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Patch 27 - Port Interface, New missions, Streamlined economy, Insurance, New currencies.


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2 hours ago, greybuscat said:

That doesn't always work, from what I've tested personally.

True, killed a Wasa with 2x 3rd rates in fleet, Wasa had 700 doubloons and the other ships has some rum and hull repair

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6 hours ago, admin said:

I don't think you get it:)  You are stuck in the old game patternS... you should forget about it/them. 

It is the content of the hold. Historically traders carried goods and when they sold them they carried gold or other goods they bought. Just like historically traders carry goods, traders carry gold on the way back, some traders carry nothing. The most lucrative activity historically was capturing rich traders. 

If I not are wrong and have to say I havent testet much, But Ai warships dont drops dublons, right ? Would a captain on a warship at that time not bring a small  amount to pay for things they needed on voyage. Ore did they leave a note of debt. 

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I still have not been compensated in game for my buildings and my level three shipyard I was waiting after the patch for about 8 hours then I went to sleep I have got onto Naval Action and still I have no compensation I put a bug report in last night hoping that when I wake up today I would be compensated and I see I am not the only person that is having this issue. 

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I've just started the new version up and I continue to get this problem with some parts of the UI. Does anyone else get this?

I've not tried it out. But I reckon the changes around AI patrol routes and gaining some doubloons through them sounds good. So long as there are plenty of achievable (Combat and Economy) Missions around the home port for new players to get started and get them to the point that they can setup outposts nearer to enemy waters and etc. Sounds as though it's using PVE to create the PVP. Players go sailing out from their borders and into enemy borders in order to grind NPC for their doubloons/reals/resources/ships etc. The enemy would be doing the same. And so you end up meeting each other and coming into conflict with each other. The PVP occurring as a matter of course in the game rather than requiring people to seek the PVP out.

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Guys, seriously, stop bitching.

This is an EARLY ACCES GAME, remember?

Most likely, You will start from total scratch the day the game launches. You paid for testing the game and helping improving it, so please, do so!
Give Your best feedback, and don't cry on some lost pixels on the screen.

You will most likely loose it one way or another before release.

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4 minutes ago, OjK said:

Guys, seriously, stop bitching.

This is an EARLY ACCES GAME, remember?

Most likely, You will start from total scratch the day the game launches. You paid for testing the game and helping improving it, so please, do so!
Give Your best feedback, and don't cry on some lost pixels on the screen.

You will most likely loose it one way or another before release.

+ 1

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I like it so far ... sure there are few problems .. the main problem i think we have to overcome is valuing stuff using the old gold/mark   curruncies and converting it to reals/ dubloons   its hard to get a sense of what things are worth    or whay they cost ... we all understood what a combat/ pvp / victory marks  were worth as gold .... but i have no idea what a dubloon is worth in reals .. so what does it actually cost me to tp ... 10dubloons .. is that a lot is it a small amount i dont know


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Teleport cost 10 PvP marks, omg!

I can now earn 2000 PvP marks in 15 minutes, omg!

I can earn a teleport fee in 10 seconds, wait, is everyone bitching because of this?

We have multireps, broken boarding, gear > skill, etc. The community is all happy and silent, but now with 10 doubloon tp fee you go all crazy?

The question is 10 doubloons too much to do business in multiple ports?


PvP marks were not supporting player driven economy, why it was good to remove. Exchange rate was a bit bad, I agree. There is going to be at least 2 wipes more anyway.


Economy was ok in 2016. After that it has been going bad. How is this new economy we just got? I don't know yet but can it really be worse than the one we had before? Maybe all is not in perfect balance but admin already said, "Economy and prices are new and might require several iterations to stabilize and tune".

Economy is now different, lets test and see how it works, maybe it is actually good this time.

First impression is though that you increased grind and time to level, do missions. This can be bad, we will see.


The game lost thousands of players with the earlier version. If we now take big steps to another direction than what we just had, can it really be that bad? I still bet that they have to fix combat and repairs, etc. to really create good PvP foundation for this game. Personally could not care and F from a tp fee if those are as bad as those are.


UI is messy like everyone is saying. Can you make window borders slightly narrower? Would help organizing all these windows. Is that possible to get a button to open my earlier window setup? If I press esc, I would like to open menu, not close a "random" window.


I like the fact that there are only low level missions in the safe zone ports. This can be good in the long run and something that I like. Finally reason to sail out from the green. No more crying after safe zone rules? There is still one problem here. The game is gear heavy, so new players will suffer eventually. The upgrade patch should balance gear and give good change for new players to win as well. If you admin disagree with me with gear, that the game is not gear heavy, gear > skill, then start playing the game please. Your gear > skill strategy really helped to kill the game for many.


