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Beat to quarters: Port battles return to War Server


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Port battles are ready to return to War Server Thursday 25th of June!

Port battles are enabled on War Server (pvp server)


  • Added flag expiry - currently set at 7 days. Flag will become useless in 7 days after its initial capture
    • Ability to trade in the flags to the admiralty will be added in the near future. Even expired flags can be traded in.
  • Conquest flag Instance visibility
    • Added some distance between instances with conquest flag battles (indicated by swords) even if they are placed near each other to remove ability to hide instances from enemies (like happened with hostility missions)
    • Slightly raised the flags above sea for better visibility
  • Returned the message from clerk on successful placement of flag
  • Flag now allows attack for 2 nearest enemy ports as old hostility missions
  • Flags now drop from heavy Home defense fleets (10% drop rate)
  • Increased the number of first rates in Home defense fleets by 2

Current flags and conquest test chests will be removed from player accounts

Seeferkel last log can now drop from Admiral and Captain's chest and is slightly nerfed


Potential change to distance of attack 

We are considering to change attack distance from 2 nearest port to the following system

  • You will still be able to attack 2 nearest enemy ports (as before), BUT 
  • You will also be able to attack 1 nearest enemy port from 3 largest nation even if it is further away from 2 nearest enemy ports

This will allow you to attack more distant ports and is especially valuable for small landlocked nations who might be stuck and have to resort to diplomacy and port trading. Ability to attack 1 nearest port from top nations (even if it is far away) will greatly increase options for both large and small nations.


Hotfix 2nd July 2020

Raiders on War Server

  • Raiders attack undeveloped ports again on the War Server. Raiders pick 2 poorest ports in 2 random regions and try to take them back from players

Tutorial changes

  • Due to a lot of requests, bug reports and misunderstandings with the one time rewards the Tutorial has been changed
  • Tutorial now can be completed every time you delete your character and restart it again. Receiving rewards again
  • Rewards were lowered and can now be received every time you complete the final exam. 
  • M&C rank will still be granted on the completion of the final exam
  • Maximum crews have been changed for early ranks (lowest rank now gives 100 instead of 40 crew)

Fixed several UI bugs
Added a tooltip showing descriptions for buildings


Hotfix 9th July 2020

  • War server - raiders now only attack top 5 nations by the number of ports.
  • Patrol change - Patrols zones now only allow attack by ships within the patrol zone limit. For example 1st rate will no longer be able to attack 5th rates in the 5th rate patrol.
  • Wood distribution
    • Malabar Teak and Greenheart now allow contracts
    • Additional trading source of all new woods added to a secondary cities in counties that had them.
      • For example Rangoon Teak, Greenheart and Malabar Teak woods can now be traded in St Joseph near Bridgetown.


Hotfix 23rd July

  • Timber stats updated. 
    • Google doc with timber stats updated
    • Acceleration for all ships reduced to cover for acceleration inflation
    • Base Speed for all ships reduced by 7% across the board to cover for speed inflation.
    • Prices for base timbers updated to better correspond to the in game economy
  • Tuned the Home defense fleets logic so they do not venture far from assigned patrol zones (please report if you see them elsewhere again)
  • Conquest flag now can drop from the flag carrier as loot (so you can claim a small reward in the admiralty)
  • Solo NPCs are added to the patrol zones (this will slightly improve situation in the patrol zones on the Peace server as well as will add some targets on the War server)
  • Reduced the time to attack to 5 seconds (experimental) - from previous 8 seconds - This is experimental - please report if it causes issues
  • Increased the attack circle by 50m to cover potential minor desync issues
  • Fixed the problem that did not assign the owner to the conquest flag due to certain actions in port


Hotfix 12th of August

  • Victory marks removed from all investment requirements
  • Victory mark grants removed for port ownership
  • Port battle transport added at test price of 25000 doubloons per item


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8 minutes ago, Robert Lance said:

Wow if that isn’t a f***you to the small nations and solo players from the Devs. I do not know what else is. Good luck with this plan guys.


Now, I don't like having to be PVE to get flags but something to consider about what you wrote.

Solo players won't be doing Port Battles......

