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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. You are ignoring that If the port battles pop at intervals, that means they are popping up throughout the entire 24 hour period. Yes, some PBs will not be a good time for you, AND some will not be good for your enemy. If this is a multinational server with players in all time zones, you cannot expect every PB to be at a good time for only you. Consider the below being dependent on 24 hours divided by how many ports the region has. Apply this to any time zone (3hrs 25 mins apart for 7 ports) Puerto Plata: 20:00 - Hostility reaches 100% 23:25 - 1st PB Monti Christi pops 02:50 - 2nd PB Samana pops 06:15 - 3rd PB Macao pops 09:40 - 4th PB La Isabela pops 01:05 - 5th PB Bahia Escocesa pops 04:30 - 6th PB Rincon pops 07:55 - Puerto Plata pops Apply to any time zone (8hrs apart for 3 ports) St Lucie: 20:00 - Hostility reaches 100% 04:00 - 1st PB La Mousette pops 12:00 - 2nd PB Vieux Fort pops 08:00 - St Lucie pops There will be ones good at your time, but not for the enemy; and ones good for the enemy, and not at your time.
  2. Learn to respond to everything or say nothing at all...and no one believes rats can't round up plenty of ppl on a whim. You know we have always told each other in the Dutch that phrase as a joke. But considering the nature of rats, everyone throughout history knows never to trust them. lol
  3. Cool, so not only do you guys outnumber us, but also rats have stated repeatedly that they are just better than everyone else. Sounds like good odds for anyone facing a huge rat "nation" full of pro gamers. If nothing else, it brought out some fun, almost... Oh and...screenshot or it didn't happen....everyone knows that.
  4. Ya, it sucked because Nyurtle was out there too. If he had been able to join, one or two of us would've been able to join also. RoE needs work. By those admissions, sounds like y'all have more numbers than we Dutch, if you were able to do all 3 things so easily at an odd hour of the night.
  5. Sadly, RoE is so broken still that the Dutch, in their first encounter with rats after the war declaration, was unable to balance the playing field...outmatched by 560 BR...down nearly 1st rate worth of BR, but also down 1 ship. 3 vs 4 and low BR....rarely will anyone ever win out BRed and outnumbered. :/ Next time....
  6. Maybe we need 50% or more of the smaller ports of the region. Regions with 2 small ports and 1 Capital, if each nation won one each, then the Capital would be the tie breaker. Regions with 3 small ports and 1 Capital, the attacking nation would have to win at least 2 of the 3 to trip the Capital port. etcetc
  7. Consider my suggestions that when attacking a region, all ports will be fought over at 4 (or 5 hours) apart. This would provide PBs throughout the day for the one region and whichever nation wins the majority of PBs determines whether the Regional Capital PB pops or not.
  8. Suggestion on server merge: 1 server would be ideal until the need returns for more servers only if..... the server is better managed in a neutral location allowing the best possible ping for each world region (i.e. Greenland, Bermuda, Canaries, West Coast US) Suggestion on RoE: Have a circle around active port battles where the following RoE takes place. Screening fleet can tag only same amount of BR + or - 10%(?) BR. The closest ships in the small circle would be pulled in based on above. Any other ships in the small or large tag circles would be prompted with a popup asking if they want to join or not. Suggestion on PB/hostility (24 hr is good): Use same hostility system to trigger a full day of PBs. Each port in the region would be fought over; 1 port every few hours. So, we raise hostility against a region. Reaching 100% triggers one of the region's ports for PB within 4 hours (or the next day 24hrs away). Every 4 hours another port in that region triggers for open PB. If the majority of those ports are won by the attacker, only then is the region's capital triggered for PB 24 hours from then. Example in steps toward PB flip: Dutch raise Basse-Terre to 100% against France. 4 hours later the PB for Aves pops. Dutch win. 4 hours later the PB for Deshaies pops. Dutch win. 4 hours later the PB for Terre-de-Bas pops. France wins. 4 (or 24) hours later the Regional Capital PB pops at Basse-Terre. Dutch wins, wins the region. Example in steps if majority not won by attacker: Dutch Raise Basse-Terre to 100% against France. 4 hours later the PB for Aves pops. Dutch win. 4 hours later the PB for Deshaies pops. France wins. 4 hours later the PB for Terre-de-Bas pops. France wins. No more PBs pop because France won the majority of PBs for this region. Now say we want to completely get rid of building hostility, there could be 3 options for PBs to be created: Either by player vote in-game and we go through the steps above minus the hostility building (step1), or An invisible Admiralty in-game automatically selects the regions for us to capture and we follow steps above (minus step1), or The Admiralty pops up a poll of the top 3 regions and we vote which one to attack first and follow steps above (minus step1). Just a thought...discusss :)
  9. Well worth listening to PvP1's diplo (and game future talks). Their first point to mention was merger of the servers. heh. But this was a well organized round table.
  10. van der Clam


