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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. It was so much fun, I didn't even pay attention to what i was really saying. lol
  2. for hello kitty's sake this thread is nothing but hello kitty bitching and hello kitty crying. if you dont like the alliances then hello kitty, join that hello kitty alliance's enemy. if you're hello kitty crying about small nations being attacked, then hello kitty join the small nation and hello kitty help them. if you're not a hello kitty national, then shut your hello kitty mouth about how nationals handle their politics. it is none of your hello kitty business. if you don't like it, then leave the hello kitty rats and join a national or leave the hello kitty game again and play something else or join the other server. for hello kitty's sake!
  3. I'd like to see the site centered around player info...having player profiles we can create and update, and look similar to the wargaming site, but NA themed and with all the great helpful NA sites embeded....especially maps for each server.
  4. I'd like this idea around PBs. Maybe have this system implemented in a circle around the port, a circle of attack like the circle of protection at nation's capitals. In OW, I just want all battles to stay open until all of one team has sunk, escaped, or been captured.
  5. Admins have mentioned this as a possible update to allow for a career restart. Read second bullet under "Officers". I'm hoping it comes soon.
  6. It's a shame all those new French and the rogue Swedes couldn't show up for the battle.
  7. True, no format needed, as the required screenshots will tell enough of the story.
  8. I was meaning for anyone making a post here, just keeping a similar format for easier reading of stats. All they have to do is copy the "Date:" through "Recordings:" and enter their info. You, however, can update the OP with your personal stats. It would be awesome though, if the devs would create a player log for us to just copy and paste. :/
  9. Would be nice to have a format for responses to this thread. Date: Location: Result: Belligerents: Commanders: Strengths: Tactical write-up (or image): Casualties and losses: Screenshots: Recordings: Something similar to Wikipedia stat chart like below. I look forward to seeing a lot of action on this thread from all sides. GLHF all!
  10. Just found this post and really thought it deserves a bump. So...bump.
  11. RC reenactment of the battle https://youtu.be/QwFs5NVKVWo
  12. I've thought for awhile that players maybe should not have diplomacy control and that the "invisible admiralty" AI should control diplo and the admiralty makes requests for certain ports to be attacked. It would be players responsibility to complete those missions, and could also make any other hostility attacks they choose to take their own PBs...as long as it's not against admiralty's allies.
  13. Get back in soon. After the tesbed, I had to completely remove NA and redownload the regular NA.
  14. It is not our fault rats just don't want to show to support their own ports....
  15. Indeed...as it is hard for the Dutch to show up north as well. So we can call it basically a US/GB alliance up north and a very thin triliance down south.
  16. The single most important question is, "how many were in the PB and how many were screening?" It was 25 VP/US vs 24 rats in the PB and 10 Brits vs 10 danes outside. There were also French and swedes and 3 VG outside. I call that even. We had the exact same difficulty gathering the numbers, even with this "over populated" triliance. Not only that, all those rats who were not in the PB and were somehow gaining 60% of hostility in only 30 minutes had 46 hours to get OPs down south. 46 hours....actually even longer once they saw the forum post 2 days before that about Dutch declaring war on rats. The triliance has the same difficulty getting numbers as the quad-alliance. And for whatever it's worth, it tripled the server pop. It's just sad that it was so anticlimactic being over in only 30 minutes due to poor wind planning.
  17. PBs against the quad-alliance will allow the same "practice" we in the triliance need
  18. I love how ppl want to call it the big 3 or the carebear alliance, yet don't care to acknowledge the fact that our numbers for the Castries PB and the screening were even and was just as difficult to gather for both sides. rats have their alliance with danes, france, and sweden, and Dutch have an alliance with US and a friendship with Brit. What else some certain rats are refusing to acknowledge is that in the exact same 30 minutes of the PB, somehow the rats were also strong enough to raise hostility in Georgia 60%. Quite impressive. At least we know how to get more numbers on the server.
  19. I would also like to see "Mast Hits", basically meaning I want to see how many of my sail hits were actually on the masts.
  20. I like the idea of map reset, but imagine if the devs left each nation with only one region and leave all the others unassigned and capturable at reset. Your nation's first goal after reset would be to recapture the regions where your buildings and OPs are. Maybe those "neutral" ports would still have your buildings and ships and warehouse, but the only way to get your things is to recapture that port before the other nations do. Or, you could choose to just abandon it and move elsewhere. It'd be no different than right now if another nation captures your ports with things in it. Also, with a reset, there would be rewards given based on rank place, possibly in the form of ships, resources, upgrades, gold, etc. These things would counter whatever is lost at reset.
  21. Here's a few very helpful player created vids. http://totc.lefora.com/topic/9/How-To-Tutorial-Videos#.WI-grPkrKM8
  22. I agree with @Jean Ribault and @Sir Texas Sir. I prefer it 24 hours later and no -2 hours. The reason we want a PB to pop at a certain time is because that is when we are able to play. Instead we have to stay on two hours later than normal to get the PB at the time we want. But, I prefer my overall suggestion on making PBs for every port at intervals throughout the day, allowing for morning players and evening players to play PBs at their time, whichever they are able to attend.
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