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Hotfixes for Feb-March


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The following hotfix was deployed today 12th February

New content or tuning

  • Seasoned wood supply
    • Seasoned wood supply will increase.
      • Amount of wood in a chest has increased
      • All privateer and raider ships now carry 1 wood chest
      • Chance to get blueprints from wood chest also increased
  • Le Gros Ventre Refit - has been added to the admiralty at 50 combat marks per note (price is not final)
  • Labor hour contracts in the admiralty now have the following options
    • 2x contracts at 5000 Doubloons
    • 1x contract at 25 Victory Marks
  • Bugs fixed
    • Fixed the LONG bug with bow/stern cannons where fire from bow (from stern) was firing in the wrong order. 

Hotfix 13th February

  • PVP Hunt and Hunt mission awards are rebalanced and increased
  • Wooden chest has been added to PVP Hunts as reward for frigate and lineship missions
  • Solo patrol and Daily patrol rewards have been increased
  • Blueprint to craft Le Gros Ventre refit has been added to shipyard
  • Permit for LGV Refit has been added to Captain's chest

Overall goal is to reduce the market prices for combat medals to provide more options to captains 
And to increase supply of seasoned wood for captains participating in OW and PVP activities



Hotfix 14 Feb.

PEACE Server - Raiders ATTACK!
Peace server - raiders have decided that they want to make all NPC controlled ports neutral. Allowing players to take over ALL ports in the region. As a result they attack daily now, until they capture all the NPC ports. 

War Server - Raiders Withdraw!
Raiders have got port battles out of their system and decided that they will better resort to privateering activities on the open world. 


Today 18 Feb small fix was deployed based on the player feedback

  • Fixed a rare bug that blocked the usage of money at clan warehouse if the amount of money exceeded billions of reals
  • Fixed an issue with forts that fired on one side in the battle without consideration of flag. From now on forts will only fire if the battle has a flag of the fort
    • British fort will fire at british enemies if british flag is present in battle
    • British fort will ignore both sides if other flags are present at both sides.

Hotfixes was deployed on 26-27th Feb

  • Hostility missions no longer accept random players and other nations. To enter hostility mission you must be on the allied clan list or must be in a group with a allied clan member.
  • Patrol zones are now identified better. ID Flag P is not shown on ships that do not fit the Patrol zone requirements. Attacking a non patrol ship in a patrol zone will result in normal battle (without circle of death)
  • Group entry and Raid missions have better group join rules now. If your group member was not pulled into a mission - he will be able to enter the group mission manually (as OW battle)
  • Tab interface now show total BR of ships with and without undercrew
  • Ship notes rebalanced and unified
    • All notes now create ships with port bonuses
    • All notes now can create ships with seasoned woods
  • NPC ships in the Open world can now be built with seasoned woods and carry port bonuses
  • Contracts: Long requested change.
    • Contract bids can only be placed at 10% higher price than the current max price. You cannot place contracts below current high price. That removes the +1 real cancellation method to avoid +10% bid size
  • Fixed another rare bug which sent player to two battles at the same time (when attacked in certain conditions)
  • Increased size of cannon stack from 100 to 500
  • Trading resources are now brought to ports at random (not fixed) time intervals to reduce spawn camping of resources
  • Tutorial changes 
    • First 4 basic training tutorials can be skipped. Player can jump straight to challenges
    • This is done in preparation for the New player rookie mission which will be given on creation of new players (not yet in game)

2 critical issues were fixed this week 19th March

  • Fix of the rare server bug allowing additional repairs to be used in battle. 
  • Fix of the usage of brace on boarding (brace will no longer work during boarding)

Still to come. 

  • Craftable 3rd rates and some second rates stats will be rebalanced
  • Rare ship permits will be made more widely available
  • Skins for imported 3rd rates and implacable will receive naming
  • Mortar brig damage will be rebalanced (bigger damage, slower aiming, lower reload)

The main goal of seasoned wood changes hotfix/patch is to address this issue raised by players.

On 2/8/2020 at 6:36 PM, rediii said:

The overpopulation of redoutables makes it necessary to own the DLC yourself because right now only sailing 2nd rates makes sense because everything else gets killed by redoutables.

Third rates were the most numerous class in all navies and Temeraire was a most numerous third rate - but we want ALL third rates to be as popular as they were in 18th century, not only redoutable.



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Privateer fleets - Any change or thoughts to the range of the fleets?  It's been widely expressed here on the forums that the areas where these fleets roam are a bit extreme and appear to follow a coded in radius from the capitals.  Most here would agree that these need to be custom tailored for each region.  There are for example reports (I think @Lars Kjaer) of players running into a Swede fleet S of La Mona.  I personally and others have lost ships to privateer fleets that quite literally tag at the docks of key west.

