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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. The Dutch are still willing to work with the Swedes and French. Our intent was below, until rogue Swedes did the unthinkable... So now, all treaties are on hold, until further notice.
  2. WE could keep this one, but the OP doesn't seem to edit any more. If you start a thread, I'm certain we will follow along. Up to you mate, but this one is already pinned to the top.
  3. Politics tab will show, but this is what I see atm: US + BR US + VG SV + DN (+ PI) SV + FR (+ PI) Don't know the rest
  4. I've been searching in there to find why the Buc speed cuts in half at 91% sails and less
  5. Especially when there is a log already for the buy, sell, trade messages. Just add it there. :/
  6. I believe this is why we need some sort of alerting system in game that warns us of a certain port has hostility activity there. I believe all the NPC merchants and fleets would certainly notify the next port, being able to pass information of said activity. I don't want it to be an exact marker on the map, but rather a generalized area notification. Just pop up a notice saying, "Hostile action is being taken against [certain] Region in the vicinity of [certain] port." Would be neat if it popped up in a letter format image and was found in the menu system. But I guess, as is, we need to do is watch for it to update every 15 minutes :/
  7. In game chat and emails are gone. F11 reported. I've closed game, rebooted system, let steam update, still no chats for clan, nation, global, ally, and email box is empty. Does this mean I'm chat banned? Perhaps I should have not replied to someones question, "what's up?", with "a chicken's butt when it eats."? EDIT 10:30am EST: Server reset?? Will a patch be deployed also?
  8. Same here, but I have to close the game, relog, it shows joining combat, then I have to surrender to restart mission. And it happens about the same 1 out of 10.
  9. 1. Chat with them to chose same BR ship and join Duel from menu at same time. 2. No, you lose nothing. 3. Yes, unless taking water. Considering you lose nothing, there's no reason to surrender. 4. Any ship is allowed, you just need to have same BR.
  10. With or without a French/Dutch alliance, we intended for France to regain lands. The issue preventing it was one particular begrudging Swede having access to all those war supplies and being allied with France. If France was not allied with Sweden and had a force able to prevent that Swede and his merry band taking it, it would not have been a problem. Now with the Danes back online with a vendetta, there's nothing we can do about it. All PBs against us will just be early morning emptiness. Today was an exception being a holiday allowing many of us online. If we rejoin the BEAST alliance that others are so scaredy chicken of, it'll enable us to field a full early morning PB with our allies and only 1 or two of us. heh. Who knows what other nations/republics will force us into in the future....perhaps a repeat of history, perhaps not. But this has little to do with the OP...it was just a suggestion to see who, if any, thought the same.
  11. The rat republic owned only 1 port, not even a region, and not even during the time period of the game. We did not poke the little nation. In fact, we introduced a truce giving multiple regions to Sweden and France, agreed upon by them and the Brits and Dutch. That started well, until some rogue Swede everyone knows decided to attack a crucial region. Once that happened, friendship with Swedes was temporarily wrecked. Thank you for the history "lesson" about what happened on the server months ago... Oh and yes, I do think rats should be allowed anywhere and in any PB for any side. We should however get some notification that rats were spotted raiding. But I think most people could guess where they'd be raiding based on resources.
  12. 4 SV + 21 DN vs 16 VG + 3 US. Rats aren't supposed to be a nation and rather be raiders able to sail in anywhere and steal anything. But until that becomes reality, the rats will continue to beg for undeserved sympathy. And we never poked the danes. Not sure why they started playing again....unless they're alts of those who already are playing. Not sure why they quit playing even, again unless they're mostly alts. But it's all good, something fun will come of this. Still awaiting an end battle ss...
  13. This most likely will not be popular, but I suggest all PBs to require 50% of the Attacking Nation to require members of that nation and only 50% allowed as Allies. It's rather frustrating to be completely out-numbered by an enemy's ally and see only 2 or 3 of the actual nation attacking you. It might also be interesting to allow allies to gain only 45% of the hostility. It's rather annoying for an ally of the enemy to gain 80-90% of the hostility points at their most convenient time, which is obviously early AM; not at the server's prime time. (But I understand a new hostility system is in the works.) As stated, I'm certain this is not popular, but it is rather ridiculous facing nearly all enemy allies and hardly any actual enemy.
  14. The majority of people I know quit the game because of the flag system. Chasing down all the fake flags was in no way fun at all. I think they could bring flags back only if they are applied to one (maybe 2) region at a time. Use flags to capture the supporting regional ports; which in turn builds up hostility against the region's capital. Once the majority of ports in that region are captured, only then does it trigger the PB for the capital of that region.
