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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. I left a large ass nation to help a small nation, one that actually had only 5 ppl, and I smartly asked the large US nation to help the Dutch grow. Exactly what we were trying to do with the Spanish and French. I went to a small nation, I didn't jump to a huge ass pirate "nation" when everyone was doing it. So ya, it's a huge difference. And about sticking a nose somewhere, read this thread title and learn what it encompasses....politics, alliances, diplomacy. That specifically entails talking with other nations and learning their business and sharing ours.
  2. I'm curious, when using the quite unoriginal "carebear" term PvP1-ers use, to whom are people referring to now, considering that BEAST alliance people are chicken of doesn't exist? And I'm certain pirate hatred wouldn't exist if those national traitors chose to go to a smaller nation in need rather than jump on the rat bandwagon at a time when they already were outnumbering everyone; especially when they complain about rat mechanics knowing about it beforehand.
  3. Yes, gotta paste into paint or whatever you use, but at least i can get spyglass shots if wanted
  4. SoLs (3rd-1st rates) should be built and appointed by the Admiralty only. Player donations to the Admiralty should be required for them to be built. And the only way players can have SoLs appointed to them is by the new Honor/Valor system and that the player be of rank for it. They also should not be tradable, nor sellable. IMHO
  5. Please consider taking the Interest Poll directed at these content changes. Because there is a limit to questions, I've made two polls questioning your interest in each aspect of these proposed changes. The final question is multiple choice for top 5 interests. Poll Part 1 Poll Part 2
  6. The only complaint I have with the spyglass is not being able to fire while looking through it and not seeing the aiming reticle.
  7. Just be happy you actually got more than what we normally get when capping LGVs and Indis. They seem often to carry only as much as a cutter trader can carry, cheapening the value of capping them.
  8. I'm just hoping to see a poll questionnaire on each bullet point and once each patch is deployed and we've had a week to play with it. Just make any polls be more in-depth than just a "Whadya think of the patch?" heh
  9. If you are willing to accept my help, please email me in game with any needs and I will do my best to fulfill your requests. I am currently only a level 38 crafter, but I have some ship notes from the events that could help, along with what I can craft. EDIT: Also let me know if you are interested in a forum signature image.
  10. Can anyone do a video side-by-side of the standard vs 4k? Would be nice to drool over it
  11. Has anyone considered making an actual manual, not terribly in-depth, but enough to look like a game manual? I know we have a ton of forum threads, but maybe we can make a post with links to the thread topic...a one-stop-shop of sorts?
  12. So we have intent provided by a Dutch, a French, a cpl pirates, and have yet to hear from Swedes, Danes, Spanish, and US. I hope to hear from them and any other national leaders to see what their hopes and dreams are.
  13. ^^ Granting you that the rats have not deviated in any manner other than taking the appointed free zone and participating in screens and in PBs with alts. Other than that, still you have nothing to worthy to contribute. If nothing else, at least you could provide your personal views. Instead you still have nothing.
  14. Interesting that your lunch break has prevented you from contributing your rat nation's intentions and instead felt the need to belittle someone's observations, making your post less valid than you believe mine to be. Thank you, Elric, for actually contributing something of value. If you are in need of ships, you could always ask the Dutch, including myself.
  15. Indeed, as I do, but I don't think my PvE XP should count toward OW XP (PvP and PBs)
  16. There is nothing like this game for near-realistic age of sail combat and some ppl want to experience it in a single player game. I personally think we should have two different ranking xp systems: one for PvP-ers and one for PvE-ers so that ppl can't hide in PvE missions to rank up for OW PvP. We also seriously need player stat records. Every game today has this except for NA.
  17. So, what are the intents of these Triliance negateers and supporters? I'm quite curious to know what each nation is working toward. The only things I've read and seen via action are: Swedes, Danes and pirates intend to crush Dutch to one region and capture all war supply regions. Swedes and pirates want to crush Dutch, US and Brits as much as possible. pirates want all gold and silver regions and all out war between nations leaving rats free to do as they please. US and Brits want to crush pirates? Dutch want French, Swedes, and Spanish to grow with their own players, not alts, unless ppl move their main accts there. Spanish and French just want a force to return. Brits want war with pirates and Danes? Danes are like pirates for hire? And certain ppl with multiple alts are purposely messing with politics. Certainly, I could be wrong, but this is just what I see.
  18. I don't know. All I saw outside were about 8 CKA Brits and about 8 pirates. Hopefully one of them will post.
  19. The funniest PB screen I've ever seen...one crazy Dutch flies past Brits getting positioned to attack Bridgetown, sails directly into the horde of pirates preparing themselves to defend....and "TAG HO YOLO!" there goes the Flying Dutchman pulling a few rats into battle. LOL. It was only a slight payback for all the times the rats tag and destroy our ships outside PBs...fair play.
  20. Plus the moral and prep bonus make instabonus-one-shot-kill captures too easy. But...these thoughts are just considered crying, despite the crying about not wanting it nerfed.
  21. Read anything on here about big alliances and not having players online any more because of it and you will see who does the crying. If you want war, then use your alts in other nations and go to war. Already alts have caused havoc in politic voting. There is no reason danes, swedes, french, spanish, and rats can't all join up for war when the triliance returns...if ever it can with all the alts screwing up voting. But who cares, every single post on here about suggestions or questions on the mechanics is created because it finally was experienced by the poster. It's all good, we will still have our fun, and should a big alliance return that certain ppl want to cry over and quit playing, then "Bye Felicias." In the meantime, here is the current political status on PvP2. Complete fall out of the triliance, so that now each nation that was in it will no longer have support and the ones who always used to outnumber those nations can do it all over again and pad their jockstraps feeling like they've accomplished something. woot
  22. Also, bringing to PBs the same ship with the same cannon and similar builds allows for better management. Some nations on PvP1 are very meticulous with the ships they want in battles. To clarify SirSam's answer, when it says: 1st rate PB, that means any ships from the Niagara on up, also including the Mortar Brig. I don't believe you can bring ships smaller than a Niagara. 4th rate PM means nothing higher than the 4th rate ships: Connie, Inger, Aggie, Wappen; and nothing smaller than the Niagara. Shallow means anything smaller than a Niagara. (...unless things have changed, or I've misunderstood...) Here's the Wiki: http://www.navalactionwiki.com/index.php?title=Port_Battles
  23. Battle of St John's, Leeward Islands Region Dutch vs Sweden Video recorded and edited by [IGG]KOIZ. (Excellent work, btw) http://www.iggclan.com/pbvideos/stjpb112017.mp4
  24. We couldn't leave it to the French nor Swedes because of what I said, the rogue Swede who used those ports to build war supplies and bomb the shit out of us for no reason other than an old vendetta against ex-Brits who are now Dutch.
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