Mortar Brigs - Do you have an estimate on how long 1 MB will take to kill a fort with the revised damage?  The issue currently is that 2-3 take 30 minutes to kill a fort (perhaps longer) and with the BR in some of these ports, 240br for a couple MBs might be a significant disadvantage to attacking fleets.  Shallow water battles have suffered heavily with the new 900 BR ports.  Morgan's Bluff for example has 2 forts and a BR of 900 and finding room even for 1 MB is an issue.

Third rates - Any thought's about locking battles to certain ratings as we used to have in the past?  Whether we like it or not, metas/comps for ports eventually get figured out and 1st rates find their way into the lineups and end up taking over.  Locking certain ports to third rates and below would create a bit more diversity.    

Edited by Mouth of Sauron
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TY for these changes, they all look very positive, I am so glad you are buffing other 3rd rates rather than nerfing the redoubtable, which has become overnight my favorite ship, and I am clearly not alone.

On naming; I am not seriously suggesting it, but believe it deserves a mention, our Chinese Brethren refer to the Privateer fleets as the "Imperial Fleet', which wins for just being cool.

In my clan we have been referring to them as the Capital Fleets, or the Capital Protection Fleets


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38 minutes ago, admin said:


  • Seasoned wood supply
    • Seasoned wood supply will increase. Amount of wood in a chest will increase and the chance to get a chest drop will increase
    • The goal is to provide an average player with a 2-3 hour play time the ability to build several 3rd rates after a session of combat with privateers
    • Privateer fleet name will change to better show their purpose (coast guard, home defense, any other ideas?)
  • Craftable 3rd rates and some second rates stats will be rebalanced
  • Battle ratings will be adjusted for third rates and other ships to bring more diversity to action
  • Rare ship permits will be made more widely available
  • Skins for imported 3rd rates and implacable will receive naming
  • Le Gros Ventre Refit - will come back into the game
  • Mortar brig damage will be rebalanced (bigger damage, slower aiming, lower reload)

The main goal of seasoned wood changes hotfix/patch is to address this issue raised by players.

Third rates were the most numerous class in all navies and Temeraire was a most numerous third rate - but we want ALL third rates to be as popular as they were in 18th century, not only redoutable.

I think the biggest problem is permits why folks don't use a lot of the 3rd rates and other ships.  Why don't we make all permits for 3rd rate and below gained through use of VM's?   While we can still get the permits for free through loot chest, but other wise we can buy them in Admiralty shop.  Keep the permits that cost CM's but add in other ways to get other permits than loot chest.  Since release the only permits I have gotten was one of each:  Indefat, Endy, Bellona.....no other ships permits and the rest from gold chest was just common loot/mats for the most part nothing rare. 

The average casual player still can't do Privateer's cause you need a group of folks in big ships.  How about making them a mix of elites with chance of the chest drops in elite ship/fleets too.  So we have more than one way to find them.  Those elites can be aggressive AI too.   Cause I know I can't do any Privateer fleets solo and with my current work hours I barely get 1-3 hours a night and I'm spending most of that doing trade runs to pay for stuff/timers (which I don't have to pay for not since my clan lost it's one port over the weekend).    

Mortar brigs can still prob do a lot of damage to ships, the problem is the FORTS have way to many HP's so they aren't used in PB's.  That and can we maybe have a deep water version to use?   


I'll be bluntly honest the only way I'm getting season woods right now is breaking up my DLC ships as.   Even than I gone a few days where I didn't get any woods.   It shouldn't be like this.  

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5 minutes ago, Kubrat said:

TY for these changes, they all look very positive, I am so glad you are buffing other 3rd rates rather than nerfing the redoubtable, which has become overnight my favorite ship, and I am clearly not alone.



we no longer nerf.. we add new things. Thinks people like wont be removed or changed back and forth
Thanks for the kind words. Temeraire class was is an awesome ship.

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4 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:



I'll be bluntly honest the only way I'm getting season woods right now is breaking up my DLC ships as.   Even than I gone a few days where I didn't get any woods.   It shouldn't be like this.  

yes. not fun and boring not not connecting to any historical emotional pattern..

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8 minutes ago, admin said:

yes. not fun and boring not not connecting to any historical emotional pattern..