    too cartoonish for me, but I am stoked about Lands Unknown...
  11. van der Clam


    I just wish we could fire while looking through spyglass....
  12. Dutch, US, and Brits...heh. Was just curious if the intent was the same as PvP1's talk or not. TY and to all GL with the talks. Quite interested in the results.
  13. Some nations have an excess of clans. Do you mean two from each nation or really each clan? Also, a subject in the PvP1 talks was in relation to game mechanics and proposing something to the devs. Will game mechanics be a subject here as well, considering it will bring a different perspective (of a smaller population base) to provide the devs with? Thank you for posting this. I look forward to the results.
  14. Are you lagging in this battle, or is that a vid compression issue? It kept stuttering :/
  15. van der Clam


    All they need to do is combine this with the multiplayer firing and boarding combat style of Blackwake and the OW w PBs of NA..then it'd be what we all want of NA
  16. Indeed, that would suck, but that can already be experienced now with your current "alliance" with the Danes. It's why we have had PBs at 6am EST and 10pm EST on the same day. But, with all the forum bitching about port timers, I suspect something is in the works to prevent such attacks out of time zones. I didn't namecall, I used the word "like", and it wasn't aimed at you personally, but the pirate "nation" as a whole (could also be said of the Danes during the time they rolled all the little nations). Anyone who plays with them once, all of a sudden they go berserk on you. But, as much as we bicker all the time, I have great fun with you on here and in game. About leaving rats out (which they're not, I suspect), rats are not a full nation in a sense, no one can ally with you, nor can you make alliances with others...another reason to not have rats in diplo talks. Also, if you want to talk about game mechanics (rats being a nation) then you also have to deal with alliances, even if they're ones you wish not to exist. I personally was glad to see Dutch leave the US/Brit alliance, as it allowed for the free-for-all PB and PvP events we were hoping for. But apparently, we're back in it. Yes, I certainly was late to the party, and I was not able to get my US clanmates back to playing the game. BLMB stole them. As for diplo talks, the only talks I worked for was the initial prevention of crushing nations to one port, back in June, yet the US had a rogue clan who still wanted to crush Spain; also worked on a US/Dutch alliance before I left US; and this recent Antilles Treaty, that was halted by the actions of the rogue Swede clan. After that, I gave up and left it to the long time Dutch diplos to do their thing.
  17. First off, I'm not even going to the meeting, HENCE my words, "I await what our diplos come back with." Second, I went Dutch when Dutch had only 5 active PvPers. I didn't jump ship to a rat nation that already was outnumbering everyone at the time. Third, I repeat, I jumped to a nation that had only 5 active players. If you want to call that turncoat then sure, I'm a turncoat who left to help a small nation. Fourth, if you want everyone at war, then you have no care about diplomacy and shouldn't even care to join their talks. Fifth, to add to that, if you want war, go Spanish, as they have no population and everyone chooses war with them. Sixth, if, as you say, all the good PvPers are leaving to go rat, then be proud that yall have created the necessity of the carebare alliance. By looks of screen shots, there are more lower rank players in nations than there are as rats, so your words ring true. Now...., just let the big boys talk, and no more throwing tantrums like the fat bully at the playground that no one wants to play with because every time they do, the fat retard bully always kicks them in the face and gives them bleeding wedgies because he doesn't care to remember his own strength. If the diplos want someone there, they will invite them, and you don't see me throwing a tantrum because I wasn't personally invited.
  18. I believe invites were sent out. If you personally did not receive one, that itself is quite revealing. Or maybe the pirates were not invited, as diplomacy among nations does not include a group of deserters who choose not to fight as nationals, especially as the underpopulated nations. Only those deeply involved in these talks know who is and is not invited. I personally await our diplomats to reveal information about the talks in due time.
  19. Had to update a previous meme on this new push toward server merge...yet again...heh
  20. Perhaps, but considering all the merger scares over the past few months....
  21. @z4ys This was a nice one too, but I certain do like the historical feel of TDA's vid you posted.
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