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van der Clam

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Everything posted by van der Clam

  1. Honestly, I cannot believe the disrespect and utter anger people are giving these devs. If I were them, I'd release tomorrow and leave the game as is...maybe even let some other company buy it outright. No matter the state of the game, despite the difficulties in acquiring ships I want, seeing DLC P2W ships come, etc, I know I still love the game and will still play it. There is nothing like it on the market; it's fun, it's an enjoyable grind, it's a great way to spend my time, it's beautiful, it has all the qualities I like in a game. I'm personally glad the devs have thicker skin than most devs would.
  2. What about La Orchilla, Coquibacoa, La Navasse, Utila or Bonacca (can't remember which it was)?
  3. People buy outfits in Fortnite that give no performance enhancement. People are buying the Flag DLC that gives no enhancement.
  4. DLCs need not be P2W. Fortnite has the DLC idea right...let DLCs mainly be focused around cosmetics, not P2W equipment. I don't mind the best ships in class to be rare and found only in special chests, but please don't make them be only available in DLC.
  5. Welp, this is the End User's agreement, not the game producer's agreement. So, I'd assume this does not apply to admin, nor devs.
  6. Do you have a direct link to this? There are tons of games that allow for trading of ingame items...even steam allows the trading of actual games. or DLC packs.
  7. Captain is you. There would be a Marine Officer with boarding books, a Boatswain with crew books, a Carpenter with repair books, etc...
  8. Yes please! Also make an indicator for Shallow Ship....like somewhere next to the Rate Number just add the letter S or something.
  9. It would be a physical thing if those Knowledge Slots were actually Officer Slots and Knowledge Books were applied to these different officers.
  10. It seems to also remove the books for all of the same ships in all of your ports. I have noticed if I capture a ship with one Indef, and change the crew back, that all of my Idefs have lost their books. So I've made it a point to ALWAYS check each ship before leaving port. 😕
  11. I use Chrome and it is the Dark Reader extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dark-reader/eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh?hl=en-US It's very helpful on the eyes and you can turn it on and off for any site.
  12. Invites to Games while sailing in group. Please, for these long hauls when nothing is around, it would be nice to have little games we can play with each other while sailing...something like this.
  13. @admin I can say that I truly love the status of the game, as it is now. Certainly, I believe things need tweaked like two ships need dropped back to their respective rates, Missions need to reward reals and dbls randomly, raids need implemented with the highly anticipated new Port Autonomy patch, etc, etc, etc. However, one thing seriously needed is much, much more information on particular items when mousing over them: Paints need an image of the ship with the pain on it Items in Clan Warehouse need mouse-over information same as it works if item is in own warehouse And absolutely ALL NOTES and BLUEPRINTS need more information on them that includes its use and how to use it and what all is required for it All this info is seriously needed on particular items we might come across....image below...otherwise people are just going to throw them away or sell them, not knowing their purpose and real value. PLZ and TY
  14. TRUTH! The CONNIE is absolutely NO 3RD RATE as it is. Personally, I can handle the USS United States as is, being a 3rd rate. Altho, it needs a different name, President, imo. Also, the Indefatigable does not have enough guns to compare to other 4th rates. So, the Connie and Indef need to be dropped back to their best rates.
  15. I certainly do know of it, those guys do aan amazing job on it, but on there I never saw anything about Specialty/Unique Knowledge Books......actually, I just found some things...but it doesn't distinguish between it being regular books or specialty books...so my small mind was/is confused. At any rate, no new player should have to use a 3rd party project to know aspects of the game. This all should be in game, IMO.
  16. TY so much! @Thomas Fremantle All this info, IMO, should be in game. @admin Currently, there is nothing in game that informs captains as to what even is possible for crafting. Also, may I suggest that you make items inside Clan Warehouses have pop-ups like everywhere else does? Also, for the paints, show pictures of the ship with the paints applied when we mouse over it?
