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World Ceasefire Declared - Hostilities stop on Monday.


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Ээээ... Учитывая, что в море вновь появятся ники (а это зачатки политики) хотелось бы видеть список кланов в бою. За кого заходить, за кого нет, союзники противники, национальная принадлежность дело десятое.

Edited by SnovaZdorowa
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1 hour ago, Swedish Berserker said:

U play only on PvE server so don't compare your stuff with our stuff totally diffrent Ballgame my friend 

Ah, we are feeling supreme again, do we? I have been on your side of the street too. And we have exactly the same right like you to see the game become better.

Besides, most trouble aka "exploits" grow like weed on your side of the street, so be careful whom to blame if changes need to be done, about which you then start complaining. Just needs a mirror to look into.

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1 hour ago, Swedish Berserker said:

Well that is a really Bad move lol I wasn't there and I wouldn't support such a action! But I heard same from Russians at SDC so yeah....... 

SdC, russians, what, when? Never participated in such action tho

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4 hours ago, Swedish Berserker said:

You started the whole  fire ship thing  Reverse!!

First at San Juan were u showed up with a huge Fireship Fleet and nuked us wen we came out to Counter "Hostility" 

And then in the LT Channel were you and BF tagged our PB fleet for St Nic and then we did it to you guys wen u attacked Basse Terre, North Viking even said it in your Stream "Thanks Reverse for showing them" so don't Akt like the Victim now 😜😋

Well the Dutch actually started it when they nuked a BF screening fleet during the Carta campaign long before the Russian-Swedish War. I think Bastey is the one who should get credit for showing how broken it was though.  

Still I will miss screening. Port Battles are boring, screening was fun. 

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57 minutes ago, Redman29 said:

Well the Dutch actually started it when they nuked a BF screening fleet during the Carta campaign long before the Russian-Swedish War. I think Bastey is the one who should get credit for showing how broken it was though.  

Still I will miss screening. Port Battles are boring, screening was fun. 

OK I can't talk about thinks that I don't know of so mabey the Dutch startet it.... 

The thing is now you take away all Content for the casual players and give RVR only to the Portbattle Elite! 

And it is sad Cuse you can see on the Forums that most ppl enjoy Screening but as @rediii said

"reverse whants reverse gets" 

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9 hours ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

Typical behavior of some Naval Action players: declare the game dead whenever a new mechanic comes to game. ^^

The actual Status of the PvP Server is  "dead and boring". that is a fact, triggered by the Russian Nation. and the new changes won't change anything here.
sure some (new) people will come an have a look and then go after a few days and or weeks.

As long you bring in endless new stuff not really accepted by the community (and ignoring the good suggestions) nothing won't change or happen regarding the count of players.

Maybe the PvE Server will have a (long term) future.

A good example yesterday was the Patrol Zone at La Mona - a few Swedish Players and lots of Russian Nation Players. User Count at 2100 o'clock about 700 players.
It doesn't make fun anymore.

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3 hours ago, Redman29 said:

Well the Dutch actually started it when they nuked a BF screening fleet during the Carta campaign long before the Russian-Swedish War. I think Bastey is the one who should get credit for showing how broken it was though.  

Still I will miss screening. Port Battles are boring, screening was fun. 

I've played Dutch at this time and I can tell you that this was one of the ways of resistance against the Russian Nation.
We had no (self build) Ships (only captured) not the resources to build new ones and nearly no help from others.

And this War was the start of the beginning end of the PvP Server and shrinking population.

So the credit goes alone to the Players of the Russian Nations!

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Well I think one thing in this entire game is funny. As you enter the game it tells you pvp server "high risk of losing blablabla". 

I am now French and had a well nice battle in front of Bridgetown. Some russians showing up, as raiders completely demotaviting our new players by ganking them in far superiors snow the French nation had enough. We gathered some people to stop the invaders. In battle I was trying to do my best to help the nation as any other does. We beat them and they lost every single ship. ( strong santissimas and so one) As we worked on the last ship the chat did pop up. There was one sentence I had to laugh at. "don't cry when we show up for pb" 

So the message behind was quite simple. Fight us in ow pvp. But only as victim you are not allowed to win.  

Well nice behavior I guess. But that luckely don't work in this nation. We risking our ports for the war. And even when we get pushed back it was our decision. 

People shouldn't be scared to lose stuff. That's exactly why the game looks more and more empty. Peps don't want to risk there ships there ports etc. 

Everything is replaceable. And when not, everyone that has a problem and tell it in forum has the nation changer dlc or alts in other nations.  We have options if we really would lose in one nation. 


Let's see what devs are doing, maybe it improves something maybe not. 

Have a glad day 

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10 hours ago, rediii said:

And you think that eill change? Hahaha

Now its easier for a small group to conquer the map. Say bye to new players because who needs them now anyway where numbers dont matter anymore

If new players ever has a shot in the PBs... Always the same names and same faces over and over again. 

