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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. We will need a call-out post in hopes of reaching some people for these talks. Maybe former Frenchmen will see and consider returning. I can be hopeful, if nothing else.
  2. It certainly was no fun, but was just a group test of ships and practice for brigs. I personally would like for the French to take it back and join in on the talks. We have good plans ahead.
  3. I love the idea of player treasure fleets. Imagine coming across a multi-billion dollar fleet. WOOT!
  4. You can take the capped ship command and sail that ship home, add your attacking ship to fleet as an escort. Then if you get attacked while headed home, in that battle, you tell your fleet attacker ship to stop, sail to it, hit X to change ship, send your capped trader to escape, then fight with your attacker ship.
  5. It would be badass if we initially belonged to a nation, but if we chose, we could leave that nation and create our own nations.
  6. People won't just go to a small faction, unless there is some incentive. There have been polls on this forum asking why people play a certain faction, and it's usually because of national pride (living there), a nation's historical significance, or they want to be a pirate. However, I suspect the biggest reason people won't change to a small nation is because they don't want to be wiped out every day, because human nature is to win. What people seem to forget, is that NA has no end game, there is no winning.
  7. The only way a smaller ship should be able to board is if the larger ship gets stuck in irons and they enemy swoop in pinning it. I've read somewhere in the forum the devs are working on more dynamic winds in battle. It will make broadside to broadside much harder for the overbearer to maintain speed...lots of manual sailing required. But it would be pretty cool if they can get the wind right.
  8. Oh, I agree that it happens; happened to me many a time. I should've stated in my response. But I don't think it should happen in game.
  9. I wouldn't think it possible, especially once turning into the wind, the pusher should lose wind as the 'inside' ship would be stealing it... So certainly a smaller ship would have nearly no wind at all.
  10. That is quite interesting, never knew there was an actual tournament held
  11. Make these actual hidden contraband goods be eggs, like prize documents, or jewels, swords, that give some secret bonus to ship or crew or officer...and make only 1 copy of each that can be lost if the captain loses his ship. If the captain who had it sunk, then he'd lose the egg and it's appear randomly in some other npc contraband ship. Edit: Maybe even make 1 egg from each nation, like the British Scepter - bonus to crew moral, Swedish Crown - bonus to attack, Dutch EIC stock Certificate - bonus to market discounts, etc Edit 2: Heck even add these eggs to raids, maybe set in the capitals, if we attack the capital and win it, the losing nation doesnt lose the region but loses the egg to the winning nation that gets a bonus against only that nation. Maybe even allow nations who collect eggs can relocate them to hide them in other regions. Heck, we'd all be chasing these eggs in raid all over the place.
  12. Can you not use paint and just put a black box over what you don't want others to see? Would be interesting to see the rest of the ss
  13. Yes yes...and when it pops up, you have two replies: "I'm your huckleberry." or "I'm a daisy."
  14. Outrunning a pirate with my million dollar treasure fleet. Oddly, it was a pirate...with 2 fleet ships....let's all point and laugh at him, considering pirates say they hate fleets.
  15. Let your classical olde English thicken up, mate.
  16. perineum? or bad trace? EDIT: Sorry Jeheil, but I'm pretty sure you won't mind this shameless plug for a link to a poll on the status of the game...So many people watch your thread, so I figured it would help
  17. I feel alliances can stay provided we can down vote them to shorten existing ones. Also that any actions against an ally (i.e. attacking allied players, npc, joining opposing team in pvp, missionsm PBs) would also shorten alliances. Maybe make it related to the hostility.
  18. I would like a poll set up for each bullet point on up-coming patches. And then about a week or two later have a poll on each bullet point of the previous patch. That way the devs can see precisely how players feel before and after each patch.
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