I can only guess, because the question is not in a correct nautical term/language.
But it is between 50 to 70 degrees, depending on wind (true and apparent) speed and ship type (full rigged etc.)
maybe helpful:
If you have Win10 then remove the Kasperski VS and use the build in VS & FW from Windows (good enough for sure)
check if the port 8080 is blocked (Router for instance) after removing Kasperski VS
Citrix Client installed? then remove it (causes sometimes troubles)
something running in the background like a torrent or similar (that is using the whole bandwith?)
you forgot here on thing, and that is the fact that the game was already ruined by the Russian Nation. this here is only the end game ( the last breath before RvR is totally dead)
dismasted - not (only) by cannon shot (single balls).
I wouldn't have a problem when the sails (percent) are down after several chain shots and then cut of with a single ball shot.
but in testbed I can dismast nearly every ship in the beginning of a fight.
you shouldn't take those old oil paintings to seriously where you see dozen of ships without masts still fighting between high waves and so on......