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I don't understand what you are discussing. Screening was a main content for the game and it was fun. However, DLC ships 4th & 3rd rate consequently ruined it. With coming 1st rate DLC there will be no room left for screening.

Better forget about screening and enjoy your new DLC ship when it comes.


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I am very concerned about the situation about playerbase. 
700 online during prime time and I won’t dare to think of how many of them alts. 
I really don’t care what the devs do, I just hope that the thing they change will make this game popular and people wants to play this game.

because I think everyone still think this is a awesome and cool game! 

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Lets face it, a port battle had become a magnet for every vulture on the server, most are not interested in screening at all, they are there   for their  content and do not care about the port battle itself. nothing more but leeches using other nations wars and content.

I will be glad to see the back of these people.


Edited by Fletch
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As i understand right, the defending nation can´t prevent an attack with a screening Action anymore...…. nice :((( So the privileged russian, with hordes of dlc-player get together with a first rate dlc, the last key to open the gates for the last vital ports of other nations. Brilliant. :(((((

Best way to speed up to finish the game

So the side with the most organised DLC-Players will win. Hmmmmm which nation could that be?    Hmmm…..

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4 minutes ago, Ferdinand de LaSalle said:

As i understand right, the defending nation can´t prevent an attack with a screening Action anymore...…. nice :((( So the privileged russian, with hordes of dlc-player get together with a first rate dlc, the last key to open the gates for the last vital ports of other nations. Brilliant. :(((((

Best way to speed up to finish the game

So the side with the most organised DLC-Players will win. Hmmmmm which nation could that be?    Hmmm…..


It used to be the way "side with more dlc players win" cuz you were able to use them in screening; now figure with the addition of a 1st rate DLC they had to get rid off screening  since they already saw how bad it was getting with the redoutable. Imagine with a 1st rate lol

However now in the future it'll be the side with the more experienced / organised (and possibly geared up) players wins

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17 minutes ago, rediii said:

Yes that is the future. Jn the past everyone could have some fun in screening. With the new taggingmechanics screening would be more fun than it was but devs scrap the part of the best battles I have been in. Portbattles arr boring. The fun is in screening(ofc if both sides have screening)

For me screening was never a thing. Mostly the nation gathered somehow a pb fleet. And screening was "open". Yes as new players or player that want step in that is fine. Ohhhh we face an enemy that has the right ships and mods... Maybe they bring new players too for equal fight? Oh no... They are just interest in kills.  

Let's face it most nations can't even afford a screening fleet. They just do their duty to maybe defend the pb for another 2 days when they can grap the enemy pb. Anything else than that one side doesn't have fun at all. 

The nice battles for a port are long gone. And I do have the experience also on Russian side. The enemy's could never stand a chance. The only nation that could was Sweden with havoc and Co. Anything else was just a slaughter. 

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52 minutes ago, Ferdinand de LaSalle said:

by the way as we Talking about game balance, we are actually "hunting" a russian implacable or redoutable. The raider now eveades, even our fast frigate can´t catch him. I estimate he can run over 14 knts, only ridicolous

No its not ridiculous.

Major driver of speed is length of the vessel. Hull speed is determined by keel length. And modified by skill and fitouts, and basic sailpower. It is the reality of seamanship.
Theoretical 3rd rate will always be faster than theoretical frigate at best point just because its longer, if their sail power by weight is the same. If frigate is longer its base speed will be faster. But only at its best point. 

Overall. Get a fast ship and equip it for chase. Every ship is faster than every other ship in particular circumstances. There is always a faster (bigger) hammer. 

The myth that frigate is always faster than a 3rd rate must  be cut by red hot axes from the minds clouded by older incorrect games. Its like Asbestos - must be removed from everywhere. 


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13 hours ago, Christendom said:

Screening has been one of the most...if not the most consistent source of content creation in the game thus far.  One could also say that the current downward trend in game pop is directly related to the lack of screening opportunities motivating players to log on.  

While we don’t really know what the proposed flag system will end up looking like, I’m one of the guys who remember the old system and wasn’t too sad to see it go.  The introduction of the hostility system and 24/48 hr PB was a big plus for those who wanted to plan content ahead and not sit around in port all night every night.  If you think this will help against the Russia Zerg.... I have a feeling it will end up benefiting Russia in the end.  Ultimately the flaws in screening as content were DLC ships, capturable 1st rate nukes and a  rather unclear definition of what’s griefing and what isn’t.


Hard to screen when the zerg shows up with 2-3 full battle fleets...

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58 minutes ago, Ferdinand de LaSalle said:

by the way as we Talking about game balance, we are actually "hunting" a russian implacable or redoutable. The raider now eveades, even our fast frigate can´t catch him. I estimate he can run over 14 knts, only ridicolous

when your "fast" ship cant go over 14 knots... 

*cries in speed*

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