  15. Friday, Jan 13, 1717 Battle For Oranjestad In Bovenwinds Sweden and Danes with pirate screen attack the Dutch ports After failed negotiations due to rogue Swedish nationals war-bombing the Butterfly Island, the Dutch nation decided to attempt a defense of Oranjestad. It was a great port battle which the Dutch had a large lead until the last 30 minutes when the Swedes and Danes began to gain the upper-hand, eventually sinking enough Dutch to take over. GG Swedes and Danes and much appreciation of the US for joining in our fight.
  16. this image shows 3 fleet ships EDIT: oohh capped ships, didnt see that the brits capped ships````
  17. LOL brilliant of you to jest thinking that was a pic at the end of the battle. Some of us had just gotten into position. But Simon does make a point about cheap ships being used. Many of us could purchase only basics from NPC, as we were not only newbs of low rank, but also low crafting rank. It doesn't change the fact that they left before the fight even began screwing us out of 3 ppl and didn't even give us a chance. Nor does it show that this was during the months when the Brits and rats were allied hitting the US on both sides at the same time with multiple real and fake flags being bought at the same time. And don't rag on bringing up the past when you are using the past as your reasoning for taking the ports you feel you deserve...from the past. Your pic, was that really a PB or a screen outside the PB, because I didn't think fleet ships were allowed in PBs?
  18. Meh,the tides must've shifted
  19. BTW Simon, the US and all your former US-new rats mates should do well to remember that moment you ran away from a battle at a most crucial time, totally screwing the US out of BR in a PB against the Brits. You and AN were shamed into being rats...fitting place, I'd suspect. Better luck in your other games, mate.
  20. It wasn't only 12 and the voices specifically said on the video that no one should be duel-boxing as it was not needed. Only 1 person admitted to duel-boxing, who said they wouldn't bother doing so any more (former US sailing mate, if I recognize his voice properly). So it is not 12 that anyone fears. It is not any number that is feared, for fear is not the correct word. It is trepidation that we have against 25+ long-time veterans sailing in ships that somehow take massively less damage against 25 that half are newbs. It is also the trepidation of sailing around seeing large rat gankfleets of rats picking on nationals and we other nationals not being able to help. Declaring war on each other leaves the door wide open for the pirates to do as they please, as shown in the Antilles. As PolishMartyr mentioned, all out war is not the next needed step after breaking an alliance because pirates begged and cried for it. It has already caused a bit of strife now that trader ships are being ganked by former allies. However that is our agreement for such things to not be off limits. The nationals alliances and how they handle themselves in their truces and/or friendships is, in one pirate's words "none of your [or any rats] business." If you want nationals to go to war, then leave the bastardly rats, join a nation, and use your votes for war. Better yet, join one of the small nations who need help. Or i suppose another option is to possibly face another triliance in the future and quit playing again.
  21. It is not paranoia when the same ole ratcrap that happened in the past is about to happen all over again after they finally got their crybaby wish for alliances to be broken. It's not paranoia when you are right in forewarning a repeat history. It's smart and cautious. I'm not asking for any info beforehand. I am simply asking which "truth" the rats are taking: they "don't want ports and have no intention to take ports other than ones listed", or are rats seriously gonna play the same old card that they say they don't play any more because those old rats left. About distribution, rats are not supposed to be a nation; in fact, every rat on this forum keeps saying they want nothing to do with ports and regions and to not be considered a nation....(sorry for the exaggeration....majority). So of course, rats do not deserve the same considerations.
  22. 4Am will have no fight. PvP and PB is not truly what rats are after, obviously. And if the Brits or anyone else is capable of retaking it at a convenient US time, then so were the rats able to make this upcoming PB at a convenient US time; instead they chose when no one is online. It is obvious there is something fishy going on that most likely will cause the triliance to return, simply to protect themselves so they can actually field enough players for PBs and not get stuck in OW gankfests all over again.
  23. Oh the LULz, this is fun 09:00 server time....4AM EST, if I'm not mistaken...and the call is for more PvP and PBs....the lulz are real. That is not a mistake, that is planned, someone logging in directly after server reset and bumping hostility to 100%. lulz some more.
  24. Thanks for repeating it, but it did not answer a direct question; unless you mean that you have no intention to win the PB and won't even take it and if you start to win it, you will all escape before it's over. We will see the numbers on each side to see how serious it becomes.
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