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Questions to developers

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Any possibility to consider one or + of the below points in next patches ?

  • Economy dynamism : Deliveries (of goods) from free towns
  • RVR incentive : Much higher value for loots during hostility missions and for rewards from PB's
  • PVP incentive : Production/sell of repairs in every ports
  • Port conquest allowed only if it neighbours national ports or free towns.
  • Reduce nation numbers to 5 or 6
  • USA needs additional territories in central map. (like Brits, French & Spanish)
  • Allow 1/3 portion of map for PVE exclusively (and rookies), as "neutral waters & ports".
  • No taxes to own ports : A port become neutral (after a while) if it does not host a minimum national outposts (or infrastructures) number.
  • Rather player pay some daily cost per ship owning/maintenance, crafted ships will be mostly sold out in market. (to avoid ship storage)
  • National war missions letter, that would give very important rewards (& merit) to the clan that has conqueered a strategical enemy port. These missions could be periodically refreshed & oriented by Dev's ?

Also, as one of several factors that could help more populated server is : Devs should consider not to force player to long (time) sailing.

That is a part of NA gameplay that has discouraged some player motivation.

I understand that this "long sailing" aspect is kind of sacred for Dev's, but it would be better to find some compromises.

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For RVR future upgrade:

Could it be possible to implement the map with icones showing player current outposts with ships docked ?

This optional view, additional from the info we already have in the existing system in ports, would allow in a glance to see the player deployement with operational ships available.

A nice "strategical add" when studying the map.

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RVR content to adjust to player numbers in different nations:

Why not the Dev could introduce, from time to time, and depending on the balance of player population in each nation, some "diplomatic missions" that would allow players/clans to achieve these dropped missions. 

The sense of such missions would create new war targets with very high value rewards if achieved. It will also allow Dev's to include an input in the RVR situation, when it looks necessary (if the RVR looks very unbalanced due to player population in some nations) with possible effect of changing its stream.

It will be felt kind of intrusive by players, but somehow this NA theater was controlled by remote governments with political actions/decisions, and colonies had to follow the national objectives. The Dev could have the control of such high level national decisions just like the different governments had.

It may hurt players, but if (when) these missions are dropped it will be because of "unbalanced population stats" reason. These stats are survey by Dev's, so such a decision would be accepted as RVR necessary input. 

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On 12/18/2018 at 7:31 PM, SirAlatriste said:

We will see some new 70-90 guns traders (galleons) of the 17th century?

I would even be happy with a Indiaman that is actually scary to fight in a frigate... for that 5 knowledge slots is the bottom line tho.

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On 11/24/2018 at 10:42 PM, Wraith said:

And reduce any need for RvR further?


On 11/23/2018 at 12:10 PM, Sovereign said:

Free towns have no resource production capabilities ( e.g. oak, fir or stone buildings ) - you have to ship everything there and the port is available to all, making it very dangerous.

. . .



I have not seen any free port dropping cartagena tar, copper platings or teak and white oak either.

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  • 1 month later...

In relation to the trading game is there a way to change the supply of rare commodities so that they are more evenly distributed on arrival than what appears to be a EU time maintenance reset?  Getting on the game in US time I find buying towns suddenly full of rare commodities that have been sold to it.  When I try to find these commodities in US time all the ports are empty with nothing but fish, provisions and if at all low grade/profit products.

Low grade products require larger ships hauls to make any decent profit while the higher commodities can be successfully moved in a lynx.  Since the downgrade to 100 wt commodities all products make a profit of 2.3 to 2.7 per 100wt. so the investment amount now makes the profit.  I spent 7 hours going along the coast of Mexico and find nothing to trade.


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On 2/16/2019 at 8:37 AM, Sparkydog said:

Did something change recently where you can’t build ships in your shipyard in a foreign closed port? I thought we used to be able to do that.

It’s been quite a while that you can not craft, farm, mine, etc in a closed port. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any hint (such as rates...) about new ships that'll be in game in the future (apart from the Pandora and ships that won the last polls) ?

Have new ship DLCs already been planned par GL ?

Will there be a ship poll this year ?

Will 50+gun 24-pdr frigate L'Egyptienne (1799) be in game ?  a book about her upcoming this year

Will there be in game more small ships with say less than 30 guns and 6-to-9-pdr guns ?

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When will you stop to change PVP server into a PVP arena.

Right now whe have 2 choice a Boring PVE server or an Hard core PVP server.

PVP server should be in between .Give Hard core PVP a new game like "World of warship" and please give your open world in PVP server the chance to be a fun  area .If you choose to develop an open world please don't restrict it to a kind of player and to a single way to play in it.

Best regard's

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5 minutes ago, John Hill Regard said:

PVP server should be in between .Give Hard core PVP a new game like "World of warship" and please give your open world in PVP server the chance to be a fun  area .If you choose to develop an open world please don't restrict it to a kind of player and to a single way to play in it.

Totally agree.

For the love of God, make the boats accessible to everyone. I can understand the permits in Victory marks for the first ones since they are boats used fundamentally in the port battles, even in the second class, but of third class down without permits. Facilitate PvP combats by facilitating the acquisition of ships for this. I also believe that it is necessary to considerably increase the reward in reals by sinking AI. Do not you think that with the current changes people are moving away more and more from PvP? I think so.

Best regards.

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Question to both developers and naval experts :

Is this layout/handling of the latin-rig (when in a broad reach) possible on the xebec Le Requin, both in terms of historical realism (with 3 masts) and of implementation in NA (OW and combat instance ? See red-framed pics.

It'd be a nice (and realistic ?) animation. From a historical standpoint (LRQ sailing profile being what it is), I guess it had effects on the performances at broad reach/downwind. Was it used during a fight ?


(I don't know the english terminology so I show a pic. Sorry if it has already been asked)


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