And Port Battles need on average 12 guys to do them. If you don't have enough to do a HDF (Which require less) then you don't have enough to do a Port Battle.

Now for some nations without easy access to HDF's, then yes it can be a little more difficult. 

Edited by Redman29
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32 minutes ago, admin said:

Flag will drop from Home defense fleets, there will be no other way to get the flag.

Do they drop from the hold of the HDF ships, or do they drop from opening a woodenchest?

Edited by Nixolai
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35 minutes ago, admin said:


Port battles are ready to return to War Server tomorrow Thursday 25th of June!

Circle of death (2500m) has been added to flag battle.
Flag will drop from Home defense fleets, there will be no other way to get the flag.

Let us know in comments if you want them 1 day later on Friday.

There it is. French will defend there ports! Ready the guns! 

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47 minutes ago, admin said:

Flag will drop from Home defense fleets, there will be no other way to get the flag.

so, this means that all nations on war server have HDF and not only a few like until now?

And what class of HDF? little too or only biggest HDF?

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Just now, Despe said:

so, this means that all nations on war server have HDF and not only a few like until now?

And what class of HDF? little too or only biggest HDF?

HDF won't change.

As the way I understand it, flags will drop from HDF's and then can be used to attack any port of any nation.

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54 minutes ago, admin said:

Port battles are ready to return to War Server tomorrow Thursday 25th of June!

Finally! Peace has been really boring!

55 minutes ago, admin said:

Let us know in comments if you want them 1 day later on Friday.

Lets not have a feature drop on a Friday (even if it's just reimplementing an old one) it increases the risk of having hotfixing through the weekend. Thursday is fine.

24 minutes ago, Nixolai said:

Do they drop from the hold of the HDF ships, or do they drop from opening a woodenchest?

I am sure they must drop directly from ship holds. 
IF they dropped from chests we would have rampant alt-abuse. Just trade a few wood chests to an alt, have the alt open the chests and the alt will have flags that can be placed to block PBs etc.

My question is rather, do the flags bind to the player upon inspection of the loot, or upon placing it in your hold (or upon leaving the battle instance).

Also @admin will the unused test Flags and unopened Conquest Test Chests be deleted from players holds and warehouses? I really hope so. They should at least be made useless starting tomorrow.

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6 minutes ago, Anolytic said:


IF they dropped from chests we would have rampant alt-abuse. Just trade a few wood chests to an alt, have the alt open the chests and the alt will have flags that can be placed to block PBs etc.


Just join with an alt an HDF battle loot the flags and bypass soulbound.There arent even restrictions yet to limit other nations to join HDFs battles allowing multi national battles. Without wiping flags from time to time clans will have an endless flag stock so the alt wars can begin.

Flags need to be wiped from time to time

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Up to now, flags were personal. I captured a flag to some player hold, but I was unable to use it.

I hope that flags and flag chests will be untradable, so that placing flags in clan WH would be useless, because others can't use it.

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8 minutes ago, z4ys said:

Without wiping flags from time to time clans will have an endless flag stock so the alt wars can begin.

Flags need to be wiped from time to time

Yes, because we all want to be forced to spend even more time grinding PvE HDFs than we already have to....


It's this continuous insistence on there having to be endless grind for content that has driven players away, I expect even the current system will have a similar result.

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1 minute ago, Isaac J Smith said:

Yes, because we all want to be forced to spend even more time grinding PvE HDFs than we already have to....


It's this continuous insistence on there having to be endless grind for content that has driven players away, I expect even the current system will have a similar result.

well we kinda had to do Hostility missions before and that was mostly 10 NPC's, so if maybe 2-4 flags drop pr home defense fleet it is still quite rewarding.

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8 minutes ago, Aquillas said:

Flags are personal. I captured a flag to some player hold, but I was unable to use it.

Placing flags in clan WH is useless, because others can't use it.

When your main already has 10 flags why not...

take an alt in an basic cutter/ tlynx to the hdf battle (additional to your main or just the alt the chests are not soulbound so who cares anyway)

then the alt loots the ships that you main sunk (only the flags)

soulbound you dont need to care its fake when you can chose who will loot.


