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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. Indeed. Further, IMO the port population and consumption and production should equate to the activity of players in that port: i.e number of players with ports there, number of players with production buildings there, number of players entering/exiting, buy/selling there. Each port could be set to a default number of production with a shelf time...if food related, etc. But player activity would increase the ports productivity.
  2. This happens often. Seems Moral, Muskets count, and # of Marines matters a lot. Do you remember what your Morale was before this move?
  3. whawhawhhhaaaaaat!? This should happen only in #IndiamanTreasureFleetsWithWarshipEscorts @admin For some reason when looking at Upgrades Chest there is no option to "Send to warehouse"?
  4. Economy Mission Rewards have been bumped greatly, which is nice, but still do not offer reals as a reward. Same thing for the Battle Mission Rewards. IMO, these should randomly reward with reals or doubloons or sometimes even both. Rewarding everything with only doubloons will dramatically decrease its value. It seems that reals have a larger value than dbls and imo I believe it should be just the opposite, especially since dbls can purchase admiralty SoLs....even if they're cheap 3 slots. Also, perhaps the Econ Rewards should take into account if the "destination" is under enemy control and raise it a percentage.
  5. I thought perhaps it would've changed and been relevant in boardings. As it is now, it's just a wasted icon that pops up.
  6. Boarding and Crew Shock Confusion: Mousing over Crew Shock icon in upper right corner during a boarding says that "You cannot control your crew" yet during a crew shock, the AI was able to change from Defense to Fire Grenades. This makes no sense to me. Does Crew Shock work only in battles, not boarding?
  7. Entering the boarding UI, everything was fine. Upon finishing the boarding text did the same thing as before...change to hieroglyphics. EDIT: The very next battle this did not happen after boarding.
  8. Rank or % XP loss for an advanced player with elite gold ship and elite upgrades and full knowledge slots verse a ship loss, upgrades loss, materials loss, knowledge slot stagnation for a less advanced player. There could be a better balance. Banaished has a better idea than my OP....keep it silent. But allow us to place bounties paying for it in advance. Leave it to the poster of bounty to inform other players. If it is fulfilled by any player, then he gets the bounty reward. Set the bounties to expire after 7 days, then the poster is refunded and notified it was not completed. Perhaps in accordance with my OP, we could at least post bounties in missions tab upon nations? This could be a replacement the old politics patch. @Banished Privateer someone knows something...lol
  9. lul typo. fixed I have no issue with ganking/griefing. I used those references in a response. A true ganker/griefer would love the idea of having a bounty against him and getting punished for his tactics.
  10. Good point, especially with all the alts in other nations running around. So perhaps there indeed should be a loss of XP, or rank, or knowledge slot, and a Clerk announcement. If they don't like the loss, then perhaps they should change their in-game behavior to not get on anyone's bad list. lol
  11. The testbed server had some. It looked good, the rewards just need to be better and varied between reals and doubloons, not just doubloons. I don't much see a difference in a ganker harassing a particular port over and over again, as opposed to having a bounty on your head. Gankers/griefers pick on anyone, newb or not. And any of these griefers would most likely have a bounty on their head. Karma deserves a reward.
  12. What's a 18th century naval game with pirates and privateers without an In-Game Bounty System? Empty. We already have the Combat News Clerk that makes reports apparently from the Admiralty. So I suggest in the Port Quest screen providing players the ability to pick and post a bounty on Players, Clans, and Nations. In own nation port click on Port Quests [Q] Near the Econ / Battle / Conquest tabs would be a Bounties tab See a list of current bounties (everything would work just like how missions work) Clicking on a Bounty would show the details (last seen location) and reward (doubloons and/or reals) information In this tab it would provide any number of players the ability to Accept Bounty (and/or) the first player to click Collect Bounty It would also provide the Bounty Poster the ability to Cancel (but only after a few days lock so they couldn't escape paying out a reward) There would also be a button to post a bounty Available fields would be: Nation, Clan (can be blank), Captain Name (can be blank), Recent Location (can be blank), Reward Amount (can be Reals and/or Doubloons) If a particular player is the bounty, name search would work like Friend Find and pull player's info Combat News would make the announcement post: 14:28 Clerk: [Player Name] has posted a bounty of [amount of reals/doubloons] ...ooorrrrr, 14:28 Clerk: [Player Name] has a bounty on their head for [amount of reals/doubloons]......oooorrrrr, 14:28 Clerk: [Nation]'s Admiralty reports a bounty of [amount of reals/doubloons] Image below is a mock up idea Discuss....
  13. I pissed myself laughing when I saw this.....but then I saw below and a brown out occurred.
  14. Just thought I'd check out the tutorial on the testbed and have to ask...what in tarnation is "Firelock volley" command? Apparently it means "Attack", because that was the only button that completed that section.
  15. There are 2 types of 4pd: Basic 4pd (from the free Bsaic Cutter) and regular 4pd. The Basic 4pd will not apply to any other ship than the Basic Cutter. Not sure if this is your problem, but was mine, until I read it more clearly.
  16. Passenger Delivery Mission: There is no green check mark provided when you arrive at the port for delivery. So, if I had a handful of these missions, I would have to click each of them to know which one to Deliver.
  17. Combat News is bugging out. Any time you resize window or scroll up and down, it shows only "Clerk:" blank. You have to close and reopen the tab for it to show again...every time.
  18. @admin A mention of some good...I really like the delivery missions: letters / person. Add some goods missions also. However, I know these are mentioned as "being worked on", but may I suggest that the "Days To Complete" would be in-game days? As it is, I have 10 IRL days to deliver a letter that's only actually about a 20 IRL minute sail away. I suggest this because the game actually counts our in-game days at sea, so might as well use it and make these kind of mission urgent to complete. So if the letter has a 10 day timer, make that be 10 in-game days. Further on this: It would be awesome if there were Contraband Missions. In OW our ship would show as carrying contraband (like it used to when we would select it to enter enemy ports). If an enemy captured us then the Contra Mission would be his choice to complete or abandon. i.e. Contra Mission is to transport a Spanish Privateer Captain from La Tortue to Kingston / Port Royal (for court reasons) with an 8 day time limit I sail from whatever port I picked this Contra Mission up from to La Tortue and pick up the capt Once I pick up the capt I acquire the OW "Contraband" tag and I sail toward KPR but a Pirate captures me along the way Pirate capt gets the option to complete my mission OR to deliver the captain to a random port to escape If Pirate chooses to complete mission, he gets the OW "Contraband" tag and must deliver the dude to KPR If Pirate chooses to accept "Escape" request, he gets the OW "Contra" tag and must deliver the dude to whatever random port it selects Or the Pirate can choose to cancel the mission all together Could be adapted for goods, or cannons, or other things also.
  19. PvP Zone: I would suggest switching the "PvP Solo" inner circle with the outer circle, because a solo-ist will have to sail through a bunch of ganksquads to get to the center circle....unless a single player cannot be tagged in the outer circle.
  20. Two things about boarding: We can no longer scroll up and down the battle instance. Before we used to be able to see attack/defense history Make the crew shift slider bar be the max number the ship can handle, because what happens to the "Extra Crew" if we accidentally send too many crew to the captured ship? (img below)
  21. I thought you can never finish a boarding against defend. I thought you had to get the attack against anything other than defend to win.
  22. And please change to the transparent blue so we can see the action happening around our boarding.
  23. Yes, just get rid of "Bow" "Stern" and have the boat outline...and of course change L and R to P and S.
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