  17. Fine, easy fix is to make each Officer have only 3 slots for Knowledge Books, and have multiple books (more than 3) for each Officer. This will certainly make a good variety of ships. Furthermore, make these Officers have a life span....meaning that they are able to be killed in battle. This will keep people busy training officers. All I know is that this crafting RNG needs to be diminished some how...and the best way IMO is to train a Shipwright wherein each level reached the RNG shrinks.
  18. Why are ppl so concerned about trading DLC paints? IMO, they should remain attached to the ship and all ships should be capturable. If we capture a ship with paints on it, then we should have the paint and the ship with the mods and cannons. Should we not? If the ship is lost at sea, then woops, we lost the paint with it. As for the DLC ships, IMO, those should be capturable as well. If that ship is lost at sea, then woops, we lost that ship. It does not mean we can just rebuild it with ease like the person who bought it....we'd have to recap it if we wanted another. But now people are playing the exploit card or just trading it off in fake battles. So, because the devs made DLC ships none captuarable, now they most likely will apply those same parameters to the paints. And from how the Paint DLC reads....to me it sounds as tho all paints will be available. Total number of paints available: 49 paint schemes for 12 commonly used ships. <----if this was all that was said, then it would be ONLY 49 paints in this DLCPainter can create 1 paint per day.<----This sounds like it will take 49 days to apply all paints to 49 shipsNew paints, if created, will be added to the selection free of charge. <-----As an addition to the first point, they added this, which sounds as tho all paints will be added to the DLC All I know is that almost everyone's opinion on paints is like.....
  19. People need to aim their firing. What I did was concentrate a full broadside from 100m between front two mast...nothing. Next tried under main mast...some ships. Next tried between last two mast...some ships. Next tried under last mast...some ships. Then is the challenge of remembering which works for which ships....which i have forgotten some of them. lul
  20. Keep letters, keep persons, add cargo...and please make them have random rewards....some reals some dbls.
  21. CMs are too easy to get, because they now give them in the PvP Zones even for attacking AI....so it negates them being PvP Marks and are actually Combat Marks instead. I watch plenty of streams who always find PvP. I, myself, a crap PvP player always finds PvP every day. Anyone saying PvPers won't risk their ships because of rare woods scarcity are just being too picky about woods. My Oak/Oak Indefatigable picked off a Trinc, an Aggy, and an Endymion in PvP. Certainly not all at once and certainly I took harsh damage, but it works. My Teak/Oak Trinc did great damage against a rat Frig and a Herc, altho we called a truce after much damage on both side. People just need to stop being picky. Either you want to play with what you have or you don't because you want only the best and won't settle for anything else. In that case, may I suggest your nation overtakes the rare wood ports.
  22. I loved the Officer Patch. But we needed officers for more areas, not just combat officers that weirdly equated to our first person character. We need a Shipwright Officer to train and level up to negate crafting RNG a certain percent each level. We still need Combat Officers to pilot our fleet ships. Etc, etc. And all of these books should be applied to these officers, not to the knowledge slots. Then we choose which officers to bring on the ship...placed in the knowledge slots. So, each ship would have the same 5 Knowledge Slots, but each one is reserved for particular officer positions...say a Boatswain with whatever accrued Boatswain Knowledge Books, a Carpenter with whatever accrued Carpenter Knowledge Books, a Marine Officer with whatever accrued Boarding Knowledge Slots. Basically, each ship would have 5 specific Officer Slots. Each Officer would have as many Knowledge Slots as there are books for that particular role. We place the Officer on the ship in the specified Officer Slot. And then, so we don't have to move them around all the time, we would have the option to auto move officers, or we could have multiple officers of the same type for each rate....who knows....but I liked the Officer Patch, but it needed work.
  23. We once had the Diplomacy Patch where nations voted on diplomacy between nations. Port Owners/Governors had more votes than others. However, alts exploited the voting system so bad that it would be clear that the majority of main players for a nation would be out voted by an enemy nations alts, thus rendering the voting process rigged. This patch was soon wiped. I liked the system, but it needed serious fixes.
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