And the longer this new system is in place the more it will become a problem. Just look at all the piles of permits, dbs and chests players have in their warehouse. It will be ok at the beginning but on the long run it will be open to alt abuse as any system we had before.


Edited by z4ys
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Thank you @admin I wish the new system is a blast. Stick true to your vision, make it happen.

It will take a bit of time to get used to but it might actually work.

Question: weight of flag item ?

Question: 1 flag per HDF ? 

Question: what if player leaves clan, do flags bonded to him/her disappear ?


Anything that promotes difficulty and extreme discomfort in meta gaming with alts cross nations is welcome. Very welcome. Honest players ( with 1 account, or with 2 or more BUT in same nation same clan ) do not see any problem with it.

Obviously the usual suspects will cry and whine, but that's already a given. Nothing your team hasn't seen for years.

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2 minutes ago, z4ys said:

It will be ok at the beginning but on the long run it will be open to alt abuse as any system we had before.

Yes. The best would be to limit flags to one per player. To avoid exploits.

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15 minutes ago, Isaac J Smith said:

Yes, because we all want to be forced to spend even more time grinding PvE HDFs than we already have to....


It's this continuous insistence on there having to be endless grind for content that has driven players away, I expect even the current system will have a similar result.

Other than hostility missions. HDFs drop wooden chests that are needed for seasoned wood and port investment so people do it anyway and flags will be a bycatch and pile up at some point.

I dont mind that a player can hold more than one flag but after some time this item should be wiped. Just like redeemables flags should have a limited lifetime. 

Edited by z4ys
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3 minutes ago, z4ys said:

Other than hostility missions. HDFs drop wooden chests that are needed for seasoned wood and port investment so people do it anyway and flags will be a bycatch.

Except Wooden Chests can be acquired in other ways. I don't care if they're added to HDFs for some people, but there needs to be other methods to acquire them. For example, mission to sink x flag carriers rewards a flag, successfully planting x flags rewards a flag (where X is some number). perhaps even add them to the loot table of captains/admirals chests or something. Just some way to get them that isn't PVE grinding.


This is a PvP server after all.....

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22 minutes ago, Isaac J Smith said:

Except Wooden Chests can be acquired in other ways.

They can. PvP Hunt Missions do have wooden chests in addition to other chests as reward. Not all do but you will find PvP Hunt missions that do.

So... you go for chests if you want AND now you WILL go for the flags.

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5 minutes ago, Isaac J Smith said:

Except Wooden Chests can be acquired in other ways. I don't care if they're added to HDFs for some people, but there needs to be other methods to acquire them. For example, mission to sink x flag carriers rewards a flag, successfully planting x flags rewards a flag (where X is some number). perhaps even add them to the loot table of captains/admirals chests or something. Just some way to get them that isn't PVE grinding.


This is a PvP server after all.....

I know its easier to kill own alts and get rewarded with a flag than to kill an hdf. 

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5 minutes ago, Isaac J Smith said:

Except Wooden Chests can be acquired in other ways. I don't care if they're added to HDFs for some people, but there needs to be other methods to acquire them. For example, mission to sink x flag carriers rewards a flag, successfully planting x flags rewards a flag (where X is some number). perhaps even add them to the loot table of captains/admirals chests or something. Just some way to get them that isn't PVE grinding.


This is a PvP server after all.....

All them are exploitable... just because they are PvP, that is the main reason why to obtain a Flag should ONLY be possible from a PvE aspect of the game, because AI can be farmed but not exploited. 

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12 minutes ago, DonH said:

All them are exploitable... just because they are PvP, that is the main reason why to obtain a Flag should ONLY be possible from a PvE aspect of the game, because AI can be farmed but not exploited. 

you cant negotiate with the HDF

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The problem I see is that small nations will have a very hard time to get those flags.

For a nation like Poland it might be impossible, so loosing their only port might be impossible to counter.

Big nations with many players can easily get a lot of flags. After all I am not sure if the new system will be that much better than the old one. I fear that the gap between big and small nations will get somehow larger.

What we need in addition is some mechanic to slow down expansion. If a nation has conquered a certain number of ports, the maintenance cost should rise exponentially. 

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