2 currencies are better than 1.

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5 hours ago, Coraline Vodka said:


68C353D39DF737E2AA731D2FAC927E09D91A32A4another empty :( but weird message also

I also had this taking a trader in my gunboat, empty trader and weird message,also tells me I have no cannon on my ship when I do.

Is this bug admin or can we expect some traders to be empty?

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@admin I think I am getting it. 😁

It will take time to adjust to the fact that AI is a viable target again (Not as much fun maybe).

The UI is, well, different but I think it will be ok.

The PVP vs PVE element has shifted dramatically. I dont NEED to sink every player I see now. I might let some players go again or even cap a ship or two. Mmmmm😃

This could be Ok for noobs and population growth.

I think......I like it.



Edited by Pirate Blackbeard
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4 minutes ago, Sir Loorkon said:

I had the same massage that Tac mentioned above. 3x „Failed perform call method“ after boarding tradeships. 

Damn AI is getting smarter and smarter. Apparently, AI found the way to prevent you looting them. This deserves tribunal. Ban all AI ships. 

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@admin May I suggest lowering the production cost of sol just a fraction I think 9000 doubloons for a leocean is a little high- I under stand the the purpose is to make them count for something but from wat I see it will take around 9 missions  if not more just to craft a leocean. 

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1 hour ago, OjK said:

Guys, seriously, stop bitching.

This is an EARLY ACCES GAME, remember?

Most likely, You will start from total scratch the day the game launches. You paid for testing the game and helping improving it, so please, do so!
Give Your best feedback, and don't cry on some lost pixels on the screen.

You will most likely loose it one way or another before release.

Yes i agree I paid for testing but not for helping degrading it ....And this update is a terrible step backward ......A game should be fun and affordable this is no longer the case...

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26 minutes ago, Rouleur said:

Grunge has a point, it just feels like a lot at 10D to TP in rebuild buildings etc.

I do know that transporting ships is now prohibitive - I can't afford to move a first rate at all - but could have moved 10 or so with the money I had.


my point is it feels like a lot .... but is it ???

a 5/5  l ocean ould cost 40m gold pre patch ... thats now 1,6m reals

a 3/5 l ocean  cost say 4m gold pre patch 160,000 reals

but it now costs 9000 dubloons to make one ...so if i use 9k dubloons to craft  a 3/5 locean  how much is a dubloon worth .and how much is that ship worth . i have no idea


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I'm obsete everybig update this game is geting worse ...

What was fun and  what we lose since the beginning.

- We had trading mission .....it does'nt exist anymore

-We coud put contract in ennemy port with smugler flag (with the risk to get catch) ...it doesn't exist anymore

-We had a diplomacy screen (open to all player's ) with a real state of war or peace between nation...it doesn't exist anymore leaving diplo to some clan and with rebel in the same nation.

-We had a post system between freetown giving all player a chance to get what they need /want.

And now

-impossible to grind ship in low risk area

-Pay an expensive rate just to visit your OP

Dev say that they want to give more content and every update it's the same they restrict liberty and what is possible to do .

This game was fun because you could imagine a lot of different way to play but every update it's become more and more difficult.

I knew some player's that were only trader's giving their clan ressources and cash to sustain war ,i wonder how they can trade now because of the Tp between Op price ..They will need dublon and their activity don't provide any of them ...so you just kill the "only trade" way to play .

I wonder really what you are looking for ...a game should at least be fun and you restrict fun at every update ...

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43 minutes ago, Manbot said:

@admin May I suggest lowering the production cost of sol just a fraction I think 9000 doubloons for a leocean is a little high- I under stand the the purpose is to make them count for something but from wat I see it will take around 9 missions  if not more just to craft a leocean. 

I disagree cost is still to low 1st rate should be very rare ship while 3rd rates should me most common SOLs

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3 minutes ago, Lovec1990 said:

I disagree cost is still to low 1st rate should be very rare ship while 3rd rates should me most common SOLs

They will be just wait for a few weeks and it will all balance out. Now everyone still has shit loads of 1st rates but with them costing 3 vic marks and the maximum possible to gain per player per week being 5 you can realistically only afford 1st and 2rd rates a week.



Everyone will have to get used to sailing mostly 5th rates and probably in small groups arround the OW when PvPing. No more bellona or even 1st rate squads as it is just not worth it if you loose the ship. 

Just give the patch a few days or a week and play before you start complaining about things. I found things I disagree with for now but maybe they balance out. If they don't there is allways time to suggest a change later but for now it's save to assume the devs spent way way more time thinking abut and trying the system than we did.

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