I own the Redoutable on three chars, two of which can't even crew it on PvP server (but all could if I Played on PvE).   It right now is more resourceful for me to break up than to play it.  I just last week got enough WO (s) to make an L'Ocean.   I would prefer to use the little time I have playing and fighting than breaking up ships and making trade runs. The trade runs aren't so important now I don't have to pay for a timer.

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1 hour ago, admin said:

Seasoned wood supply will increase. Amount of wood in a chest will increase and the chance to get a chest drop will increase

So usual wood will be completely obsolete, because everyone will have access to the better Seasoned one

1 hour ago, admin said:

Battle ratings will be adjusted for third rates and other ships to bring more diversity to action

Will it be dynamic BR proposed many or some simple changes?

1 hour ago, admin said:

Privateer fleet name will change to better show their purpose (coast guard, home defense, any other ideas?)

Capital Fleet is most simple and understandable name, though I personally prefer Coast Guard.

Also we need medium and small-sized Privateers fleets, so everyone can farm them, not only large groups of 1st rates

P. S. Thanks for the Patch Notes posted in advance

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2 hours ago, admin said:


  • Seasoned wood supply
    • Seasoned wood supply will increase. Amount of wood in a chest will increase and the chance to get a chest drop will increase
    • The goal is to provide an average player with a 2-3 hour play time the ability to build several 3rd rates after a session of combat with privateers
    • Privateer fleet name will change to better show their purpose (coast guard, home defense, any other ideas?)
  • Craftable 3rd rates and some second rates stats will be rebalanced
  • Battle ratings will be adjusted for third rates and other ships to bring more diversity to action
  • Rare ship permits will be made more widely available
  • Skins for imported 3rd rates and implacable will receive naming
  • Le Gros Ventre Refit - will come back into the game
  • Mortar brig damage will be rebalanced (bigger damage, slower aiming, lower reload)

The main goal of seasoned wood changes hotfix/patch is to address this issue raised by players.

Third rates were the most numerous class in all navies and Temeraire was a most numerous third rate - but we want ALL third rates to be as popular as they were in 18th century, not only redoutable.


Home Fleet looks like a good name based on a historical designation.


I'd consider giving back XP to repairs and cannons too. No crafter, no player will be unhappy.

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13 minutes ago, Montagnes said:

I'd consider giving back XP to repairs and cannons too. No crafter, no player will be unhappy.


Just change the recipe quantity if they're worried about speed of EXP gain (for example, change rum recipe to 100 rum for 1xp instead of 1 for 1xp as it was).

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I really do not understand the overall concept right now.

First the big ships were made rare and expensive to craft, due to permits and doubloons. Now, that the existing, craftable 3rd rates are weaker than the new DLC, they should be easier to craft, though still the doubloons barrier will stay, and buffed.

Why don't you just remove permits and doubloons for crafting ships, at least for those ships that have DLCs available in their class?


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When the drop rate and ammont of seasoned woods chests is increasing, I recommend to increase the crafting options and amount, too. The costs (tools) and labour hours needed are high at the moment, they might be to high after the chest drop is increased. 

I personal like the frigates PvP. I hope your plans to rebalance the 3rd rates will not cause 5th rates and frigates to be obsolete. 

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Very good changes.

4 hours ago, admin said:

Seasoned wood supply

  • Seasoned wood supply will increase. Amount of wood in a chest will increase and the chance to get a chest drop will increase
  • The goal is to provide an average player with a 2-3 hour play time the ability to build several 3rd rates after a session of combat with privateers
  • Privateer fleet name will change to better show their purpose (coast guard, home defense, any other ideas?)


Do you consider decoupling seasoned woods from these coast guard missions? I mean, what does the coast guard have to do with seasoned woods, their permits etc in the first place? 

It would make more sense to let seasoned woods drop from raid chests. 

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4 hours ago, Mouth of Sauron said:


Third rates - Any thought's about locking battles to certain ratings as we used to have in the past?  Whether we like it or not, metas/comps for ports eventually get figured out and 1st rates find their way into the lineups and end up taking over.  Locking certain ports to third rates and below would create a bit more diversity.    

IMO the BR is a good way to diverse it, it could probably help with adding certain parts of shallows next to a port, like sand banks which would make it hard for 1st/2nd  rates to maneuver through, but shouldn't be a problem with say a bellona. The shallow area between Monte Cristi and Cap Francais is a great example.

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5 hours ago, admin said:

Privateer fleet name will change to better show their purpose (coast guard, home defense, any other ideas?)

Capital Patrol Fleet

Capital Defence Fleet

Home Security Fleet

Capital Security Fleet

Home Protection Fleet

Capital Protection Fleet

Homeland Security Fleet


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