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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. We on PvP2 have the exact same issue with a certain "non-nation-nation". It seems there are very very few nationals who have alts, yet nearly all the "unmentionables" have multiple alts. And they wonder why we nationals have run out of resources and ships. Not only have we been supplying our nation, but also these smaller nations. And we are depleted now. :/ However, we cannot eliminate alts by an IP filter or the like, as there are many legitimate family members in the same household playing this game and choosing different nations.
  2. We seem to find PvP easily enough. No idea why rats can't find any. Maybe they should hit the Danes if no one else is around, especially at 4am and 7am EST like the last 2 PBs, as the Danes are in the rat's play time.
  3. It's awesome to see the rats have no population issue now in the wee hours nor during primetime. At least we won't hear about that part any more. But hey, see image below...lolol.
  4. Free Mode is the default. Have you tried selecting one fleet ship at a time, then click on the ship you want demasted, and then choose any of the other options. Let it do so for a minute or so, then do the same order to select demast. i'm wondering if maybe the fleet are already loaded with ball, and forget to switch to chain, but that maybe it will catch up to your order if you switch it up? A different tip: if you want them firing ball and find your fleet ships always getting in your way, tell them to stop in the beginning, once you pass them choose follow option. Usually they will follow rather well saving their shots for the right moment after your broadside. (It works much better if your ship and the fleet ships have relatively the same top speed, and that you've given them about a full ship length distance behind you before telling them to follow.)
  5. Oooohhhh great, give us more Chinese Danes to fear on the seas! It will be great to see this implemented for our SEA friends. Would also be nice for a Spanish translation, as I have quite a few Central and South American friends who have friends who don't understand English well.
  6. I have to run on low settings, just to achieve 9-11fps and I see these wall sprites at many places. The Florida Keys, Northern Bahamas, Kidds Harbor, Bermuda, and SW side of Cuba. :/
  7. Aye aye, give some great incentive for ppl to exit to OW instead of the nearest port. I likey like.
  8. Ya, I've just now started getting used to seeing it register the hits and then 20 seconds later the gfx catches up and finally fires. It used to scare me when the timing made it look like I was friendly firing. I used to think it was my laptop's problem, but turns out it's happening to nearly everyone.
  9. Parchment Paper (feel free to search .png if you want transparent tattered edges): https://www.google.com/search?q=parchment+paper&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj7_KafiaXSAhWL5IMKHey-BWgQ_AUICSgC&biw=1600&bih=770 Old Fonts: Again I use a google search, but I try to sway from the extremely elaborate fonts with all the swirls, as it makes for hard reading. It's hard to find proper names for some fonts, because many sites you will use to edit your papers all seem to have user-given names for their fonts, rather than the proper font name. Free image editor sites: https://pixlr.com/editor/ http://www169.lunapic.com/editor/ http://www.online-image-editor.com/ An example (w a handwritten font):
  10. Interesting reads... https://www.revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=USS Java (1815) https://www.revolvy.com/topic/HMS Java (1811)&item_type=topic
  11. I'm sure some have already heard the news, but in case you haven't....even if you are our enemy, we still want you around for the fun.
  12. That's a brilliant idea mate, I wish I had thought of something like that.
  13. Devs also need to make cap circles in some of the ports be shallow, allowing only shallow ships to enter and cap them. Say it was a deep water like Islamorada, Cap Zone A would be deep, B and C could be shallow, especially considering it's a tiny island surrounded by shallows. Also, one of the cap circles should be on the north side of the circle.. It would provide some wild strategies needed to cap.
  14. Sadly, tho, devs intend to remove officers instead of rework them. The perks will instead apply to your character. I had hoped they would make multiple officers for us to hire maybe 2 or 3 with only 3 or 4 allowed perks and have to rank them up.
  15. The Dutch have no intention of attempting to reclaim Windwards. We've been waiting for the French to take it (hence why we didn't let the Swedes take it), and a few of us already spoke with a couple Frenchies beforehand that we would make the PB even and have a fun time there. It's good to see them with a worthy crafting region now. Frienemies still.
  16. I'm glad to see rats finally admit they are all powerful, even against an alliance. And there was plenty of PvP this morning in a PB, just not for the rats.
  17. 4am EST...not many ppl awake at this time. What did you expect from night flipping? And maybe, for only 15 ppl of mixed nations, the closest battle to a free port is Windwards. So they chose the shortest sail. Or maybe, just maybe, no one cares to play with rats any more and everyone has decided to deprive rats any pvp as much as possible. But again, there wouldn't be much pvp at 4am EST. Nice win.
  18. I'm thrilled when I get 11fps, and usually see 7-9. Woot for laptops. heh
  19. This is good stuff and well thought out and explained. What I find lacking is what @Jean Ribault pointed out. What could be included in this are clan counts and their abilities in PBs. This information can be found in the various vids posted by counting clan strengths in the PBs. When you see recent clans switching factions, it will show a huge impact in a faction's power rankings and their momentum.
  20. You all miss the point. We did not talk shit on your post, until you attacked us. This thread had no attacks on it until you guys bombarded it with your shit. All we did was post our rat and rat friend kills, until you guys felt the need to troll against valid kills. End of discussion. Move along now. Nothing more to bother with you all. There will be no more responses to your smack talk. We will post our valid kills, just as we started. Enjoy.
  21. Eehhh, you, sir. We were talking about you. heh
  22. It's funny how we got in only 2 posts on this thread before it was contaminated. Take a look at the rat's Dutch Oven thread...we didn't troll over there. Look at the Operation Camel Tow thread, my first post over there was a compliment and telling you guys you should also include how many nationals captains you captured and kept to turn rats and to post how many regions you attacked and won. Then it went to shit instantly.
  23. We Dutch have just this thread; the only one we need. rats, however, feel the need to make multiple threads for their boastings. Try again, mate, but thank you for coming by.
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