cheat yourself. Surprise is the easiest ship to sail, there is absolutely nothing related to skill here.
  21. Speed is in balance if fast small ships are used as taggers. Renommee should have its place in the game. Traders and "pirate" ships and probably some others will be speed ships still. 10% more sailing crew, does not really matter in my trader at all. For my PvP ship, I probably would take something else. IMO this does not sound bad. We should probably nerf rest of the upgrades as well. The game was simply better when bonuses were small. Personally I do not recommend this kind of gear based PvP, at all. Traders have to be slower than their combat variants, else Lynx cannot catch Traders Lynx. @admin At some point I understood that you agreed that small bonuses are good. I do not know why you changed your mind to be completely opposite. I have been asking this more than a year and I know I am not the only one. What if you would make those bonuses to be small and we could start developing something else already? You probably have to remove regions, capture each port separately. I think the biggest issue in current RvR is the hostility system. It does not work. You either have to start creating new content for it ASAP that will fix it or go back to the good old flag system. Hostility system is extremely boring, yes, extremely. Upgrade random drops, are worst than random crafting. Make upgrades easy to access. We craft upgrades, that needs some effort and materials, cool. Keep the main focus in action, in war.
  22. Constitution needs 150 combat marks, it has 250 battle rating. It should annihilate cheap ships like Surprises, 100/140*250 = 179 -> 79% more BR. Surprise has very good upwind sailing qualities, 4 stern chasers, it is very good to escape. It really does not need to be even close as good as Connie in combat. Essex does not need combat marks, but it is 225 BR frigate. Essex vs Constitution is completely different story. Still, Essex is priced way under Constitution so I suppose Constitution should be clearly better, or how do you set your pricing policies? In my opinion, you should nerf Surprise or increase BR. Someone could say it is OP vs price and BR. Yes, sure, a good Constitution captain will always win vs Surprise, but a good Surprise captain will escape before it is too late. I have understood that stronger the hull is more water pressure it can take. Faster the ship goes more pressure it has to sustain. Live Oak should be the fastest wood type if we went with laws of physics? I understand that from game point of view that would be slightly boring.
  23. Teak has been expensive and WO as well. Give a small nerf maybe?
  24. Patch is good. Verify that other upgrades are on the same level. ... A. Upgrades are too rare. You could consider decreasing rare material crafting requirements to 1 unit per upgrade. This will make upgrades 5 times more common. After this follow trade. When a rare material reaches every capital it is in balance. Rare materials will be common and cheap where those are produced, and when transported through map those get more expensive. This change alone dramatically decreases ship prices, and at least in theory increases PvP. B. Multiple repair kits changed the game radically towards Mass > Skill. It will be radical change, but I recommend that you come back to 1 of each type. This change will radically affect to other aspects of the game. Combat was simply better with one. Before the wipe, when a Surprise captain had to repair his ship he often also left the battle. Right now they just continue repairing 90 minutes. One issue here are masts, those seem to be hard to balance. Issue with masts; those are easy to shoot + strong disabling effect vs effort & skill + we want to keep dismasting in the game. C. Half the amount of XP needed for ship knowledge. Grinding rank means that you can do what ever to get XP. Grinding ship knowledge means that you have to sail always the same ship. People often like end game PvP and they purely suffer and grind to get there. I do not think as radical grind as we now have is needed, wont make anything better. OR announce that there will be subscription for double XP/Gold. I can understand this as a part of money making machine.
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