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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. Yes, there are many ships that are under crewed for guns. But this is why you need a ship with crew space and extra hammocks. Or you need to get in the habit of using your F1-F5 keys to turn off decks or entire sides.
  2. Look at the mix of rank and skill a large nation/alliance has to deal with in every PB. Unity is hard to come by when you have such a diverse player group of newbs and oldies. Not only do we deal with a bunch more new players and all the spies alts who pretend like they're just new players, but we have more ppl to train and supply. And then often it gets wasted as they give it to their main acct in the rats. Look at every rat images posted and you will see the ranks. It's just like in WoT when ppl lose once or twice by the same unicorn clan, they run off to try to join them. If rats were really serious about helping small nations, they would've gone Spain, or Sweden, or France and gotten new nationals to the game. If they go Dane, then they're just rat hopping yet again. But no, instead they want to be all high ranking unicorns in a game that doesn't even have player records. If rats were a tank clan at WG finals, this would be their team shirt, diaper not included, as they'd have to steal it from a national's newb stash. And here is their flag LOL And I believe their pledge to be: As a rat, I will forever be a pocket holder. I promise to love sleeping on my stomach. I promise to love dropping soap in the shower. Butt rat unicorns forever! EDIT: If anyone finds this offensive, then you are a carebear, yourself. heh
  3. Sheeeyyaat son, those who left their nations to go rat lacked the fortitude and aptitude to stand tall in it and make something good of it. You and those like you took the easy hello kittying way out rather than sticking it out. And worse, they weren't even good enough to go start a new nation, they just jumped the rat bandwagon because it's the easiest thing to do.
  4. DO it, I dare the rats to go to a nation. So do it. I double dog dare you. Rats as nationals would get their hello kittying butts handed to them.
  5. What is different from half clans leaving to go rat and a full nation? It's just more ppl. Since I've been playing, at least 30 ppl went rat. What's wrong with 40 more?
  6. Well, rats will rule here in 1 month as every nation is gonna jump on the rat bandwagon. We have it planned. Why do you think some recent players switched? This server will be rat only and anyone not a rat will be ganked by 150 player gank squads. Time to break the server and force the old rats to join a real nation....since they want to be one so bad. heh
  7. Cartagena de Indias, Cartagena15 Dutch, Brits, USvs1 Swede, 2 Danes No PB entry from Swedes nor Danes, but were attacked outside. Swede's Wappen captured, Dane's Bellona sunk. No image needed, but we were really hoping to see more Danes and Swedes show considering it was 11am EST. :/
  8. STS, the post i responded to was indeed about the past. So of course I will respond about the past. And you are referring to a more recent past than I am. I am talking about a time when Nyrtle was in NPG (or was it FEAR?); UNKWN did not exist yet. But during the time you are speaking of (Oct)..here is your image During the time I am speaking of (July and earlier) May is right after the first time the danes and rats zerged...the image above is right after And I have no idea how you cannot say that rat green on green was a huge exploit the rats were doing to the US any time we showed up with enough ppl to fight. It was so damn ridiculous that they removed it from the game...and then rats bitched about not having it and some left.
  9. For many US back in the day when there was no alliance between Brits and US, BLACK was directly responsible for killing the server. It was just after the time of their zerg that they were ganking along the Sunbury to Ctown route in gank fleets of 5 or more, and then when US would show up with more guys, the rats would suddenly have twice as many. And if they couldn't have twice as many, then they would attack each other being COWARDS in the green on green they were allowed back then. Everyone has a reason for quitting the game, and everyone can counter each others' reasons. There were many reasons....but yes COWARDS had a lot to do with it....rat cowards hiding in green on green. heh
  10. Ports that Nassau transported and sold to would buy the contraband goods at a huge discount, therefore the rats would not make as much profit as if one nation bought from another nation. I wouldn't see it as a tax, but a blackmarket tariff. A small fleet of frigs can cap higher rate ships very easy. It wouldn't take much time for them to be in SoLs anyway.
  11. IT was awesome enough to watch. TY for recording and sharing!
  12. You do have silver directly north of Windward. So apparently the silver count is indeed 3 for the quadalliance? My bad.
  13. Just because of an aggression does not prevent the resupplying of ships and supplies. Or are you saying you are incapable of have a frienemyship with anyone?
  14. That was a good presentation, except for one major flaw. When you include Brits, Dutch and US in an alliance to make a case that we all are sharing resources and ports, (when we aren't, but could), you seem to exclude rats from the Dane, French, Swede alliance. When you redo your math, you see a more even spread. BTW, I specifically call this out because of how rats expect nationals to consider them a nation,...aaannd because it is obvious of their alliance. Now the alliance regions (includes rats): DFSR: 19 DBU: 40 Now take into account the alliances resources (includes rats): DSFR: 3 Copper, 3 Gold, 3 Silver BDU: 8 Copper, 3 Gold, 4 Silver Now lets look at the alliances wood resources (includes rats): DSFR: 1 Live Oak BDU: 1 Cedar, 1 Live Oak, 4 Mahogany The only thing missing from this true report are the Frienemy Treaties where some of us Dutch are indeed helping out the French, and where some US are helping out the Spanish. This also does not include ALLLL the ALTs that ppl are using to gain access to their enemy's resources. Also, if the Quadalliance is complaining about a lot of unused regions, then why don't y'all go attack those regions? Go get em like Swede tried to do, but didn't get any help with at the Yucatan....especially if y'all do it at the same time... EDIT: fixed the silver counts for both alliances
  15. Bridgetown, Windward Islands 8 Dutch, 16 Brits, 1 US vs 8 French, 10 Danes, 0 Swedes, 0 rats No screening forces A poor prejudgment of a SE wind forced the Dutch and half the Brits to approach Point C from the North. The other half of the Brits approached from the south and faced an early engagement with Danes and French capping Point B. Of course, a good starting placement of the French allowed for an early cap of all three points, but once the Northern Force reached C, it was in their possession. As they continued their charge toward A, a sneaky Frenchie snuck through getting back to Point C before Point A could be engaged. This allowed a French recap of C while A and B were battled over. This forced a slight split, but the Dutch and Brits were able to route the French and Danes from all cap zones, slowly turning the points tide from a French favor of 480 - 0 to a Dutch favor of 480 - 520. If this hadn't happened, all hope would have faded from the attackers. Seeing this switch, the French and Danes attempted a recoup of Point A, yet the were fended off quite well. Overall, it was a fun battle from both sides.
  16. I run a cpl forums and they're set to rank up after the first post, then 5th post, then 10th post, then 20th post, then 30th post. etc
  17. And, please feel free to provide a how to vid on exact process step-by-step
  18. Maybe in one of those boxes on the home page could feature some of the popular twitch/youtube gaming streamers? maybe in a random selection each day or each reload of page?
  19. Are you wanting us to include those available every night, or those available a majority of the nights during the week? Because I know these numbers can be quite different for some nations...especially if you are looking for those available at different times of the day.
  20. Once you have data in a .txt or .info file (or really any file type you can convert clearly to .txt), you should be able to create a simple batch file to extract only the info wanted and then paste it into a spreadsheet. Would be badass to have it implemented into a web forum for player profiles (hint, hint @Marrius :))
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